What Cats Can Teach Us: 10 Life Lessons From Our Feline Friends

While our pets often feel like our children, it is not a one-way relationship in terms of nurture and growth. We can take just as many lessons from our cats as they do from us, and some of the things our kitties can teach us are exceptionally profound and meaningful. Here’s a look at some of the life lessons people have taken from their cats.

Embracing Tranquility

adorable grey kitten
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Whiskers taught me the art of embracing tranquility and finding joy in simple moments. Throughout her life, Whiskers had a serene and content demeanor that fascinated me. “

Max Shak – nerdigital.com

Embracing Tranquility cont.

Cute red orange ginger cat sleeping on a human foot with a sock on
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Amidst the chaos of daily life, she showed me the importance of slowing down, enjoying the present, and appreciating the little things. Whether it was basking in a sunbeam, intently watching birds through the window, or curling up in my lap while purring softly, she always seemed to find happiness in life’s quiet moments.”

Max Shak – nerdigital.com

Taking Time to Enjoy the World

two kittens playing in the lawn
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“I like to think my little British Shorthair kitty named Sylvia has taught me quite a few lessons, maybe some I’m not even aware of yet! The one I’ve really come to appreciate has been the value of just taking the time each day to look out on the world and not think or worry about anything.”

Dan Bailey – WikiLawn Austin Lawn Care

Taking Time to Enjoy the World cont.

Red Munchkin Cat Sitting on Isolated Black background
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“We have a few window ledges placed around the house for Sylvia to lay on and look outside, and after many mornings where I would watch her twitching her tail and gazing out at the birds and the trees in the yard, I started to wonder if she was on to something. Now, I take my morning coffee sitting next to wherever she’s set up post, and we watch birds and cars together.”

Dan Bailey – WikiLawn Austin Lawn Care

Treasured Memories

blonde haired woman smiling and holding up a seal colorpoint siamese cat on a green couch
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“I am an intuitive animal communicator, and Harry was the much-loved pet of one of my clients. When he passed away his owner asked me to communicate with him, and ask him if he had any special memories of their time together. He described looking out of big windows, like a conservatory, and feeling a breeze in his fur. “

Kathryn Knock – Intuitive Animal Communicator

Treasured Memories cont.

seal lynx point blue eyed cat staring at camera
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“It was a warm sunny day, and there was sand underfoot, but he wasn’t standing on it, which confused me. Luckily his owner knew what he was talking about; he wasn’t able to be allowed out of the house unaccompanied so she gave him rides in a pet stroller, which had windows all round him and had mesh ventilation so he would have been able to feel the breeze easily.”

Kathryn Knock – Intuitive Animal Communicator

Treasured Memories cont.

Close up of a maine coon cat with yellow and green eyes
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Her favourite route to take him had included a stretch of sandy beach. It was incredibly humbling to realise that the memory had been so special to them both”

Kathryn Knock – Intuitive Animal Communicator

Pay Attention

The kitten tilted his head to the left and looked inquisitively at the camera. Education and wisdom concept.
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“My cat’s name is Connor, however I frequently call him Connor Weasley because he’s an orange tabby and he’s very much a Weasley. He’s 11, we’ve been together for 10 years, and he has taught me to pay attention. He’s so attentive that he notices if I forget to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer and he will bug me until I take care of it.”

Nicole Warner – GermanWithNicole.com

Pay Attention cont.

smart orange ginger cat laying on an open book with spectacles or glasses on the book
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“If the plants on the balcony wilt on a hot day, he will come bug me until I get up and follow him, because he leads me to the balcony door, then looks out the door to signal to me that I need to water the plants. He pays attention!”

Nicole Warner – GermanWithNicole.com

The Art of Mindfulness

pictured a ragamese cat on a studio backdrop
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Sufi taught me a profound, life-changing lesson — the art of mindfulness. Cats are the embodiment of living in the moment. Watching Sufi chase a beam of light or sit quietly at the window, fully engrossed in the world outside, it’s clear he is completely present. This, right now, is all that matters to him.

