Red Rocket Pets Purr Litter Twist’R Product Review

The Red Rocket Pets Purr Litter Twist’R and the standard Litter Twist’R are litter disposal systems from Red Rocket. They’re essentially the same product but with slightly different designs – the Purrr Litter Twist’R has some fun cat ears and paws, while the regular Litter Twist’R does not. Functionally, they’re the same.

In this review, I’ll mainly talk about the Litter Twist’R, and I’ll just mention the design of the Purrr Litter Twist’R where it’s needed.

So, is it a good cat litter waste bin? How easy is it to use? 

First impression of the Litter Twist’R

RedRocket XL Cat Litter Pail Litter Twist'R Disposal System with Scoop

Before I ever accept a product for review, I always check it out online and in videos, if there are any. Sometimes new products don’t have many videos yet. When I first saw these, I loved their concept – that the bag always stays closed to the human nose.

But I also thought it was a bit complicated, so there would be a learning curve. And well, yes, it was a bit complicated, but so were the Litter Locker and Litter Genie when I first got them. I immediately liked the look and “feel” of the Twist’Rs over the Litter Genie and Litter Lockers.

YouTube video


The Litter Twist’R comes in a simple box, held securely in place with cardboard and with each individual piece wrapped in plastic. It’s kept safe during shipping, and there’s not a lot of wasted packing material that you need to throw in the trash.

Box Contents

The Litter Twist’R comes with the disposal pail itself, two refill bags to use with the system, two charcoal sachets, and a scoop with a scoop holder.

Assembly Required

When your Litter Twist’R arrives, you will need to spend some time assembling it. There are several pieces to put together, and there are a couple of potentially tricky steps where you might put it together incorrectly if you don’t follow the instructions correctly.

Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats Birds Eye view of the bag front view

There are four main sections to assemble – the top, the middle, a connecting ring, and the base.

You’ll need to:

  • Add the red and white clips into the midsection of the pail – it’s color-coded, so you can tell which clip goes where. It may take a bit of force to get the clips in place.
  • Turn the lid over, and open the two compartments using their tabs. Add a charcoal sachet into each to help capture odors.
  • Attach the lid onto the mid-section of the pail using the larger clip on the lid.
  • Attach the connecting ring to the base, twisting it to lock it into place
  • Attached the top/middle to the connecting ring, following the red arrow guide and then twisting to lock it into place
  • Open the lid, take a bag, and attach the loops from the back to the clips you installed earlier. The red loop hooks onto the red clip, and the white loop (unsurprisingly) hooks onto the white clip.
  • Close the first part of the lid only, and then attach the cardboard tabs to the lid. Slide the holes over the raised plastic stumps, making sure to match the holes by size. It’s best to pre-bend the cardboard tabs before this step.
  • Rotate this section 360 degrees, following the indication arrow. This spins the bag closed.
  • Close the remaining lids. The product is now fully assembled and ready to use.

You can also attach the scoop holder to the side of the pail to hold the included scoop, or any other scoop you want to use.

Purr Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats close up of feet IMG_2557

The only difference with the Purrr model is that you need to install the cat paws yourself. They clip onto the base of the unit.

It’s a lot of steps – but my unboxing video takes you through it.


Both the Litter Twist’R and the Purrr Litter Twist’r stand at 17.76” tall and 10.55” wide. With the scoop holder, the width increases to 14.88”. The models can hold 17 lbs. or 8 liters of cat waste.

Best Benefit of the Litter Twist’R

The main benefit of the Litter Twist’R is the unique system that it uses to control odors from used cat litter and other cat waste. With most other cat litter disposal bin models, the bags have to be cut and re-tied to dispose of them, but the Litter Twist’R works differently.

RedRocket XL Cat Litter Pail Litter Twist'R Disposal System with Scoop 2

It uses one extra-large bag which can hold up to 17lb of cat litter. The pail twists the bag closed, and then using a handle on top of the pail, you can twist it open and closed again. Just open the lid, dump the cat waste on top of the closed bag, and immediately close the lid. Use the handle to twist the bag open and closed, and it’s deposited inside the bag while the pail is closed, so no odors escape.

