Floppycats’ Reader Recommended Ragdoll Breeders

Doctor Zulu as a kitten

I am often asked for recommendations of Ragdoll breeders.  I learned long ago not to recommend breeders!  So I let readers do it =).

If you love the breeder that you adopted your Ragdoll cat from, then please post your favorite breeder in the comments section and be sure to include:

  1. Cattery Name
  2. City, State
  3. Country
  4. Website
  5. When you adopted your kitty
  6. Adoption Story

#5 and #6 are important to show the validity of the comment/knowledge.  Otherwise, I think anyone could post the rest.  Thank you!

If you’re on the hunt for recommended breeders – you will also want to check out our page on Bad Ragdoll Breeders.

How to Know if a Cat Breeder is Reputable: An Interview with Bette Willette

Sharon Shulby of Magnadok Ragdolls shared the following with me:

“In looking for a Ragdoll, please advise people that, first off, Google the cattery and “complaints”. If they have a history of scamming people, keeping their money, not delivering the kitten on the agreed upon date, selling sick kittens, what in the world makes you think they’ll be any better with you? You MUST do due diligence!

Also, ascertain if the parents have been tested for FIV, FeLV and HCM. And the breeder can prove it to the prospective parents. That any breeder who wants to send your kitten home at under 12 weeks old, isn’t doing right by you or the kitten. They get 3 vaccines, at 8, 12, and 16 weeks. I prefer that my breedings are fully vaccinated before they leave here. Also, younger kittens don’t have that time with their parents and littermates to socialize. This is VERY important for the well being of your kitten.

If the parents aren’t registered with FIFe, CFA or TICA, your kitten can’t be registered either. And there’s no guarantee that the kitten is truly a purebred RD.

What I can tell your readers, again, that if they do their homework before buying a RD kitten, there shouldn’t be a problem. Good luck!”

BEWARE! Ragdoll Breeder Scams

Apart from just bad breeders, you have to watch out for scams too – people that pose as Ragdoll breeders or home raised ragdoll kittens, but really are just scam artists.  Here are a few times we have encountered them:

Discussion on Facebook about How to Figure Out if a Breeder is Good or Not

Website |  + posts

Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Jenny actually helped me locate the two breeders I used and they were fantastic. I live in Florida and she directed me to the TICA website of registered breeders and thats how I found the two I used. (About to need another one and hopefully they go the same way.). The first one I used was

    Whiskers Ranch (Christina Inman is the Breeder)
    Birmingham Alabama
    United States
    Adopted my first Female Ragdoll in March of 2022
    I adopted a female Ragdoll because my male Balinese’s lifelong companion passed away from complications due to diabetes. It devastated him severely so I got him a little female to play with. But although that distracted and helped him allot, he was 15 years old at the time and didn’t have the energy my new kitten had. So I ended up searching for a second ragdoll to burn off that excess energy and it worked out swimmingly! The second Breeder I used was also amazing! Here is her info

    Triniti Dolls (April Tyner is the Breeder)
    Apopka Florida
    United States
    Adopted my male Ragdoll in August of 2021
    I adopted my male ragdoll because my female needed a young cat to play with. And it worked out very well! 🙂

    Now my old male Balinese has passed away after 17 years and I am looking for a new breeder. The two i used before do not have the color pattern I am looking for (Blue mitted in a male) I’ll let you know how it goes! 🙂

  2. susan kaddatz says:

    If you could send me a recommended breeders list for Wisconsin that would greatly appreciate. We just lost our 19yr ragdoll.


    1. Hi Susan, I only send those via email, so please shoot me an email with the request.

      1. Stephanie Myers says:

        Can you please send me a list of reputable breeders in Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia? I am willing to travel.

  3. What a website Jenny! Thank You!
    My wife is looking for a breeder in Florida or Georgia area although we are able to travel within a possible four state area from Florida. Seems most kittens are $1000+. Are there reputable breeders of Siamese or Ragdolls still around with good breed yet some what less in price? Thank You again Jenny for all you do.

    Hoping to hear soon.

    1. Hi Martin, not that I know of – $1,000 is pretty cheap these days. It’s usually $1200 at the lowest, but probably more in Florida. If you shoot me an email, I can send you a list of breeders in Florida that readers have liked.

  4. Janet Papiez says:

    Hope to be a first time Ragdoll purchaser.
    Enjoyed your site.
    List of Ragdoll breeders in MI, please.

  5. Hello, I am in desperate search of looking for a reputable breeder in NYC. Could you please share the list with me? Thank you!

