Mango – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month

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Submitted Oct 8, 2020 My name is Mango! I was born on May 22 and went to my forever home August 9, 2020. My birth home is Mt.Cheam Cattery in Chilliwack, but later got moved to Clearwater, BC. My new “parents” had to travel 4 hours to get me, and the 4 hours back was very stressful. I just wanted to get out of the carrier to play! But I got lots of pets during the car ride, so it made things better. Now I am comfortably situated in Coquitlam. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 8 I guess I am called Mango because of my colouring. I’m not too orange but I have some patches here and there. Sometimes the hoomans like to call me “Gremlin”. Whatever that means. I like to pounce on legs, chew on fingers, and scratch all over! Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 7 I don’t bite cables too often anymore, but paper, cardboard and plastic are the best! Recently I got a collar put on me… apparently it’s “cute”. I didn’t like it in the beginning, but it’s okay now~ Their newest thing is to put a harness and leash on me… don’t they realize that cats don’t need clothing or anything? I have enough fur… they must be blind. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month My favourite time of day is meal time. I get fed four times a day, but it’s not enough!! Right now I eat NZ Natural Meow and Northwest Naturals Freeze Dried, but occasionally I get Vital Essential and Feline Natural treats! The VE Minnows taste SOO GOOOOD! I will fight anyone for them! A white ragdoll cat sitting Mommy buys me lots of toys. I have a range of small and large plush toys, ball toys, string toys, and feather toys. My favourite is the Nekochan rod with the individual attachments. I have two of them right now, hopefully I’ll get more down the road… I always want to play. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 3 It’s so boring when the hoomans are sleeping. Sure, snuggling can be nice I guess, but it’s when we’re playing that is real nice! I tried a couple times to get them to play at 3 am but they both just ignored me 🙁 When I snuggle, I like to stick my paw on mom’s face, or lick her chin. She always shifts me when I do this, but I just go back – she must be playing hard to get. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 4 The bathtub is real fun. Only when it’s dry though. I don’t mind getting my fur a bit wet but running water is no fun. I can’t control when it comes or when it stops. That’s no good! Daddy sneezes a LOT when I’m with him, so Mommy tries to wipe me down with a wet towel. Key word: tries. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 5 I love meeting new people! The first time I went to the vet, he fell in love with me! I hate being in the car, it rumbles too much 🙁 But whenever mommy and daddy leave, they try to find another human to watch over me. The new humans spend the entire time playing with me! Honestly, they should leave me more often so I get more playing time. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 6 Every night I sleep with the humans. They buy me little caves, but i’m not very interested, too lonely! I like to start by sleeping on Mommy’s chest. If she’s sleeping on her side, then I like to go right next to her so she can’t turn back. Then throughout the night I travel to the middle between the pillows. Mango - Ragdoll Kitten of the Month 2 That’s where I bite and chew on Mommy’s hair. Then my last spot is by Daddy’s feet because he’s too loud. When I get hungry in the morning at 6 am, I go back on Mommy’s chest and lick her chin, telling her it’s time to feed me.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Read more Ragdoll Kitten of the Month submissions. Getting a Ragdoll Kitten? Check out our book: A Ragdoll Kitten Care Guide: Bringing Your Ragdoll Kitten Home

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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