Pictures of Ragdoll Cats with White Tipped Tails

Did you know that Daddy Warbucks, the foundation male for the Ragdoll cat breed, had a white tail tip?  I didn’t know it was possible until a reader introduced me to Teddy

Now, through the wonders of Facebook, I have come to discover there are a lot of Ragdolls that have a white tail tip.  Of course, this is considered a mismark in the cat show ring, but I think it is elegant! Posted below are pictures of Ragdoll Cats with white-tipped tails!

This little kitten is Ariel. She is one of my two kittens. They are 8 weeks old. My family has fell in love with them. Ariel has a white tip tail. Stacy Grawe
This little kitten is Ariel. She is one of my two kittens. They are 8 weeks old. My family has fallen in love with them. Ariel has a white tip tail.
Stacy Grawe
Milo. Loved by Jim & Annette Hicks
Milo. Loved by Jim & Annette Hicks
Silmarilions Silvestro, male ragdoll Blue Point mitted with white tail tip, in this picture is five months
Silmarilions Silvestro, male ragdoll Blue Point mitted with white tail tip, in this picture is five months
“Clancy” aka Willowtreerags Irish Fancy, Photo by Chanan
“Clancy” aka Willowtreerags Irish Fancy when he was 7 weeks old with his little tail tip!
“Clancy” aka Willowtreerags Irish Fancy, Photo by Chanan
“Clancy” aka Willowtreerags Irish Fancy, Photo by Chanan
Sassy of House of Steward Ragdolls
Sassy of House of Steward Ragdolls
Subing loved by Keala
Subing loved by Keala
Subing loved by Keala
Subing loved by Keala
Annie loved by Deb Noll
Annie loved by Deb Noll
Mitsy Ragdoll Cat with white tipped tail loved by Sandra
Mitsy loved by Sandra
Ragdoll Cat Pookie with white tipped tail
Our baby Pookie at 5 months. Loved by his humans, Tony, Tammy, and Kayla Barto.   Thank you and don’t forget to like and share his Facebook Page (Pookie Barto) to watch him grow and play
Harley A Seal Mitted with a Blaze and a white tipped tail Ragdoll cat
Harley loved by Andrea in New Jersey
Charlie a 5 month old Ragdoll from Soulmates with a white tipped tail
Charlie a 5 month old Ragdoll from Soulmates with a white tipped tail loved by Stacey
Vladkas Teasure Doll of Magnadolz seal mitted Ragdoll cat with a blaze and a white tipped tail
Vlad’ka’s Teasure Doll of Magnadolz
Photo by Diana Starr of Starrlight Photography
Pictures of Ragdoll Cats with White Tipped Tails Ragdolls of Las Vegas BRODY
Ragdolls of Las Vegas BRODY

Do you have a HIGH QUALITY photo of a Ragdoll cat that has a white tipped tail? Please send your photo to be added to this page to info [at]

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Another SUPER FABULOUS & PAWESOME & SUPER ADORABLE re-post, Jenny honey! LURVE all these pics! The white-tipped tails are sooooo cute! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3

  2. Valeria Treviño says:

    My future Ragdoll kitten has a cute mini white tail tip too! I think it makes her so unique and even cuter! Looking forward to pick her up in 1 more week!

  3. RagdollCatMom says:

    My new baby has a tiny white tail tip! I don’t have a really good picture of it, but will send it to you after she comes home. 🙂
    It’s my understanding that the white tail tip is acceptable in the show ring for mitted cats only.

    1. oh, i didnt know you didn’t have her yet – yes, please do send a photo when you are settled with her and think about it.

      1. RagdollCatMom says:

        Absolute.y! I pick her up next Saturday, May 27th. Can’t wait to see what Denali thinks of his new little sister. You know I’ll be taking lots of pictures and will be excited to share.

  4. Teresa Reid says:

    Love those white-tipped tails! Adds such a cuteness degree even more if that is possible!♥️

  5. Wow! So glad you re-posted this, Jenny! Fascinating and adorable! I had no idea about the white-tipped tails! All those White-Tipped Tail Lovebugs are GORGEOUS! I saw where somebody previously mentioned they want them all! Me, too! Lurve them! Thanks for this great info! Love to learn new things about our super pawesome Ragdoll Breed!

    Big hugs & lots of love!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

  6. Another pretty marking variation – thanks for the pictures and the background story, Jenny! 🙂

  7. Ragdoll Mommy says:

    Absolutely stunning pictures. However, all of the Ragdolls I have/had don’t have a white tail tip. I’m glad. I love my babies just the way they are. 🙂

  8. The white-tipped tail is so charming!!

  9. I have had a number of kittens born with the white tail tip. I love it and their new owners usually like it too. I always tell them that it was present with Daddy Warbucks. My latest kitten with a tip is a bicolor with the white tip which is a bit unusual since Daddy Warbucks and most of your pictures show Ragdolls with the mitted pattern. I don’t think we breeders can control the white on Ragdolls. We try, but the white goes where it wants!

    1. HI Lana,

      How fun – if you want to share photos of your kitties with white tipped tails on this page – just shoot me the photos via email (along with any credits or captions you’d like) and I can get them online – giving you photo credit, etc.


  10. Those photos are so adorable! Think the white tip just adds another degree of cuteness to the mix. Now if Illaria could just have a white tip, she would love her tail even more – not really – her tail is her pride and joy so much so, she even sleeps with it all hugged up tight to her heart. It is like her favorite teddy bear!

    1. Miss Illaria Rose Peabody’s tail is SUPER FLUFFYLICIOUS! It’s GORGEOUS! No wonder she’s so proud of it and takes such very good care of it! She’s such a girly-girl and I lurve that about HER so much, Sweet T! 🙂 <3

  11. Dementia Boy says:

    I wonder how they bred out the tip while keeping the other white markings? I like the tip; I can see many bedtime stories created around it =)

  12. Vlad & Barkly's Dee says:

    How adorable! I LOVE that these have little “flags” on their tails like so many Corgis do!

  13. My Mitsy has a white tipped tail. We love it!

  14. soooo cute I would look at that snowball tipped tail as a specialty marking,possibley passed down by our wonderful Ragdoll,great ancestors.All these kittys are so special.If I won the lotto I would create a Ragdoll cat santuary with everything they could possibly desire,and nothing but Love and innocence.Big fan of all RAGGYS Bye Lisa

  15. I’m a bit of a fan of the white tail tip too. As a breeder, it’s not something you want in a show or stud cat, but I think it’s cute and often the mismarked kittens and cats have such great personality.. and it all shows in their markings!

    1. Yes, it is weird that it isn’t show quality, considering one of the founders had a white tipped tail!!

  16. Actually it is only considered a color fault in TICA, both CFA and CFF accept the tip!

  17. I love the white-tipped tail! I find it extremely adorable after discovering Teddy long, long ago!

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