    1. I don’t have a list of breeders in NYC. I have some in New England. Please email me.

  6. Kenny Stark says:

    Hi Jenny, Can you provide a list of recommended breeders in Arizona?

    1. Hi Kenny, I have seen you’ve emailed me – so I will email you back.

  7. I would like to recommend Gold Medal Ragdolls in Burlington, North Carolina. The owner Kelly is amazing. I have purchased two beautiful female kittens from her, Lillian and Jordan. These babies are super cuddly, social, playful, healthy and happy; fully trained and had came with all inclusive medical. This is a TICA registered cattery. Immediate response and very supportive after you bring your baby home.

    Gold Medal Ragdolls
    Burlington, NC
    TICA registered
    health guaranteed

  8. Lorna Ammons says:

    Hey y’all!
    I’m wanting a Ragdoll kitten. I’ve been fortunate in the past to find Ragdoll mixes. They were marked and floppy just as though I had paid money for them. I’ve been unable to be that lucky again. I live in the Texas panhandle and there are no breeders in this area(that I know of). I’ve researched some online in the Dallas area, but am unable to visit in person. Phone calls are good, but, Jenny, or any readers have experience or can help me with a list of reputable breeders, that would be awesome. Thank you.

    1. Sure, Lorna – please shoot me an email and I can send you a list for OK and TX.

      1. Lorna Ammons says:

        Thank you Jenny. I’ve looked some more. I found this one in Okla. Royaldolls Ragdolls. Lauri is her name. I visited with her on the phone. Gave me some info, but she pushed me to make a deposit. So I hope this chattery will be listed. Sorry for the really late reply.

        1. You’ll need to email me, I don’t publish things publicly and will need a proper website link. Scammers love to use existing breeder cattery names to fool people. So I cannot rely on names alone anymore.

  9. Heather Moyer says:

    American Girlz Cattery
    West Chicago, IL
    United States
    Adopted my Ragdoll in August 2022.
    I found American Girlz Cattery which is a recently established cattery, just miles from me. This is our second Ragdoll, but we have had the best experience with American Girlz. They post regular videos of their Cattery, often featuring their litters (such fun!) but also informative videos about cat ownership, the Ragdoll breed, and what is involved with running a Cattery. They are very communicative and easy to work with. They care about their kittens and invest in their Cattery to ensure they are responsibly breeding to advance the breed. This is a family business and as such the kittens are well socialized (to kids, dogs, and companion cats). Our kitten Belle is the sweetest, prettiest little thing and we are so grateful that we found this local (to us) business!

  10. Can anyone help me find a Breeder in Orange County CA. I have had the worst luck with adopting kittens if someone can please help me! Thank you.

      1. Jerry Pasco says:

        Jenny, Can I get the list also. My wife is looking an every breeder she comes up with can’t answer basic questions??

  11. Hi Jenny, do you (or anyone else) have any recommendations on Ragdoll breeders in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area?

    1. Hi Carlie,

      I can probably help you find a Ragdoll breeder in Virginia, but not specifically Fredericksburg. But you’ll need to email me, please. info@floppycats.com


      1. Anonymous says:

        Hi Jenny, I’m also looking for a reputable breeder in or around Fredericksburg,Va. Thank you for helping so many people with information to help them find their babies and not be scammed.

        Tina Wiseman

    2. Do you know proven howots from the UK I am looking for but most of them are scammers

  12. Ryan Toenies says:

    Arizona House of Rags
    Waddell, AZ
    United States

    Adopted: June 25, 2022

    My wife and I decided to adopt a kitty during the pandemic. We wanted to find a breed that would be loving, smart and become a true member of the family. We landed on a Ragdoll kitty. We searched for breeders in Arizona and found Kathleen from Arizona House of Rags. We were blown away by the number of positive reviews on her website. We made the decision on a Sunday evening and filled out the contact form on her website. She responded immediately which was a pleasant surprise. We put our deposit down and the waiting began. Kathleen was great during the process. She provided estimated timelines to help set our expectations. The wait was long due to everyone wanting a pet during the pandemic. Then we got our call – our kitty was born. Kathleen raises her kittens in a home with dogs and adult cats. The kittens get used to a wide open home which helps them learn good behaviors before they come to their new home. We were invited to her home to pick out our kitty at 6 weeks of age. We then waited until she was 13 weeks before she came home. Kathleen took many videos and pictures of our kitty so we could watch her grow. She was very responsive and answered any questions we had. This our first weekend with our new kitty. She’s is incredible. She’s well trained, playful and gives all sorts of love. We were blown away by our experience and would recommend Arizona House of Rags to anyone who wants a snuggly Ragdoll!

