Ragdoll Kitten in Florida

Palace Cat Ragdoll Kitten

Are you looking for a Ragdoll kitten in Florida? There are always Ragdoll kittens available in south Florida and in other areas as well.

Ragdoll kittens Florida can be found through several options. You can always search on Google.

However, sometimes a Google search doesn’t reveal the results you are looking for. For example, although a great breeder might have a terrific website, they might not have the keywords on their pages that you need to find them. So in your search, they might be more than 3 pages back in a Google search or any other search engine search. After all, many breeders are focused on their breeding program and not on the commercialization of their breeding program.

Palace Cat Ragdoll Kitten

Palace Cat Ragdoll Kitten

Are you a Ragdoll Breeder in Florida? Join our Ragdoll Breeder Directory or consider advertising with us and be featured and highlighted on this page!

Palace Cat Ragdoll Kitten

If you are new to the Ragdoll breed, you’re in for a treat. But certainly, you’ll want to visit our page on finding a Ragdoll breeder before you find your Ragdoll kitten in Florida.

Once you’ve found a couple of breeders that you are interested in, then it is time to ask them important questions about their breeding program and their approach to raising kittens for your Ragdoll kitten in Florida. So you’ll want to consider looking at our questions for Ragdoll breeders as well.

Once you’ve reviewed our questions for Ragdoll breeders you can e-mail them or phone them and ask them the questions that you might not have thought about yet. When you are adopting a Ragdoll kitten there is a lot to consider and certainly, it is a huge commitment of time (Ragdolls average lifespan is 9-15 years, but Rags lived for 19.5 years!), love and finances. Therefore, you want to be absolutely certain that you are choosing the right breeder and then the right kitten.

Also before contacting breeders, you’ll want to see our Ragdoll kitten page which explains a number of things and including Ragdoll patterns and colors.

Some other items to consider when you’re looking for Ragdoll kittens for sale:

  • Will the kitten come spayed or neutered?
  • Is the kitten registered? With TICA? With CFA?
  • Does the breeder require a deposit to hold a kitten?
  • Does the breeder require a deposit to hold a kitten not yet born?
  • Are the kittens vet checked before placement?
  • Do the kittens come with a health guarantee?
  • Do the kittens receive all age-appropriate vaccines before placement?

Ragdoll breeders list their available kittens on their websites in a number of ways, so be sure to look for the following prompts on the navigation bar:

  • Available
  • Available Kittens
  • Nursery

Most breeders will only list their pet quality kittens that are available. There are three categories of kittens:

  • Pet
  • Show
  • Breeder

Pet quality is the cheapest and breeder quality is the most expensive. Some breeders sell a kitten a a show breeder quality kitten. Really the big difference between these categories is the markings on the cat and sometimes the kitten’s personality. But mostly, it’s the markings.

If you want a Ragdoll, but aren’t looking for a kitten, you could always consider rescuing a Ragdoll who is in need.

Floppycats.com has a number of Ragdoll kitten photos.

Once you have found your Ragdoll kitty, please share his or her story with us.

Please contact us with your Ragdoll kitten in Florida questions.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Kristi K. says:

    My husband and I have always wanted a rag doll kitten. We absolutely love the breed. We live in Lakeland and would like to know if there is any breeders close by? Tampa is also good considering we have family there. I don’t want to be scammed. We have rescued all of our animals… and really are considering the rag doll! Any info will help tremendously!

    1. Vicki White-Sklark says:

      simonsezz is close to you in new port richey. we have 4 simonsezz girls.

  2. I am looking for a Ragdoll kitten or young adult. We live in Central Fl with our lazy, happy English Bulldog, Lucy. Lucy enjoys the company of other cats and dogs and I know she would like a campanion to keep her company. If anyone has a kitten or young adult available please let me know.

