New Ragdoll Kittens, is getting two new Ragdoll kittens from Soulmate Ragdolls in Salisbury, NC.

When Jenny’s 19-year old Ragdoll, Rags, died on March 30, 2009 after a long battle from renal failure, she was on the look out for relatives of Rags’ father, Ragnarok’s Thor. Through a great pedigree website,, she found his relatives.

Soulmate Ragdolls has two cats related to Rags. Soulmate’s Truly and Tango.

Soulmate Ragdolls' Truly

Soulmate Ragdolls’ Truly
Truly is the mother to Trigg (pictured below)

Soulmate Ragdolls' Tango

Soulmate Ragdolls’ Tango
Tango is the father to Trigg (pictured below).

So Jenny started to watch Soulmate Ragdolls website for kittens. She found, Casey (named by Soulmate Ragdolls), and then saw that Rags’ sister (distantly related) had had kittens as well. So, she decided to adopt Casey (who she’d name, Charlie) because she has always wanted a Seal Mitted Ragdoll with a Blaze. She thought about it for a few weeks and couldn’t get little Charlie out of her head. Additionally, she always wanted two kittens and wanted at least one of them related to Rags. So the other kitten is a blue lynx mitted Ragdoll. Jenny has yet to figure out a Ragdoll cat name for him and isn’t convinced about what name Charlie will have. She will have to meet them first before she can consider names for Ragdolls.

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Charlie, born July 23, 2009

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Photos Taken 8/21/09
Photos of Charlie’s parents, Jasmine and Tyler, are further below.

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 8/21/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 8/31/09

Charlie 9-10-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 9/10/09

Charlie 9-10-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 9/10/09

Charlie 9-10-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 9/10/09

Soulmate Ragdolls

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 9/18/09

Jenny asked the following questions of Lora Tesh, owner of Soulmate Ragdolls in preparation for the new Ragdoll kittens arrival. Her responses are listed:

  • What food do you feed them? Iam’s
  • What sort of litter do you use? Wood pellets first and then Tidy Cat Scoopable
  • Have you tested your cats for HCM? Yes
  • What is your health guarantee? Immediate health —one week, Genetic health—2 years
  • Do you raise your kitties underfoot? I never cage….and we have a nursery for each set of kittens and their moms. They are running underfoot in the nurseries, And we also bring a litter at a time and love them on the bed at nights when we are watching TV. We don’t let different litters mingle however because that is not a smart health move. If one kitten got sick in a litter …they could pass it to other babies in other litters if we had them all together. So each litter has their own room

Casey will be ready to go to Jenny’s home on October 15, whereas the other little blue lynx mitted Ragdoll will be ready on November 11. Jenny hasn’t decided if she will go to North Carolina to pick them up or one up and have the other one shipped. She would like to pick them both up, but isn’t sure if that is cost effective at this point.

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 9/25/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 9/25/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 10/1/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Casey

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 10/4/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Casey

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 10/4/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie

Soulmate Ragdolls Charlie, Taken 10/13/09

Trigg, Born August 19, 2009

Soulmate Ragdolls No Name

Soulmate Ragdolls Trigg, Taken 9/3/09

No Name 9-8-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Trigg, Taken 9/8/09

A cat lying on a bed with kittens

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew with Rags’ Sister, Truly Taken 9/10/09

Rags' Nephew 9-10-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew 9/10/09

Rags' Newphew

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew, Taken 9/18/09

Trigg 9-23-09

Trigg 9-23-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew, Taken 9/23/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags' Nephew, Taken10/1/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew, Trigg,  Taken 10/1/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags' Nephew, Taken10/2/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew, Taken 10/2/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags' Nephew

Soulmate Ragdolls Trigg, Taken 10/13/09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags' Nephew,

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew, Taken 10/13/09

Max 10-20-09

Max 10-20-09

Soulmate Ragdolls Rags’ Nephew, Taken 10/20/09

Charlie’s Parents, Jasmine and Tyler

Soulmate Ragdolls Jasmine

Soulmate Ragdolls’ Jasmine, Charlie’s Mom

Soulmate Ragdolls Jasmine

Soulmate Ragdolls’ Jasmine

Soulmate Ragdolls Tyler

Soulmate Ragdolls’ Tyler
Formal Name: GRC Soulmates Tyler Toys

Jenny will be tracking the new Ragdoll kittens growth and development, posting photos of her trip to get at least one of them and will certainly take videos of the new Ragdoll kittens when they are finally home. In fact, you can see Charlie at home in Kansas City. She will also include information on how she plans on introducing Caymus and Murphy to them.

Return to New Ragdoll Kittens often to see updates!

Website |  + posts

Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. I will be getting my baby, Grady, in a couple weeks. He is a seal point, mitted with a blaze. His parents are Jessica and Prince. I chose Lora’s kitten because both of my nieces had Ragdolls from her and they were wonderful and lived well into their teens. Was thrilled to see that your babies also came from Lora.

  2. Such gorgeous cats, Charlie and Trigg.!! They sure look like they could have come from here. Lora certainly has my best bloodlines.

  3. Rey Waisath says:

    How do I subscribe to your blog? I have been following your web logs for 6 weeks now and I am starting to like your blog.

    1. That’s easy. On the right hand column, there is a spot that says, “Get Post Via E-mail” – just enter your e-mail address and hit, “Submit” – make sure to verify your email address when you get an email from us, otherwise you will not get the updates.

  4. Hello, My ragdoll is a sibling to yours! He looks alot like his father Tyler but with gray paws. He is a blue-colorpoint. He came from Soulmates Ragdolls and his name is Calvin. He was born July 23, 2009 and is absolutely wonderful! He is a very gentle and loving guy and is great with my children. Calvin loves the sound of ice out of the ice machine and loves to watch the water run out of the faucet in the bath tub. He sits on the edge and smiles. He has jumped in a few times, so he definitely keeps his paws clean. LOL! Take Care.

    1. This is sooo very exciting! So glad you found me and made contact. I cannot wait to see photos of Calvin! Love that name!

    2. Hi! I was online and somehow came across this old post and had to reply 12 years later (almost 13)! Calvin is still just the sweetest boy. We have traveled all over from NC to FL to NE and GA and now back from where we are from-settled in NC. We our a military family and have always said Calvin is our military cat who has traveled the U.S. with us (and has traveled and adjusted quite well each time). He has been our family’s best companion through our travels and we our now retired back in NC, and Calvin is a retired military cat, too. LOL. He has seen our 3 children grow up and they him.
      We now have one child in college (uprising junior) and we still find him meowing and looking for her bc he knows when one is not home. He gets extra excited when everyone is home gathered, too! He still has the spunky kitty energy at times, especially when he knows all the children are here. But loves following me and talks/meows about things a lot. (He talks a lot more in his older age). LOL. We love him truly. 🙂

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