Best Kitty Litter List 2025 [Pictures & Videos]

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Cat food and litter are undoubtedly the two most frequently purchased items for cat owners. Choosing the right options for your feline friend is crucial for their well-being and happiness.

Cat Litter at a pet store - Dr. Elsey's Best Kitty Litter List 2022

When it comes to litter, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The “best” litter truly depends on your individual cat’s preferences and your own lifestyle.

Instead of declaring a single “best” litter, this guide explores various types of cat litter, drawing from my personal experience, extensive research, and valuable input from our community of Floppycatters.

cat litter on shelves at an independent pet retailer - Best clumping kitty litter Boxiecat
cat litter on shelves at an independent pet retailer

This guide covers:

  • Different types of cat litter available
  • Top-rated options within each category

While I’ll share my personal favorite, remember that the ideal litter is unique to each cat and owner.

I encourage you to explore the options and share your own recommendations in the comments to help other cat owners find the perfect litter for their feline companions.

Best Kitty Litter Overall

Dr. Elsey’s Ultra

a bag of Dr Elseys Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter

Dr. Elsey’s Ultra premium cat litter is a cat litter that I’ve reviewed previously. It’s an excellent overall clumping litter that can be used in regular litter boxes as well as mechanical ones. It uses a mix of medium and large granules, which clump together quickly and form a solid bond, so they shouldn’t break apart when you’re scooping. It also helps to stop any urine from making it to the base of the litter box, which helps control odor.

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Types of Kitty Litter

There are a few different types of kitty litter, so let’s quickly overview the various options available. These aren’t mutually exclusive types – kitty litter might be clumping and unscented.

Clumping kitty litter – designed to clump together when it is wet, so as your cat pees, it forms small clumps that you can then scoop out, leaving behind the clean litter.

Non-clumping kitty litter – rather than clumping together, this absorbs liquid, so in theory, it captures urine and dries out poop. You can scoop the dried poop, but you’ll need to change the whole tray for urine.

Cat litter options at an independent pet store Smart Cat Kitty Litter Easy Clean Scoopable IMG_4227
Cat litter options at an independent pet store

Scented kitty litter – litter with an artificial scent added to it to cover up any odors or using natural materials for a natural scent, such as pine. I cannot recommend artificially scented litter – I’ll explain more below.

Unscented kitty litter – litter that has no scented additives.

Lightweight litter – litter that mixes clay with other, lighter materials. These often don’t reveal their whole ingredients; be wary of these, calling them a ‘proprietary’ blend.

Dust-free litter- is made using a blend designed to prevent dust, which can sometimes be an issue with regular clay litter. It can help to stop your cat from kicking up bacteria when they use the litter box.

Natural litter – made using natural ingredients such as wood or wheat. Often biodegradable over time too, but it may be less comfortable for your kitty.

Flushable litter – litter that can be safely flushed down the toilet once used (clumps, not whole trays at once). A downside is usually that the clumps aren’t hard forming since they’re designed to break down to avoid clogging pipes – they may break apart while you scoop.

Cat litter is a massive industry – it was valued worldwide at $10.89 billion in 2021 and is expected to rise by around 4.8% from 2022 to 2023. In the US alone, it’s a $2 billion industry. So it’s no wonder there are so many options, not just in terms of types of kitty litter but also brands too.

With all that context, let’s look at some of the best kitty litter options for each category, based on those I’ve reviewed, popular options on Chewy and Floppycatter recommendations.

Best kitty litter for litter-box training dr elseys cat attract tracks smart catIMG_4225

I won’t be recommending any artificially scented litter, though. These are scented through the use of chemicals that can be harmful to both cats and humans. There is no need to risk it. If you want to use a scented litter, make sure it’s natural, but there are other ways you can control odor too, which I’ll cover below.

Floppycatter Recommendations

While I have my favorite cat litter, I don’t assume that only the ones I use are good! This is why I like to ask Floppycatters for their recommendations too.

Join the conversation on the Floppycats Facebook page.