    1. Kathleen Nickeson says:

      Hi Ryan
      Thank you for your nice words
      I’m so pleased that you now have Skye you are going to be everything I hope for in a parent of my babies and more
      Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything

  13. Hello,
    I am in northern Virginia and was hoping for any recommendations for a good breeder. I work in a vet clinic, and know that delaying spaying/neutering is better for their health so I’m hoping to find a breeder that is willing to sell on a spay/neuter agreement around 6 months old instead of 12 weeks. It’s proving very difficult to find a breeder willing to do that! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated

  14. My girlfriend and I are looking into ragdoll catteries and she came across Midwest Ragdolls (https://midwestragdolls.com/). I wanted to do more research before continuing and found that there’s an old site with a different name but the same contact info and location (https://ragdollkittensforyou.com/). I also found that they reuse the site from Midwest Ragdolls for goldendoodles (https://partigoldendoodle.com/). Midwest Ragdolls looked legitimate, but these discoveries made me unsure.

    What also made me suspicious was my girlfriend sent the following message:

    “Hello, we are potentially interested in reserving one of your ragdoll kittens. We would prefer a female cat of the blue point variety. What is your typical reservation timeline and pricing? Would we be able to visit the kittens? Thank you!”

    And the response she received was (and this is pasted in exactly):

    If you reserve now youll get one in July
    They are 100$ deposit and 1500$ total
    Thank you !

    Dr Jennifer”

    I wanted to know if I was being too cautious or if these are all red flags we can’t ignore.

    1. Hello. As far as a I know, Dr. Jenn is a real breeder. However, if you do not feel comfortable, then don’t proceed and find another breeder. My concern with that response is that Dr. Jenn is an American, but Americans don’t put the dollar sign after the number. They put it before – like $100. So I think the person that replied is foreign.

      1. Cassandra Cammons says:

        Hello! Do you know of any reputable breeders in the GA area? We are in the ATL area. It looks like I almost got scammed by two on your list, thank goodness I came across your website before I sent money! Now I’m hesitant but still interested in another Ragdoll. Have tou heard of any?

        Thank you!

        1. You’ll need to email me – I am working on a list of recommended breeders in every state because of the scamming going on, but I don’t have a page yet for GA. And I am sooo glad you found my site before you sent any money – so many people don’t and lose $500-$1500. It’s awful.

      2. Hi Jenny, we ended up getting a ragdoll from Springvale Dolls (https://springvaledolls.com/) and she has been great so far. (She is 1 and a half years old now.)

        Someone we know obtained a ragdoll from Midwest Ragdolls (we found out afterwards and couldn’t warn her) and she says of the cats she’s owned the ragdoll has sadly been not so good. She did not come litterbox-trained and is anti-social when it comes to people and other cats. The ragdoll was adopted at 8 weeks old, which could explain it, as I thought that was considered too young. While this isn’t damning evidence against Midwest Ragdolls, it’s definitely not a good sign.

  15. Divine Ragdolls
    Haines City Florida
    United States

    My first ragdoll was a rescue I had gotten elsewhere and unfortunately, he passed away within a year of having him, and my family was crushed. I had no idea it is believed that 25-30% of the ragdolls have genetic issues so this time I wanted one that had health testing, genetic testing, vet exams, and was raised with a family of children at a home versus a pet shop or a farm since I have children as well. They have a large family and truly breed for the betterment of the breed at their home and have been breeding for decades. Their cats and kittens are indoors only so there weren’t any parasite issues and they explained so much! They also did weekly / bi-weekly photos for me. My little guy always follows me around, loves to play, and then when he is tired out he wants loving and even watches TV with us. My wife loved the fact he came litter trained and “scratch trained”.

    1. Tina Nicole says:

      Hello Jenny,

      I would like list of reputable breeders that breed happy healthy, long lived Ragdolls within the Maryland, DC, Virginia region (or even up the whole Northeast corridor) with years of satisfied and often returning customers.

      Sad background for this inquiry: I just received bad news about my last remaining baby of the bonded pair I’ve had for only 10/11 years….they were/are the sweetest cats in existence, but I went with a breeder I could afford at the time and probably not one that bred with the healthiest genetics and now I’m paying for it, losing one and diagnosing the other within 3 months of his passing. Prior to that my first kitten from the same breeder passed away within 5 months of bringing him home with the dreaded 3-letter diagnosis of FIP.

      I adore this breed with all my heart so I’m willing to wait get waitlisted with a great breeder and pay the premium price but going by their (TICA registered) websites alone, they all make similar promises, so its hard to tell who’s really telling the truth about their quality.

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