Purr Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats Birds Eye view of the bag
the closed bag helps odors stay inside the bag

And because it uses one large bag, you don’t need to kneel down next to it to cut the bags and retie them. Once the bag’s full, open the pail, lift the bag out and tie it closed using the attached loops. Add a new bag in from the top and it’s ready to keep using.


  • Specially designed bags are 7-layers thick to help contain odors
  • Activated carbon sachets will capture any lingering odors when the bag is twisted open
  • The bin has clever toe-grip molds in the sides so you can hold the bin in place with your feet when lifting the full bag out
  • Comes with a great litter scoop that works for scraping
  • It’s fun to twist the top after you have scooped


  • Due to the design, the handle on the lid gets harder to turn as the bag gets fuller (depending on your mindset, this could also be a “pro”)
  • You have to use the manufacturer’s bags for it to work properly – so no substitutions.
  • Looks/appears difficult to setup, so people are discouraged by that. But it’s not too bad.
Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats Birds Eye view of the bag lid open


The Litter Twist’R works well when it’s assembled correctly, but if you forget any of the steps, then it won’t work correctly. Make sure that, when installing a new bag, you do a full 360-degree rotation of the pail as instructed. If you don’t, then the bag will stay open by default, and it won’t trap odors.


YouTube video

Ease of Cleaning

Using the pail to clean a litter tray is easy. All you need to do is lift the lid, drop the scooped poop and cat litter into it on top of the closed bag, and then close it.

Then you lift the handle on the lid, rotate it until it can go no further, then release it to return it to the default position.

If the pail itself gets dirty at any point, it’s made from plastic, so can just be quickly wiped down. You could dismantle it easily to clean it if needed, but the litter should always end up in the bag, so it shouldn’t really need a deep clean internally.

Purr Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats Birds Eye view of the bag with litter boxes
note: you can always remove the red arrows

Jenny’s Personal TakeAway

I really like these – and prefer the original one because it’s so stinkin’ fun to twist it after you scoop – sort of rewarding in a way.

Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats Birds Eye view of the bag lid closed
the twister top I love

I also think the bag design is both insane and clever. And the beautiful thing is that you can tie off the bag however you’d like without having to follow what the manufacturer suggests. Like most of this stuff, you get to the point where you get it to work how you need it to work in your life and don’t have to follow the instructions to a perfect T. For example, my sister (when we were filming the unboxing video) suggested tying it off like a Glad drawstring bag, which I thought was pretty clever.


The Litter Twist’R and Purr Litter Twist’R both currently cost $69.99 – there’s no difference in price between the models, so it’s just your preference on whether you like the standard pail or the more fun cat-designed one.

Purr Litter TwistR Product Review Floppycats Birds Eye view

Where to Buy the Litter Twist’Rs

You can buy the Litter Twist’R from the manufacturer’s website:

You can also buy both models on Amazon:

We received the Red Rocket Pets Litter Twist’Rs for review from the manufacturer and also asked that they pay a small review fee. Receiving the free product and the review fee did not influence this honest post.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Oh good- I’ve been waiting for your review of this item! I think it will be on my “to buy” list once I’ve used up my supply of refill bags for the Litter Champ. I’m very tired of the bags ripping and spilling used litter when changing them. Thanks for the thorough review. I don’t know why anyone would pass up on the option to buy the cute design with the feet and ears!

    1. Hi Lynn, good deal – yes, these are great. I am so glad there’s a better option out there. And there will be a giveaway for one this month and one for the other next month!

      Please let me know if you get one, what you think!

  2. Oh good- I’ve been waiting to read your review on this and I think it will be on my “to buy” list once I run out of refill bags for my Litter Champ. I’m so sick of the bags ripping and spilling used litter when changing them. Thanks for the thorough review and I don’t know why anyone would pass up that cute design with the cat feet and ears!

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