One tip was that some people prefer to mix litter together – they’ve just found that this works best for them. You must be careful trying this as different types of litter can become ineffective when mixed, but if it works for you, go for it!

Best Kitty Litter for Multiple Cats

Choosing the best litter for multiple cats means finding one suitable for heavy use. Unlike litter boxes that are only for one cat, these trays will see a lot of traffic throughout the day.

So, you’ll want to pick one that has reasonable dust control and that is low tracking. Multiple cats digging through a litter box over the day will kick up more dust, creating an unhealthier atmosphere. If you don’t choose a low-tracking litter, your cats will make quite a mess of your home.

You might want one that’s hard clumping since you don’t want your cats to constantly break apart the clumps left by their brothers and sisters when they use the tray.

Cat litter options at a pet store Smart Cat Kitty Litter Easy Clean Scoopable natural IMG_4226
Cat litter options at a pet store

Alternatively, suppose you have multiple cats that need to be sharing litter boxes. In that case, your priority might be finding one that’s affordable. After all, the more cats you have, the more litter you’ll get through, and not everyone’s budget can stretch to a lot of bags of premium litter.

Scoop Away Unscented

Scoop Away Unscented Clumping Clay Cat Litter, 25-lb box

Floppycatter recommended

Scoop Away is a relatively affordable clumping clay litter recommended by Floppycatters for its hard-clumping abilities; it is suitable for cats who share a litter box, especially if one has urinary problems.

Best Kitty Litter for Litter-Box Training

To be clear, when we talk about litter-box training, we are talking about helping a cat to adjust to a new cat box. We aren’t referring to training a kitten to use cat litter – that needs a different recommendation, which I’ve covered below.

Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Attract Unscented Clumping Clay Litter

Bag of Dr Elsey's Cat Attract cat litter
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Dr. Elsey’s Kitten Attract Clumping Clay Litter

Dr. Elsey's Kitten Attract Clumping Clay Cat Litter, 20-lb bag

Both cat litters contain a natural herbal attractant to help relax your cat and get them used to their new litter tray – the Cat Attract is suitable for cats aged 1 or older. At the same time, the Kitten Attract is suitable for cats from 8 weeks to 1 year, according to the manufacturer.

Scoopable Feline Fresh kitty litter IMG_4228

They also use a smaller granule that is softer on cats’ paws, with the Kitten Attract being slightly softer again due to the tenderness of younger paws. This will help your cat to feel more comfortable using the litter tray.

Best Clumping Kitty Litter

Clumping cat litter is the most popular type used – in 2021, 75.6% of cat litter purchased was clumping litter. These litters – typically clay cat litter – are much easier to scoop, and it’s easier to see when the litter tray needs to be emptied – as you scoop clumps and poops, you’ll see the litter level dropping.

Clumping litter is often more absorbent, which means the urine has less chance of reaching the bottom of the litter tray, where it can stagnate and create odors. And while it will vary by the cat, most prefer the feel of a granulated clumping litter over crystals or gel-based litter.

Dr. Elsey’s Clean Tracks

Dr. Elsey's Clean Tracks Multi-Cat Unscented Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Dr. Elsey’s Ultra litter is an excellent clumping kitty litter, but since I’ve already recommended that one, this Clean Tracks litter is another good option. As well as being hard-clumping, it’s also non-tracking, so your home won’t be a mess from clumps breaking up or from tracked clay granules.

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Best Non-Clumping Kitty Litter

Rather than clumping together, non-clumping litter uses materials designed to absorb moisture. This dries out poop and also gathers urine.

Non-clumping litter can be natural or crystal/silica gel based. Still, one of the leading ‘benefits’ listed of non-clumping litter is how it is better for odors. With natural litter, there may be a natural scent that can help. Still, artificial litter usually has those chemical scents added that I mentioned earlier. Avoid these.

