Ragdoll Breeders in MN

Astrid by Narelle
Astrid by Narelle

Are you looking for Ragdoll Breeders in MN? Because you’re looking for Ragdoll kittens for sale in MN?

Even with search engines like Google, it can be difficult to narrow down your search. Additionally, even though there are Ragdoll breeders MN, they may not come up in the first 30 pages of results from the search engine. Many breeders focus on breeding and not the commercialization side, so sometimes their websites are not optimized to show up on the search engines.

If you’ve never bought from a breeder or if you feel like you are inexperienced, be sure to visit Floppycats.com’s page on finding a Radgoll breeder.

Floppycats.com features one of the Ragdoll breeders in MN on this site, Angelkissed Ragdolls.

Once you’ve narrowed down two or three Ragdoll breeders in MN, you’ll want to check out our questions for Ragdoll breeders as well. That way, when you phone the breeders, you will have a list of questions prepared and know whether or not you want to work with that breeder. Buying a Ragdoll or any pet for that matter is a huge commitment. Ragdolls average lifespan is 9-15 years, therefore, it is a huge commitment and you need to make sure that you are making the right decision for you and for your cat.

Likewise, our Ragdoll kitten page has a lot to offer. It talks about Ragdoll kittens, includes links to photos and allows you to anticipate your experience with a Ragdoll kitten.

Since you are looking at this page, more than likely you live in Minnesota, hence the reason you are looking for Ragdoll breeders in MN. Or possibly you heard of Ragdoll breeders in MN and are hoping that searching for them will help trigger your memory of what the breeder’s name was. Regardless of the case, you’ll want to know if you can come get the kitten from the cattery or if the breeder will ship the kitten to the nearest airport to you.

Some other quick things to consider when you are looking to adopt a kitten:

  • Will the kitten be spayed or neutered?
  • Is the kitten registered? With which organization? TICA? CFA?
  • Does the breeder require a deposit to hold a kitten?
  • Does the breeder require a deposit to hold a kitten not yet born?
  • Are the kittens vet checked before placement?
  • Do the kittens come with a health guarantee?
  • Do the kittens receive all age-appropriate vaccines before placement?

Tracking down a kitten can be hard at times, if you haven’t already decided on what breeders you would like to use. So once you find Ragdoll breeders MN, be sure to check out their pages listing their available kittens, which usually appear on the navigation bar of their website – typical terminology for these pages are: “available”, “available kittens” or “nursery”.

Some breeders are more on top of their websites than others. The ones that are will list upcoming litters. This is especially true before the high kitten request season, the Christmas season.

Breeders usually only list pet quality kittens that are available. Pet quality simply means that the cat doesn’t have the perfect markings to be a show quality kitten or doesn’t have the right qualities for being a breeder. Of course, a pet kitten is a perfect pet – they are always the cheapest kitten among what the breeder is offering and also have nothing wrong with them, other than they aren’t show quality.

If you are looking for an adult Ragdoll in MN, then you might consider rescuing a Ragdoll who is in a shelter and in need. Floppycats.com’s Ragdoll Rescue will help you navigate your way through your search, which can sometimes be grueling, but well worth the effort.

If you’re looking for the various Ragdoll kitten looks, you might consider checking out our Ragdoll kitten photos.

Floppycats.com loves to hear about your Ragdoll kitty! Once you’ve located your special kitty, please consider please sharing their story with us.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. I want this cat can you save it

    1. Starr, You’ll want to contact the breeder if you are interested in a kitten to make sure it is still available and to put down a deposit. Cheers, Jenny

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