One Ragdoll Kitten vs. Two Ragdoll Kittens
One Ragdoll Kitten vs. Two Ragdoll Kittens
Are you considering adopting more than one Ragdoll kitten? Here are things to consider before doing so. If you are a Floppycats’ reader that adopted more than one Ragdoll or did not – please also share your experience in the comments below! I get this question a lot and would love to have a comprehensive post to send to folks.
If I bring home two rather than one, will they bond with each other and not with us? And will they spend so much time with each other that they’re not interested in any other cats – or people?
While this is a common fear in cat lovers, fortunately it’s an unfounded one. Just like us, cats have the room to create a bond with different people, and the other pets that they live with, without having a preference for one or another. This depends largely on the cats and their own personalities largely as well.
A cat who likes to sit contentedly on a lap for hours at a time and cuddle will probably like to do so whether or not another cat lives in the home. On the other hand, a cat that prefers to be on their own probably won’t spend a great deal of time with you or the other cat. And just as often pet owners have reported that the bigger problem is that one cat may have jealous tendencies, and become upset should you spend too much with another cat as they vie for attention.
Are Both Kittens Healthy?
Don’t forget to also think of your own needs when it comes to buying multiple cats. Make sure that both are healthy, and be sure to ask the breeder about their current relationship and if they’ve had issues in the past or have always gotten along.
Can You Afford The Price of the Kitten, Vet Bills, Cat Food, Cat Litter x 2?
Also think about what you can afford, not only in terms of litter, food, and vet bills; but also the time it will require taking on more than just one pet. Asking the breeder for a discount when buying more than just one can also help with the financial side of owning pets.
There are many concerns that come with buying and caring for a pet, and when you’re buying more than one, you also take on many more of those concerns. Remember to go into it with the same open mind you would when caring for just one, and to embrace the individual personalities of cats you get, and all of you should get along just fine.
Questions to ask:
- Are both babies healthy?
- Can you afford 2x the litter, food, vet bills?
- Do you have the time needed to dedicate to both of their needs?
- Does the breeder say they get along now?
- Does the breeder offer a discount if you buy two – like $50 or $100 off?
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
We have three Ragdolls. They are inseparable, especially the two males. Our female is happier to be on her own but still cuddles with the other two occasionally. I’ve had cats all my life, I’m 74, but Ragdolls are so loving and intelligent. Best companions ever. ❤️
5 years ago, we brought home two Ragdoll…a brother and sister from the same litter. As they matured, our girl became less and less tolerant of her brother. By the time both were fully mature, our two fixed ragdolls have NO tolerance for each other. My personal feeling is that natural instinct drives her to displace the male so that interbreeding doesn’t occur. We will only get same sexed raggies in the future 🙂
After the loss of our beloved ragdoll Merlin on January 19, 2014, we decided no other breed of cat would do. We researched several breeders and chose Mable Roberts at Willow Tree Rags. Originally we were only getting one but my husband suggested two because Merlin always chose my lap…even when he was in Joe’s lap, if he saw me heading for my chair, lots of times he beat me to it! He was an exceptional cat and we were so attached to him. We were looking to adopt a brother and sister but I had the opportunity to adopt a cream colorpoint whose dad was a SGC so I jumped at the chance. Oceane and Skye are not blood brothers but they were litter mates and they get along very well. They play together, fight together, eat together, use the litter boxes together…I even saw the two of them in the same box urinating together and thought this is what it must look like when two guys are standing at the urinals! It was so funny! They also groom each other and sleep together occasionally. The older of the two likes to keep his brother clean and seeks him out. They also play follow the leader and take turns leading. They are such a joy and I am so glad they have each other. I work from home but they keep each other company and like to be in the same room with me. I feel blessed to be part of their lives. If you can afford it, go with two! You will not be sorry!!!
We originally set out to adopt one; however, when my husband mentioned the thought of a little kitten being lonely (we work full time), we pursued two. Luckily we were able to adopt litter mates – brother and sister.
When they came home at 12 weeks we immediately noticed the female had a strong attachment to the brother and was very vocal when she could not find her brother! Now that they are about four months old, the meowing has subsided and they are two peas in a pod. While they have similar personalities, they are different. They equally share the instigation, but the female is the ring leader!
They sleep, eat and use the litter box almost simultaneously, yet the male loves to find his alone time from her. Their constant playfulness with each other is hysterical and we find ourselves looking at each other and shaking our heads in amazement when they find new places to get into.