Tidy Cats Instant Action Clay Litter

Tidy Cats Instant Action Unscented Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Usually, clay litter is clumping, but this is a non-clumping clay litter from Tidy Cats designed for low maintenance – suitable if you don’t have time to clean it out every couple of days. It’s got hundreds of positive reviews with an average 4* score on Chewy.

Best Affordable Kitty Litter

Whether you have multiple cats at home sharing a litter tray or using multiple trays, or your cat is having some health problems that mean more frequent toilet trips, or you need to work to a budget, there are some excellent options for affordable kitty litter.

‘Affordable’ kitty litter doesn’t always mean the cheapest, though – it’s more about value. It’s better to spend 25% more on a bag of litter if it weighs 50% more than a cheaper alternative. It’ll cost you less in the long run.

And on that note, you’ll typically save if you can bulk-buy. It depends on whether you have the storage space in your home, but buying larger bags of kitty litter most times costs less. And it’s also good in case your litter manufacturer stops making that brand – it means you’ll have more in stock to help you transition your cat to a new litter.

While prices can vary, you’ll often be able to find Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract litter for less than $30 for a 40-lb bag. Most 40-lb litter bags cost more than $30, or they’re scented – which makes this a good, affordable option for your kitty litter.

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Best Kitty Litter for Urinary Problems

If your cat has urinary problems, this often means they’ll be making more frequent trips to the litter tray. They might not actually be urinating much more than usual – it may be more frequent, smaller amounts, and uncomfortable visits – but sometimes it does mean your cat will also urinate more volume.

With that in mind, your two priorities for cats with urinary problems are a litter that is highly absorbent and good at clumping to capture all that extra urine and one that is comfortable for your cat to use since they’ll be visiting more frequently.

At the same time, don’t instantly change your litter if your cat develops health problems, but they’re still comfortable using their tray. It would be best if you didn’t change cat litter unless you need to or there’s another good reason to (like improved cleaning). Still, even then, you must manage it carefully with your cat.

Perhaps they’re going through some health issues. In that case, you don’t want to unnecessarily stress them out by changing litter type when they are otherwise happy.

SmartCat All Natural Litter

Pioneer Pet SmartCat Unscented Clumping Grass Cat Litter

This litter has 4+ star reviews online from hundreds of people who’ve bought it previously. It’s made from 100% grass, creating a finer texture than clay which is softer on cats’ paws. But it is still highly absorbent and hard-clumping, so it’s suitable for cats making regular trips to the litter box.

Best Non-Tracking Kitty Litter

With kitty litter being made up of smaller particles, they can often get stuck to claws or kicked up as your cat climbs or jumps out of the litter box. This can get quite messy around your home.

You can combat it with a litter mat, which is often specially designed to grab onto a loose litter and prevent it from being tracked around the rest of your home. It’s still spilling out of the litter tray, but at least it’s captured in one place to either be re-used or disposed of neatly.

But non-tracking litter is also designed to stick to your cat’s paws less. Premium cat litter that is non-tracking will help to contain the litter within the tray so it doesn’t escape whenever your cat needs the toilet.

Ever Clean Litter

Ever Clean Everfresh Unscented Clumping Clay Cat Litter, 25-lb box

I’ve yet to test this litter, but it is reviewed very well on retail sites. It’s a premium clumping cat litter that forms extra-strong clumps to prevent your cat from tracking loose debris around your home. It contains an antimicrobial agent too, which helps prevent bacterial odors.

Best Kitty Litter for Odor Control

Odor control is a contentious issue with cat litter because some believe that odors can be masked with other scents, and others prefer to use a non-scented litter that captures the odors as best as possible.

Without being repetitive – don’t use artificially-scented cat litter; the chemicals used are harmful.

Before choosing a litter, look at what else might be causing the odor. Your cat’s diet is the starting point – certain foods will cause your cat’s toilet deposits to smell much more. A raw-fed cat will have a less stinky out-put, so consider whether there are changes needed to your cat’s meals.

Then, look at the location of the litter box. Is it an enclosed space, or is it well-ventilated? Moving air will help to disperse the odors as the particles become diluted in more fresh air.