Tiffany McGee – nomadrs.com

The Art of Mindfulness cont.

homeless cat peeps through the bars of a blue
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“This mindfulness, I realized, is an antidote to the stress and distractions that characterize our digital age. When I started emulating his behavior, I felt a distinct decline in my stress levels and a surge in my creativity.”

Tiffany McGee – nomadrs.com

Embracing Our Own Personalities

white and grey blue eyed ragdoll cat
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“During my childhood, I had a cat named Oscar who taught me invaluable life lessons about embracing different aspects of my personality. Like many house cats, Oscar was a fascinating blend of two distinct personalities: the warm and friendly indoor cat and the cunning and resourceful outdoor cat.”

Tommy Wylde – Floofmania

Embracing Our Own Personalities cont.

Beautiful bombay black cat portrait with yellow eyes
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“The lesson that this strange double-personality that my childhood cat Oscar seemed to have wasn’t to be fake, or to adapt my personality according to the circumstances, but rather to always focus on what’s the most relevant.

“I enjoy being a soft and happy guy that make people laugh while being silly among my family and friends, but when out in the world, I tend to show a tougher, more serious and more protective side to the world. Knowing when to lean on either the soft or the tough side of my personality helps me face the sometimes harsh realities of life without letting go of my inner warmth and my humor.”

Tommy Wylde – Floofmania

Self Awareness

Orange red tabby cat male curled up sleeping tucked into a cream colored sweater
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“My 13 year old indoor tabby cat, Nerix, loves to explore our backyard. Every expedition he takes involves numerous checks that his return into the house is accessible. Observing his cautious behavior taught me to always know where I’m going.”

Jack Utermoehl – Asivana

Self Awareness cont.

Young egyptian mau
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“As a yogi, I often lose my balance in certain poses, but because of what Nerix taught me, I always know where my body is going and I can catch myself without falling. And if I don’t know how to fall, I struggle to show up fully in my poses. Just as Nerix sits at the door to get inside if it’s shut instead of exploring (which he loves to do!).”

Jack Utermoehl – Asivana

Independence and Patience

Bengal cat lying on the floor with green eyes wide open watching something
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“One significant lesson Whiskers has taught me is the importance of patience and persistence. Cats are notoriously independent creatures, and it took time for Whiskers to become comfortable with her new home and trust me as her owner.”

Wesley Oaks – BettaFishBay

Independence and Patience cont.

Chausie, abyssinian cat
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Observing her behavior and adapting my approach taught me that patience and
persistence are key to building trust and forming strong relationships, whether with pets or people. I understood this lesson as I watched Whiskers grow more comfortable in her environment and with me.”

Wesley Oaks – BettaFishBay

Appreciate The Time You Have With Others

Cats Curious Explorers
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“I have been fortunate in this life not to lose anyone that is really close to me. The loss of Baby Kitty taught me that our time is limited and to be grateful for every moment you have with the people/animals that are close to you.”

Jeff Moriarty

Appreciate The Time You Have With Others cont.

Crying woman at home on couch and dog licking her
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Losing her left a hole in my heart, but it made me appreciate the time I have with other people that are close to me, because you never know when they won’t be in your life any longer.”

Jeff Moriarty

Follow Your Instincts

Friendly Ginger Tabby Cat
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Bluee – my cat – taught me one great lesson: Follow your gut instinct to make the final call. This has helped me in being decisive about scenarios where results are promising but you can’t decide on actions due to your assumptive doubts.”

Kristian Ole Rørbye – FishingKris

Follow Your Instincts cont.

Close up of a white Khao Manee cat
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Bluee is very playful. I observed that while playing, she followed her instinct to take any decision. This stimulated me to understand how I take action in different situations. To my surprise, when I analyzed my process for decision-making, it was quite related to Bluee.”

Kristian Ole Rørbye – FishingKris

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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