I have had cats for most, of my 60 years. I can not remember a time when I have been without a cat. All of my cats, with the exception of Oliver have been rescue cats or strays… I have wanted a Ragdoll for a while, after reading about their temperament and what great pets they make.
I contacted Brightstone Ragdolls, a breeder here on Long Island and put a deposit on a kitten that had not even been born yet. I anxiously awaited for his arrival and like a new mom, I kept busy by trying to pick out a name for my Blue Lynx Bi- Color boy. The name I came up with was “Oliver”. When I met him for the first time, it was love at first sight. I could not wait to bring him home. He was born November 26,2010 and I brought him home February 19,2011 5 days after my birthday. Before his arrival I went out and bought him all these cute little toys, to find out that his favorite toy was and still is, a straw tied in a knot.
Oliver as a kitten
Oliver will fetch his straw or one of his other favorite toys and bring it back to me to throw it again.
He is such a joy. He was very easy to train. He will do almost anything for a treat. He truly is a puppy cat! He will sit and give me his paw and when I ask for his left paw, he lifts up his left paw. He really does know his right from his left paw. Again he will do this for his treats. I also think he knows sign language too because he will come up to either my husband or myself and lift his right and then left paw telling us that he wants a treat. I really think that he has us trained instead of me training him.
Oliver as a kittenRagdolls are such lovable cats, he does not scratch us or our furniture. I really wish that my older domestic shorthair (12 years old) would get along with Oliver a little better but he just tolerates Oliver. I guess it’s the age difference.
Oliver has the need to be with us no matter what we are doing, when I do the laundry, he sits on top of the dryer while I fold the clothes. When my husband is busy fixing something around the house, his helper is non other than Oliver! To bad we can’t teach him how to hold a flashlight. He helps me make my bed and loves being under the sheets. Forget about mopping the floor, he chases after the mop. Life is never dull with Oliver in the house.
I have thought about getting another Ragdoll in the future, but I love Oliver so much and I want to give him most of my attention. My husband and I have to take separate vacations because we don’t want to leave him alone or put him in a kennel. I live my life around my cats.
He follows us all around the house so we usually know that he is not far away from us. I think he is going to be a big boy because he is just over 10 lbs. now at a year. Could be all the treats he gets for being such a good boy.
I was very surprised at how little Ragdolls shed. I brush him weekly, which he is not fond of and I clip his claws on a regular basis as well, even though he does not scratch anything except his scratching post.
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
How as David from Brightstone Ragdolls as a breeder? I’m having alot of difficulty with breeders…Even breeders that get excellent reviews. Any opinion on David?
I really didn’t have a problem with David. Is cats and kittens are beautiful. Oliver did develope a mouth issue and when I emailed David to see if any of his other cats had had any mouth issues, he did not respond back. No health issues with Oliver. I would trust David. What issues have you had with other breeders? You can email if you would rather do it that way. Catjoy36@verizon.net
Hi Kay! Did you wind up adopting from Brightstone or finding another breeder? I’m going through the same process right now with a few difficulties chatting with breeders. I’d love to hear your insight!
Hi, Laura! I made my deposit with David one week ago for a kitten that will be available in late June. Just not sure about David as a breeder. He didn’t really reply to my emails.
Hello! I am also looking into brightstone ragdolls. I can’t really find much information and I’m nervous because a lot of the breeders on Long Island don’t have great reviews.
You can send me a link to the site and I can let you know what I think – info@floppycats.com
I still have Oliver, he’s 11 years old now. I have had a few people say that David avoided their questions about adopting a Ragdoll and one person was thinking of getting 2. I’m not sure what he is asking for them now, but when someone is willing to pay all that money, I think it would nice to answer the questions. He had the kittens downstairs and brought one up for me to see, instead of me going down there to see what was available. Oliver has never been a large boy. 10 pounds always. Now he’s 9 pounds. We had some teeth pulled and the one good thing is, David uses the same vet as I do so I had asked her if any of his other cats had mouth issues. I wouldn’t trade Oliver for the world and I also wouldn’t trade my strays that found their way into my home and heart. I have 3 plus Oliver, he gets along well with all except 1. But my advise is, if you don’t feel comfortable with David, and he’s not giving you the time and answers you want, move on. One person also said she asked to see where he kept the cats for breeding and she got no response. I do think that he is also a teacher, so he may be busy, but again that’s no excuse. Would I recommend him? That’s a tough one, I was happy with my choice, I’m sure back then he was much less expensive. He has cost me a bit at the vet, all my cats have. Would I buy another cat from him, no, I’m done buying.I’m 70 now, I have 4, oldest is about 15 and my youngest I have her in the house now for a year.