If you can afford it (definitely consider vets bills, food, etc.) having two (as a former not cat person is typing this!!) seems to make the transition to a new home easier and provides unlimited entertainment for both them and us.
William was unplanned. But through a chance meeting at the vet’s office and the persistence of a 10-year-old girl, he wound up at our house, following the five older adult cats around like a Labrador retriever.
The females teased and taunted him relentlessly. William didn’t mind. The males stole his toys. William didn’t mind. The dogs (Lhasa Apsos) chased him. Pure bliss. William loved everyone. He posed no threat to anyone’s dominance. He was gullible, naive, not the sharpest claw on the paw–and so incredibly loving and accepting. An alpha kitten would have posed a problem with the cats I had at that time. William added much-needed levity and balance. Who wudda thunk it?
Cats came and went during William’s 24-year stay with us, including fosters. I cannot say, “during his reign,” because reigning was not in his soul. He loved them all. I cannot imagine him as a single cat; he needed the company of others.
Despite being born with a heart murmur and HCM, William was not an expensive cat. He was a cryptorchid, so his neuter was costly. He also developed a rabies vaccine-induced sarcoma. But until the last two years of his life, William, aka Dementia Boy, was low maintenance. When I euthanized him, an expensive bureaucratic nightmare ensued, but I can’t reasonably call that a cat expense. I remember thinking, he had perfect teeth. Not a single cavity. Beautiful gums. The weird things we focus on while grieving. He was a good cat whose brain betrayed him.
Whether you’re buying show quality or pet quality kittens, whether you’re adopting them from a rescue, or whether you’re receiving them as gifts or inheritances, the purchase price is the cheapest part of the deal. I never want to relinquish or euthanize a cat because I can’t afford to take care of him.
Good questions, Jenny.
Thank you so much for this. Sounds like William was the Prince of Hearts.
When I chose my first Ragdoll, I brought home Raggs at 12 weeks old; however, when we got home, Raggs cried and walked around and cried. He was used to playing with 5 or 6 other Ragdolls. I know, in a few days, he would have been fine. My husband could not stand watching walking around and crying for one of the other kitties. He called the breeder and told her we were coming right back for Salvadore. She did give us a discount on the second one and when we got home, Raggs was so excited to see Salvadore and has not cried since. Raggs is, however, now bonded to my husband and my English Bulldog, Zeus. I travel every week and my husband is home to spoil all of the animals and loves every minute of it. Watching the two of them play is so much fun. I cannot imagine living with just one now after watching them play together. I must say though, two are very expensive for food, litter, treats, and vet visits.
I got two brothers. They are seal lynx mitted. They are very different, but very close. They are both very affectionate with us. They play hard with each other! It sounds like herds of horses upstairs! Because they are so close and play so hard with each other, I wouldn’t have been happy with just one. We work part time, so they aren’t lonely when we leave, but are right there at the door when we return! Their daily antics leave us laughing many times a day. They like to cuddle up together at times, and enjoy grooming each other. If one goes to look for the other, you sometimes hear them meow for each other. It seems sometimes like hide and seek! They playfully sneak up on each other and pounce! They are 17 months old now. We feed them tiki cat Puka Puka chicken, which is quite expensive, and they love their whole like chicken treats. I followed Jenny’s book, and Floppycats from the start. I was always a dog person, but am so glad these little “kitty pups” are a part of our family. If you can afford it, get two!
Great post! Boy, would I love to have another Ragdoll as a pal for our Pink Sugar girl! Unfortunately, we don’t have space in our small apartment for two kitties and you can only have one pet per apartment here. Bummer. Otherwise, I’d be saving up my money to get another Raggie kitty! 🙂
Big hugs!
Patti & Pink Sugar (who’ll just have to be happy with her mommy & daddy) 🙂
I don’t think there’s any problem with Pink Sugar having to “settle” for her mommy and daddy. She knows who’s wrapped around her paw!!
Aw, thanks for the sweet comment DB! So true!!!!
Big hugs, head butts and purry cuddles!
Patti & Pink Sugar 🙂 <3 (Who's taking a nap between her daddy's legs in his recliner right now. So sweet.)
We took the full litter of three boys when we lost our to cats within 24 hour of each other. A coworker’s mom had 3 3 month old Ragdoll kittens that they needed to find homes for. The mama kitty was pregnant again so she offered us all three. We knew we want more that one kitty so we were happy to take all three. They are all happy and healthy cuddle monsters.