And humidity also plays a part – the more humidity, the thicker the air and the easier it is for odor-producing particles to stagnate and smell more. So, try to place the litter box somewhere that has good ventilation and is quite dry, as this will help with odor control.

World’s Best Cat Litter

World's Best Multi-Cat Unscented Clumping Corn Cat Litter

While I usually would suggest a clay-clumping cat litter for the best odor control, multiple Floppycatters swear by World’s Best Cat Litter, an all-natural quick-clumping litter made from corn. It is fantastic for odor control and flushable, so you can get rid of it down the toilet.

YouTube video

As well as suggesting the best litter for odor control, some products can help. These are especially useful if you can’t move the litter boxes to a more ventilated space.

The Purrified Air Filter is a special filter that helps trap bacteria in the air, including the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that are responsible for odor from urine and feces. You can position it on or near the litter box for the most effective filtration.

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Or a regular air filter will do the job – I’ve reviewed the Air Doctor 5000 and found it quite effective for trapping all kinds of nasties in the air. It’s much larger but would work well if you have multiple cats.

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Best Paper Kitty Litter

Paper litter is cat litter made from 100% recycled paper, making it better for the environment since you’re helping to reduce landfill and getting a fully biodegradable product.

Paper pellet litter is non-clumping but usually quite absorbent. Because it’s a softer litter, it tends to be gentle on cat paws and lower tracking.

Fresh News Recycled Paper Original Crumble Litter

Fresh News Unscented Non-Clumping Paper Cat Litter

The Fresh News paper litter claims to be 3 times more absorbent than clay litter, and it’s 99% dust-free and 100% non-allergenic too. It contains baking soda, which can sometimes help to neutralize the ammonia odors in cat urine and poop. Note that just because it’s made of paper, that doesn’t mean it’s flushable – it still needs to be disposed of in the trash.

Best Smelling Kitty Litter

Non-scented kitty litter is usually the best choice because they aren’t off-putting to cats. Still, if you want to try a scented one, some have a natural scent that can help mask some of the odors caused by the metabolic waste in the litter tray. They won’t ever cover the smell completely, and you might find the aroma blend unpleasant, but it could be worth a try.

Feline Pine

Feline Pine Original Non-Clumping Wood Cat Litter

Feline Pine is made from sustainably-sourced pine wood shavings with a subtle pine scent. It doesn’t contain artificial fragrances or dyes, and reviews say it effectively absorbs urine. As it isn’t clumping, you will need to either scoop the soaked pellets or replace the whole lot simultaneously, but the reviews say it is good at masking that urine smell.

Best Dust-Free Kitty Litter

Some clay clumping litter will naturally release a bit of dust when kicked around or scooped up – clay is a naturally crumbling material, so when multiple clay granules are pushed around, some dust can be expected. Except that in clumps of used litter, this dust can excrete nasty bacteria and release some odor particles.

Dust-free kitty litter is rarely 100% dust-free, but it can massively reduce it compared to other types. Dust-free litter is an excellent choice if you or your cats have allergies.

Fresh Step Simply Unscented Clay Litter

Fresh Step Simply Unscented Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Another litter that is highly rated on retail sites like Chewy is 99.9% dust-free. It forms hard clumps that won’t crumble, so whether it’s your cat burying its waste or you scooping, you won’t be releasing a lot of dust and particles into the air.

Best Natural Kitty Litter 

Natural Cat Litter is made from sustainable, natural products. Clay is a naturally-occurring material, but for litter, it is usually manufactured – natural litter instead processes existing materials, which cuts down on the impact on the environment, especially as they are often biodegradable as well.

Some popular examples of natural kitty litter include:

Best Kitty Litter for Kittens

You must choose the most suitable litter for your kitten – as choosing the wrong one isn’t just uncomfortable for them or messy – it’s dangerous. It would be best if you didn’t use clumping litter with kittens because they have a habit of exploring with their mouths and often eat parts of the litter in their tray when they begin training.