Good Luck on you search for your floppy cat.
I got a rag doll from the same breeder. We brought him home Feb. 14th. Your cat looks exactly like my Dougie. He is an amazing cat. Definately a great breed.
Hi Desiree, Do you have any pictures of your Dougie? Perhaps he and my Oliver are brothers. Who are his mother and father? Would love to hear from you. I have lots of pictures of my Oliver. I will email you some if you’d like.
How as David from Brightstone Ragdolls as a breeder? I’m having alot of difficulty with breeders…Even breeders that get excellent reviews. Any opinion on David?
How as David from Brightstone Ragdolls as a breeder? I’m having alot of difficulty with breeders…Even breeders that get excellent reviews. Any opinion on David?
I really didn’t have a problem with David. Is cats and kittens are beautiful. Oliver did develope a mouth issue and when I emailed David to see if any of his other cats had had any mouth issues, he did not respond back. No health issues with Oliver. I would trust David. What issues have you had with other breeders? You can email if you would rather do it that way. Catjoy36@verizon.net
Hi Kay! Did you wind up adopting from Brightstone or finding another breeder? I’m going through the same process right now with a few difficulties chatting with breeders. I’d love to hear your insight!
Hi, Laura! I made my deposit with David one week ago for a kitten that will be available in late June. Just not sure about David as a breeder. He didn’t really reply to my emails.
Hello! I am also looking into brightstone ragdolls. I can’t really find much information and I’m nervous because a lot of the breeders on Long Island don’t have great reviews.
You can send me a link to the site and I can let you know what I think – info@floppycats.com
I still have Oliver, he’s 11 years old now. I have had a few people say that David avoided their questions about adopting a Ragdoll and one person was thinking of getting 2. I’m not sure what he is asking for them now, but when someone is willing to pay all that money, I think it would nice to answer the questions. He had the kittens downstairs and brought one up for me to see, instead of me going down there to see what was available. Oliver has never been a large boy. 10 pounds always. Now he’s 9 pounds. We had some teeth pulled and the one good thing is, David uses the same vet as I do so I had asked her if any of his other cats had mouth issues. I wouldn’t trade Oliver for the world and I also wouldn’t trade my strays that found their way into my home and heart. I have 3 plus Oliver, he gets along well with all except 1. But my advise is, if you don’t feel comfortable with David, and he’s not giving you the time and answers you want, move on. One person also said she asked to see where he kept the cats for breeding and she got no response. I do think that he is also a teacher, so he may be busy, but again that’s no excuse. Would I recommend him? That’s a tough one, I was happy with my choice, I’m sure back then he was much less expensive. He has cost me a bit at the vet, all my cats have. Would I buy another cat from him, no, I’m done buying.I’m 70 now, I have 4, oldest is about 15 and my youngest I have her in the house now for a year.
Good Luck on you search for your floppy cat.
I got a rag doll from the same breeder. We brought him home Feb. 14th. Your cat looks exactly like my Dougie. He is an amazing cat. Definately a great breed.
Hi Desiree, Do you have any pictures of your Dougie? Perhaps he and my Oliver are brothers. Who are his mother and father? Would love to hear from you. I have lots of pictures of my Oliver. I will email you some if you’d like.
How as David from Brightstone Ragdolls as a breeder? I’m having alot of difficulty with breeders…Even breeders that get excellent reviews. Any opinion on David?
He is stunning! And sounds like the perfect match for you both
Thank you both so much, he is my pride and joy. I love him so much.