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I would like to introduce you to Melbourne. He is our Seal Mitted baby. He was born March 2nd 2017 and we brought him into our home on June 2, 2017, where he has stolen our hearts and healed them as well.
Melbie strikes a pose
We have had several cats since my husband and I got married thirty some years ago. But when we bought a house with my Mother-in-Love, Dodo (her real name is Lola – Dodo is really a term of endearment, not just the extinct dodo bird -), I thought I may have to give up my cat. You see, my Dodo had a license plate frame that proclaimed “cats flatten while you wait”. Well, she loved me so much, she was willing to try to get along with the cat (at that time we had a shaded silver Persian) named Quantas. He was a gorgeous boy with lovely green eyes. He worked hard, and he began to win her over. When he passed away and I was lost without a cat. I looked at different types of breeds to see which had a more suitable personality for our family and set my sights on Ragdolls.
Quantas won over his Dodo – my Mother-in-LoveHo Ho Hobart – Why is it that all cats love to be under the Christmas treeHobart was our first Ragdoll. Hobart was a beautiful blue mitted boy. (Can you see any type of pattern starting?…) He had a big personality and loved his immediate family (those of us that lived in our home). He did not love our grandchildren so much. He would stalk them whenever they came over. They were loud and ran around and his people were quiet and did not chase him. It was always interesting to see how his temperament changed when the kids came over. He was not a fan of crowds and we had 5 grandchildren. But, he won over his Dodo completely. He would wait outside her bedroom door in the morning, and escort her to the kitchen for treats. He loved to play with his toys and they could be found all over the house, but mostly under furniture. He was 10 years old when he died in January 2017. We were all heartbroken.
Melbourne at 7 weeks
I started to search for breeders in our area (the breeder we got Hobart from had closed her cattery). We were lucky to find 5-Star Rags in Hollister, CA. Karen Walsh had a Seal Mitted boy that was just born and would be ready to go to his forever home soon. We now had to just patiently wait.
Melbourne 6-12-17 just over 3 months old
We brought Melbourne (Melbie) home and he has taken over the house. He weighed just over 5 lbs. when we picked him up. Now just above 14 lbs. He will be a big boy. His dad was a big boy too. He is the most social cat we have ever had. He gets along with everyone (even the occasional dog that has visited). He is a purr monster. He even purrs when he goes to the Veterinarians’ office. The Vet Tech there has teased me saying she will take him home with her the next time I come in to visit. He loves to explore and surprises us when he comes up with a toy his uncle Hobart left for him.
Melbourne at the Vet’s office -check out that fluffy tail and he was purring the whole time until his shots.
He has his favorite toy – a neko-fly bug. I have never seen a cat jump so high to play with a toy! All you have to do is rattle the handle and he will come running. He also loves cat toys shaped as springs – and will chase after them and then carry them in his mouth upstairs and drop them on our bed. His Uncle Hobart left lots of toys for him to find, but what we love most is that he also waits outside Dodo’s bedroom door and walks her down the stairs for treats in the morning, (we don’t know how Hobart did that), but we are grateful. This was his first Christmas and he spent lots of time under HIS tree. He even took to hiding springs under the tree skirt so they would be easier to find later. I have been excited to see his color change as he has gotten older. He is a true floppy cat and spends lots of time on his back.
Don’t tell Dodo – Melbie is in her favorite skillet
Now for the names – Quantas took me to Australia, Hobart is the capital of the Australian island state of Tasmania, Melbourne is the state capital of the Australian state of Victoria (I have always wanted to travel to Australia – my husband should be catching a hint here ) – my next cat’s name will be Sydney (when we get another ragdoll).
Melbie 1-2-18 10 months old – see how his color is coming out – Wow what a handsome boy
I am truly blessed that these cats have been a part of my life.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
What a handsome boy! Thanks for sharing your story about him. It’s sweet how he finds Hobart’s old hidden toys and follows in his footsteps for the morning treats!
What a wonderful & beautiful story about your precious boy, Melbie! He is one SUPER HANDSOME fella! 🙂 <3
I am so very sorry about the loss of your beautiful Quantas and Hobart. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences. I know how devastating it is to lose a precious furry family member. *GREAT BIG HUGS*
I LURVE that all your kitteh names are associated with Australia! Hope you get your trip to the Land of Oz soon! 🙂 <3
What a delightful soul your Melbie is! So very glad that he is such an agreeable lovebug and lurves to play with his Neko birbug and spring toys! Super pawesome! 🙂 <3
Btw, I also lurve that you refer to your MIL as your Mother-In-Love. How lovely! 🙂 <3
Wishing you, your hubby, Dodo & Melbie many more years of good health, happiness, love and purry adventures together! 🙂 <3
what a wonderful story and wow what a handsome cat Melbourne is!! he is just gorgeous. thank you for sharing your story!
What a handsome boy! Thanks for sharing your story about him. It’s sweet how he finds Hobart’s old hidden toys and follows in his footsteps for the morning treats!
What a lovely backstory and beautiful boy. Thank you for sharing!
What a wonderful & beautiful story about your precious boy, Melbie! He is one SUPER HANDSOME fella! 🙂 <3
I am so very sorry about the loss of your beautiful Quantas and Hobart. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences. I know how devastating it is to lose a precious furry family member. *GREAT BIG HUGS*
I LURVE that all your kitteh names are associated with Australia! Hope you get your trip to the Land of Oz soon! 🙂 <3
What a delightful soul your Melbie is! So very glad that he is such an agreeable lovebug and lurves to play with his Neko birbug and spring toys! Super pawesome! 🙂 <3
Btw, I also lurve that you refer to your MIL as your Mother-In-Love. How lovely! 🙂 <3
Wishing you, your hubby, Dodo & Melbie many more years of good health, happiness, love and purry adventures together! 🙂 <3
Big hugs & lots of love!!!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3