The cost is the big thing. We don’t have kids so three cats was fine with us. It can get expensive so if cost isn’t a concern, I think two kittens will be good.
Grace came here as a 12 week old kitten first in Feb. 2012. She was adorable and loving but I could tell she needed a little buddy because even though she bonded to me, she loved to play so much that I thought another kitten would help her be even happier. She tried to play with our older rescue Maine Coon who sees play as a form of aggression because she had to fend for herself outside with no claws until we got her. Little Grace would try to play with her and she would growl, hiss and slap her with her declawed paws. It didn’t hurt Grace, but it did really hurt her feelings. So, in October 2012, Illaria Rose came and she and Grace bonded immediately. They have so much fun together, groom each other, even go use the bathroom together – so funny. I don’t think their bond takes away from the love they give to me, it just makes them more loveable because they are happy and not needy. If I’m busy doing something like writing on the computer, it doesn’t bother them like it would if they had no one to play with. Gald Jenny put up all the things to consider as these are very important with the success, health and happiness of your cats and you. Hope our experiences help you to be able to make the right decision for you.
I have two boy kittens ages 7 months and 10 months, adopted 3 months apart. They are very affectionate and always need to be near us. I never thought I would get 2 but I knew we would be traveling and I thought the first one needed a buddy. They play hard together and are always near each other. They also sleep together. They are so comical. Makes us laugh all the time. Their favorite game ever is playing with ping pong balls in the bathtub! It’s a riot. I definitely think two is better than one!
Hi Janet! I’m in the exact same situation as you. I have a 5 month old Ragdoll girl and I’m now thinking of getting her a playmate. Could you please tell me more?? What differences did you notice on your first cat? How did you introduce them and how long did it take for them to accept each other? Thank you!! ☺
Here’s my experience: I inherited two 9 month old brother and sister Raggies from a family member and they are not cuddle kitties/lap cats and they will soon be 5 years old, but they do like to be near you. I get up to use the bathroom or go upstairs and at least one of them follows me. I can’t say that they bonded together because they fight a lot and they don’t sleep together. When they want lovin’, they let you know it, but you cannot pick them up (they have never liked it and will only briefly tolerate it), you have to give them their lovin’ on the floor. Both love their fully body rub downs and heads/face/jaws scratched. I don’t know if I had them from the very beginning if this would have been different, because my sister-in-law does not like pet hair, so I doubt that they were handled very much and who knows what went on with the breeder.
I have a cat and I decided to get him a playmate as he never let me hold him, I decided on a ragdoll, I brought him home at 9 weeks and they bonded on the first day, He also didn’t want to be held but wanted to be near me all the time. I loved him so much, I lost him to FIP at 18 months, Needless to say I was devastated, To me it was like losing a child and I still cry. Well I decided I would get another ragdoll hoping it would ease the pain, I ended up getting two, A girl and a boy thinking it would be less stressful on them as FIP can be brought on by stress. They are 8 months old now and they are as different as day and night. The little boy that I named tinker because he is a stinker, He loves to be held, He never seems to get in trouble more than once. He learns fast. The little girl I named Jazz wants nothing to do with anyone unless you have food, She will follow me around but she very anti social, She gets on my cabinets everytime my back is turned. I think she should have been in a one cat family. They do play together but never sleep near each other. So its hard to say if one is better than two.
I got my Ragdoll boys,a year apart.Murphy was one and Ceasar being only 12 weeks old,Murphy was amazed with such a neat toy and loved washing him,but he also set boundaries quickly and didnt want him invading his space when he wasnt in the mood.And ayear later things are still on his terms,and actually the boys are very bonded with me and my husband and with each other second,they will compete for our attention alot also.But its true you need time ,funds and must like sharing many things,even your bathroom time huh huh!Ragdolls are very into family business and love a calm home,were even carefull not to argue in front of them cause the boys are sensitive.We love them so much its worth it.They really opened our hearts,were also homebodys and the boys need that.Sincerly Lisa
Hi Lisa
I have a 5 month old Ragdoll girl and I’m looking for a playmate for her. Could you please let me know how were the first days after they met? Did you keep them separated at first? How long did it take to for them to be completely OK with each other? Thanks! ☺
We got our two Ragdoll cats as 3-year olds (almost 4) in 2012. Thanks for the info, I’ll keep that in mind for sure, as I’m going to be a Ragdoll breeder in the future! 🙂
Is that pic in the post of Charlie and Trigg as kittens? They’re adorable! 😀