And if a kitten eats a couple of pellets of clumping litter, and they meet in the stomach (where there is moisture), guess what happens? Clumps form, which can become very dangerous inside the kitten’s body. They may even require surgery to remove them.

For a kitten, you should use the same litter they used at their breeder or the shelter. Consistency is critical here, so make sure you find out what they were using and continue with the same. Then, when the kitten reaches four months old, you should be safe to switch them to a clumping litter.

The Cat Attract litter for kittens does say it’s recommended for use from 8 weeks, but it’s better to wait until 4 months for safety. But you can buy their proprietary herb blend separately and add it to your litter to encourage them to use their litter tray and make them more comfortable.

Unscented Kitty Litter 

Unscented litter is the best choice for most cats because it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals or natural scents that can sometimes be off-putting. Generally, cats prefer to use fragrance-free litter – they are naturally inclined to bury their waste anyway.

If you do decide to go with an unscented litter, look for one that forms a tight clump to trap odors, and make sure to either put the litter box somewhere that is well-ventilated or use an air filter or purifier nearby if you do have problems with odors.

Boxiecat Premium Unscented Clumping Litter

Boxiecat Premium Unscented Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Floppycatter Recommended

I’ve heard good things about Boxiecat, and it has a couple of mentions the Floppycat’s Facebook page. It’s 100% natural clumping clay with no added fragrances and is hypoallergenic and vet-recommended.

Lightweight Kitty Litter

Some kitty litter is designed to be lightweight. There’s no real benefit to your cat here. Still, it’s more about the benefit to you – it’s easier to store and move around, and if you’re buying in bulk online, then shipping costs might be lower too.

Lightweight litter is either natural ones – such as the Swheat Scoop – or they are specially-designed clay litter mixed in with other materials that are typically lighter than clay.

These may be safe, but you need to be careful and check the complete list of ingredients – sometimes, they aren’t revealed and are called a ‘proprietary blend.’ Remember that your cat will naturally inhale and ingest litter in small quantities. Hence, you must be very careful when choosing a litter.

Also, lightweight litter is more prone to being kicked up out of the box unless your kitty is an exceptionally tidy cat. Bear that in mind, as you may need to do more cleaning.

Tidy Cat Lightweight Litter

Tidy Cats Free & Clean Lightweight Unscented Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Floppycatter Recommended

This is a lightweight litter that has a couple of recommendations from Floppycatters. However, its ingredients could be more straightforward, so be careful. It contains clay, natural mineral products, and activated charcoal to help with odor control.

Do You Need to Switch Litter?

You shouldn’t switch to a new cat litter just because you want to or because another one sounds better.

Cats are creatures of habit, and if they are used to a particular type of litter, they will want to keep using it. A change without good reason will only upset your cat, and it could result in problems such as spraying urine around your home.

But there are some times when you might want to switch litter:

  • When moving to a clumping litter from your kitten’s first litter
  • When moving to a clumping litter to help with cleaning
  • When your cat has problems using their existing litter – either they aren’t comfortable or are doing their business outside their litter tray.
  • When your existing brand of litter suddenly becomes unavailable

You can mix litter to help your cat get used to a new one, but be aware that this can make them less effective. Remember, be prepared if your cat rejects the new litter – and forcing them will only do more harm.

If you’re worried about your cat’s preferred litter being withdrawn from stores, you should stock up, provided you have storage space. Litter can be kept safely in sealed bags for a long time.

Kitty Litter FAQs

How can I fix kitty litter smelling bad?

Often the problem isn’t with the kitty litter but with your cat’s diet or the surrounding environment. If your cat is raw-fed, their toilet trips shouldn’t smell so bad. You’ll also want to ensure that the litter tray is situated somewhere well-ventilated and dry. Air purifiers can also help.

Can I change kitty litter when pregnant?

If you are pregnant, it’s recommended that you avoid changing cat litter if you have someone else in your home that can do it instead. If you have to do it, wear disposable gloves and then wash your hands thoroughly afterward. It’s less of a problem with indoor cats – you’re trying to avoid toxoplasmosis, usually caught by cats eating infected animals outdoors.

