Meili – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month
Chopstix. He was kitten of the month back in February! I am a Seal Lynx Point and I came home at twelve weeks old. At first, I was a little shy, but my brother, who is three months older than I am, soon taught me the ropes and I realized that my parents love us a WHOLE lot.
Then, poor Chopstix came down with ringworm on his left ear, but thank goodness, I was never affected!
My parents are not crazy about the fact that we are having issues so early in life, but with excellent love and care, I hope we won’t continue on this path. I am six- months old as I write this, and I am wearing a cone on my head! It has been 8 days since I’ve had surgery. YES, surgery because my spay incision was coming apart! Dr. Rob was not the spay vet, but he contacted the original vet and operated on me again, using a different suture. Apparently, I had a reaction to the original suture. What Dr. Rob found was a mass of fat lumped together and it had attached itself to the underlying muscles, so Dr. Rob had to fix all that 8 days ago. I have 11 staples on my tummy area and four sutures on the inside; they will be removed day after tomorrow! YAY!
Chopstix seems to understand that I am not to run and horse around with him while I recuperate. I have been very good; I don’t entice mom to play ball and fetch with me either. That is my favorite game in the mornings. I bring a ball to mom, she throws it real far, and I jump off the bed, get the ball and return it to her. I could play with mom all morning and sometimes she stays in bed just to play with me. She even waits to have her first cup of coffee in the mornings; mom told me that coffee is the ‘nectar of life’! Maybe when I’m older she will let me have some nectar. I need to get a hold of her i-Pad so I can Google what that means.
My parents told me I am an “angel” for putting up with this collar. I thought I was a kitten?
Here I am with one of my favorite toys! I am always diving into it, then flipping it upside down. Chopstix chases me and I hide in there, but he always finds me, then I have to run around and find another hiding place. My parents always laugh at us!
Hey, check this out! We got this a few days ago; it’s a cool toy that mom pulls us around in. At least that’s what we think it is. Chopstix and I take turns and he is waiting patiently while mom pulls me around the house.
When we first arrived, we ate Royal Canin kibbles and an occasional can of Royal Canin Kitten Instinctive Chicken, but Jenny told my mom about Dr. Lisa Pierson and her research on feline nutrition (Is that me? I thought I was a kitten!), but anyway, mom is giving us just canned food now and I LOVE IT! Mom claims I have a more selective palate, whatever that means, than my brother, who is experimenting with all kinds of foods. Not me, nope, I stick to what I like. I am going through my “Princess” period, so says mom!
Shortly after I arrived, my parents bought us a huge tower. It’s over 7 feet tall! I like taking over the top tier from Chopstix, but he never, ever gets mad at me. I take toys away from him all the time! Mom says I am lucky to have him as my brother because he is very tolerant of me; we love giving one another baths.
Mom said I am very helpful around the house, like when she was cleaning out the pantry…
….and when she does laundry!
…when she works on her computer
…when Dad cleans my litter box, I supervise!
Oh, one last thing, thank you, Miss Jenny, for letting me be the Floppy Kitten of July!
Luv and purrs,
Meili ‘the Riceball’ O’Neill
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines
Read more Ragdoll Kitten of the Month submissions.
Getting a Ragdoll Kitten? Check out our book: A Ragdoll Kitten Care Guide: Bringing Your Ragdoll Kitten Home
Submitted February 1, 2018
My name is Meili “The Riceball” O’Neill and I live with my parents and my brother Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
Such a cute story! Meili, you are truly blessed to have such awesome parents!
Meili, you are adorable! Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Oh, Meili, what an adorable Princess Kitten you are!! Your story has touched my heart, made me coo, aww and laugh out loud! I’m so glad you and your very handsome brother are all healthy now! YOU are such a BEAUTIFUL GIRL!! I bet your mommy and daddy continue to spoil you both rotten! 🙂 <3
What a good helper you are, too! Lurve the pics of all your hard work helping your mommy and daddy! Supervising is the hardest job! Looks like you have a lot of fun with your brother playing on your super pawesome cat tower of power! AND, what fun to get rides in your cat carrier! 🙂 <3
Thank you soooo very much for sharing your kitten story with us! I know that you are growing into a big lovely girl by now! 🙂 <3
Wishing you, your brother, mommy and daddy many more years of good health, happiness, love and purry adventures together! 🙂 <3
Big hugs & lots of love!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
P.S. Lurve your nickname, "The Riceball." 🙂 <3