  3. ANNE MARIE says:

    I am very interested in obtaining a female creme/red mitted kitten. Contacted a few breeders, but there are no new litters available at this time. (of the few that I was able to contact). Heard from a few “owners of ragdolls” on PetFinder – the e-mail responses were scams.:( Listing my interest on this site as I do not know where to search. I am in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Any assistance isgratefully appreciated. Thank you so much. 🙂

  4. I got one from the humane society in fort myers. Didn’t know he was, they listed him as siamese, but he is a ragdoll.

  5. BJ Batchelor says:

    It’s 8 months later since my initial posting and I’m still standing firm with my initial recommendation of the SimonSezz Cattery in Port Rickey, Fla. Angel Mae officially turned one year old on May 15th but we celebrate the homecoming day as our pet’s birthday into our family and that will be August 26th. She is a happy, bouncy HEALTHY bundle of energy that I wouldn’t give up for all the other kitties in the world. (We love our overly fluffy little Princess!) Doris Simon does spend a lot of time showing her babies, so she’s not as prompt on returning messages as she could be, but her kittens are worth the effort. You can call her at (727)868-1245. Emails are djcats4u@aol.com or djcats4u@gmail.com and her website is http://www.simonsezz.com. (I want another one of her ragdoll kittens so ba-a-a-d!!) :3

  6. stephen hill says:

    My wife and I are very interested in owning one or two little ragdolls. We do not know where to go as of now, and all of our searching has only really netted us sore eyes. We are located in the Destin area of Florida and wish to buy within a two hour ride by car. Can anyone point us in the right direction? Thank you in advance.

    1. DId you ever find a ragdoll?? I have a female that IM about the breed in Panama city beach. I see your post was last year. Let me know if you need one still

      1. We found a two year old on Craigs list last year. Pretty much best free cat ever. Thank you though

  7. paulette keevers says:

    Hi: I already have a Raggdoll and she is the sweetest little girl around, I had a little boy but had to put him down at christmas at the age of 4 due to cancer. Isabel really misses the companionship and I desperately would love to have another female. If someone has a kitten around a year old I would love to know….thank you

  8. Jean Johnson says:

    I really want a ragdoll kitten and I am in the greater Tampa area. I have been in contact with a breeder nearby who apparently has kittens, but she is not returning my calls or emails….does anyone know of any other ragdoll kittens in Florida that area available? I am looking for pet quality to join our animal-loving family. I am willing to travel to get a kitten…..someone please help our family find a new baby!!!

    1. Bordeaux Ragdolls is based in or around Tampa. I have not seen her kittens in person but the ones on the web site look extremely healthy. Of course, we all know we can’t judge a book by its cover same goes with breeders and cats. I also do not know anything about this breeder, but this is the breeder I am considering when I am ready to get another Ragdoll.

    2. Theresa Lorenc says:

      I adopted mine from the shelter here in Fort myers. There seemed to be a few when I got my kitten a year ago. You might want to check the shelters and pet finder and adopt. I believe mine is pure bred and I saved his life by adopting.

  9. BJ Batchelor says:

    I bought my llittle, mitted seal Ragdoll female kitten in August, 2011 from Simonsezz Ragdolls (simonsezz.com) in Port Richey, which is a bit north of Tampa. She was lovingly home raised, very joyous and extremely spunky. I know I couldn’t have found a better Ragdoll kitten anywhere!

    1. Hello BJ
      I also bought a lovely little seal point mitted from the same cattery over 10 years ago who sadly died within 4 months of FIP. It was a sad, terrilbe death and very expensive as well. I was offered a new kitten to replace him, but i had to wait a year because bringing another kitten into a house with FIP is not healthy. I sure hope you have better luck.

      1. I am so sorry to hear about your poor, little kitten. My little Angel Mae will be a year old in May and she’s been a bundle of pure joy! When I visited Doris at her cattery that day to adopt one of her precious babies, the enviorment was spotless, the house SMELLED clean and the kittiens were all active and friendly. I wish I could brought home two ragdoll kittens that day, but I already had three cats at home waiting for us!

    2. Lisa Tesch says:

      I read that you found your kitten in Port Richey. Would you happen to have the Name and Number of the Breeder and any other information about the kitten. Thank You and Blessings. Lisa

      1. Hi Lisa
        Did you also read that my kitten died within 6 months of FIP? On the other hand, she did give me another kitten who is now 14 and beautiful.

        The breeders name is Doris Simon and her website is simonsezz.com
        I can’t stress enough the importance of having your kitten looked at by your own vet so you don’ have to go through what I did. I still have those horrible pictures in my head of what my poor baby went through.

        Good luck

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