What kitty litter is best?

There’s no single-best kitty litter; it depends on what works for you and your cat. Avoid scented litter, and choose one appropriate for the type of litter box you’re using – not all litter work with mechanical self-cleaning litter boxes, for example.

What was kitty litter originally for?

Edward Lowe initially made kitty litter to clean up grease spills. The family had a business selling various aggregates, including sand and clay, and found that it would absorb cat urine just as well as grease, or even better.

He discovered it when a neighbor asked for materials for her cat’s sandbox. His sand was frozen, so he suggested trying clay – and the rest is history.

How often should I change kitty litter?

How often you change your kitty litter depends on several factors, including the type of litter you’re using, the type of litter box, how many cats use the litter tray, and their diet/general health. You’ll want to spot-clean/scoop the tray once or twice a day and change the litter every 1-2 weeks at most.

Why is it called kitty litter?

The word “litter” comes from the old French word for bed, “litiere,” which became associated with the hay and sawdust materials used for bedding in barns and stables. As Edward Lowe created his clay product and started selling it commercially, he decided to adopt the word and created ‘Kitty Litter.’

Final Word

Experienced cat owners will have opinions on the best kitty litter to use. Still, if your cat is struggling with their current litter or you’re preparing to own your first cat, some of this list’s recommendations might help.

You may also need to switch to help reduce odors, but remember that artificial scents don’t solve the problem and can cause more issues. And if you notice a change in your cat’s odors, seek help – vets can diagnose any problems or help with dietary recommendations.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other suggestions for kitty litter that other Floppycatters might find helpful!

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Dana Webb says:

    I use Slide cat litter because it clumps well. The BIG problem i have with it is that after my Ragdoll urinates, she always steps in it while covering it up. It’s terribly difficult to remove it from the pads. She lets me hold her paw(s) under the faucet to help get it out. After it’s hardened, it can be almost impossible to get the deep areas in the pads. It can be painful if it’s really stuck. My other Ragdoll would just jump out when finished, but not his sister. It’s like she’s digging to China! She’s 20 yrs. and 5 months old with severe arthritis and CKD. She’s doing very well with a lot of treatment. I’m afraid to change her litter after so many years. Any suggestions? Thanks so much. You’re the best!!

  2. Beth Irene Morey says:

    Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Slide is my favorite. It’s “99.9% Dust Free” and truly doesn’t stick to the litter box. It’s the only type I’ve found that clumps well with my older cats who urinate a lot. Slide costs a little more but lasts longer so, for me, it’s a bargain overall.

  3. I have had cats for over 30 years and I keep going back to Tidy Cats clumping either immediate odor control or long lasting fresh scent. My current cat played with Pretty Litter as if it was a toy, flinging the litter around outside the litter box. The others that are best touted for odor control that are 40 # in a plastic bag – those litters did not do the trick. By the time those plastic bagged litters get to the retail shelves, they get small holes that spew litter and are also extremely slippery to get off the shelf, into the cart, into the car trunk and then into the house and then into a Tidy Cat empty bucket so I can get that bag recycled.

    1. Agreed on the 40 lb bags, many do get those holes. I don’t bring those home. But I would never ever buy scented litter…that’s so hard for the kitties.

  4. I just adopted the most adorable kitty at the local animal shelter yesterday so I need to visit a pet store within the week to buy necessary supplies like organic cat litter. I like that you explained how one of the primary ‘benefits’ touted for non-clumping litter is how it is better for smells. Thanks as well for saying that non-clumping litter may either be natural or crystal/silica gel based; natural aromas in a litter may be beneficial, but chemical scents are frequently added to manufactured litter, which you should avoid.

  5. Patti Johnson says:

    Great info, Jenny honey! TYSVM! You know what Miss PSB’s Fave (and mine!) is, of course….Dr. Elsey’s Ultra Precious Clumping Clay Litter! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

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