Kerby – Ragdoll of the Week

Kerby – Ragdoll of the Week

Kerby - Ragdoll of the WeekIn June of 2103 we lost our 15 year old cat to cancer. Lucky had been with me since my 16th birthday and it happened quite suddenly. We still had two cats and two dogs so there was no immediate plan to get any more cats. The next summer I got hit by the kitten bug and rekindled my love of the Ragdoll breed. I remember being a teenager with a subscription to Cat Fancy and learning about this wonderful breed. My husband was a harder sell but after learning that they are a bigger breed and very people oriented he agreed. We found Wild Rose Farm Ragdolls which was less than an hour away so we could go visit some Ragdolls in person. We decided it was the breed for us and upon a later return visit chose our first choice kitten-a seal mitted male born June 2nd 2014.  The naming process was the hardest decision. My husband likes unique names and I enjoy more cutesy names. We decided on Kerbal with Kerby being his nickname. Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 2Kerby’s addition to our family went quite smoothly. He walked out of carrier like he owned the place and never looked back. Our two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels quickly befriended him. Our two cats tolerate him but would rather he left them alone. Tessa, our 7 year old tabby, will sleep right next to him but draws the line there. Our tortie girl, tiny Maddie, is still a work in progress. They can eat right next to each other but once eye contact is made she expresses her displeasure. Kerby seems unphased by this and I think his persistence to befriend everyone will pay off eventually. Winning two of the NVR Miss litterboxes from a Floppycats giveaway actually seemed to help a lot with feline relations. They love those boxes and each now has their own favorite to use. He is the true definition of a Ragdoll. He is near me constantly. He “helps” with everything I do from dishwashing, to sweeping or folding laundry. He does not believe doors should ever be closed unless you are playing with him from the other side. He has been slow to outgrow the kitten clumsiness and it makes him all that much more adorable! My husband and I both love photography and set out to capture as much as Kerby’s kittenhood as possible. It was a learning experience to photograph a busy kitten and manage to capture his wonderful eyes with indoor lighting. Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 3 His Christmas pictures are my favorite though! Easter was fun because his darker coloring had really started to come in! Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 4 Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 5 Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 6 Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 7With spring has come lots of new activities for Kerby. He was too young to really appreciate window watching last fall but now loves an open window. We have bird feeders near the windows to really entertain our kitties. He is an avid bird watcher. This is also when I can capture the best pictures of Kerby’s eyes! Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 8 Kerby’s favorite activity is riding in his Lucky Lola stroller. He will eagerly jump into it and while he prefers a trip outside he will settle for a few trips around the house if its raining outside. Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 9 Kerby seems to be obsessed with towels especially when placed on the floor. He will sit on them forever. The other two cats enjoy catnip sprinkled on the cardboard scratchers, specifically the Petstages Snuggle Scratch and Rest (a big hit with everyone!) . Kerby, however, loves for catnip to be sprinkled on a towel and will wriggle and play for quite some time. Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 10 I began planning for Kerby’s first birthday and was ordering some new toys online from Amazon. I had nearly met my budgeted amount and was about to check out when I noticed a toy they thought I would like listed on the page. I quickly skimmed the item and decided I should just add the item. I believed I was ordering a battery powered fly toy so imagine my surprise when I realized what I actually ordered. We received one LIVE ADULT HOUSEFLY. The seller generously included three baby flies in case the adult perished in transit. Kerby didn’t seem to see a problem. He thoroughly enjoyed batting around the caged flies for quite some time. Finally, my soft heart won out and they were released outside. That has probably been our most entertaining purchase. Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 11 Kerby - Ragdoll of the Week 12I still can’t believe Kerby is already a year old and weighing in at 11lbs 7oz. He has brought us joy and entertainment. We experienced some difficult losses in the time we have had him and he is such a bright light during difficult times. I recently discovered the Instagram Cat family and after making Kerby his own account (Kerbykitty) I have found so many cat lovers to share my furfamily with. It has been so rewarding to connect with others who love cats and Ragdolls as much as I do. I am so thankful that we made the decision to add a Ragdoll to our family. I couldn’t imagine life without him now! Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. wow he is a beauty! thanks for sharing yours and his story with us. he sounds like a wonderful kitty. i love the stroller. i might have to get one of those. i know one of my cats would really like that. yes .. and his eyes are gorgeous. cats bring such joy and wonder to our lives. i can’t imagine living without a cat or two.. or three.. or…

    1. Randy Coker says:

      I Am Verry Happy For You With Your New Ragdoll Kitten Kerby That Is One Beautifull Ragdoll Kitten I Have One too.His Name Is Little Man Tate AKA Taters. He Doesnt Like the show Idea And Hes Just Verry Content to Be a Mommas Boy Insted. I Read In Floppy Cats About A Hair Tie That Killed One Of Our Wonderfull Ragdoll Kittys My Heart Goes Out to This Family On This Verry Hard Loss And My Prayers Go Out to them and Others Like Your Self Loosing One Of Our Beloved Kittys Is One Of the Hardest Things To Ever Go Threw My Condolences To You As Well Sincerly Mrs Betty coker. PS We Need to Be Verry carefull When We Have Cats And Or Kittens In The Home and To Do Our upmost To Make Our homes As Kitty Profe As Possible. God Bless All Our Kitty People Out There. Betty Coker Kitty Momma.

  2. Patti Johnson says:

    Awwwww, what a sweetheart your Kerby is and he’s so GORGEOUS! Wow! Those blue eyes of his really pop against his beautiful dark face! Lurve the pics! Lurve the story you shared with us. So happy for you and your family! I’m sure that ol’ Kerby will eventually win over Miss Tessa and Miss Maddie (who appears to have quite a bit of torti-tude!)! (I’m so sorry that you lost your older kitteh to cancer. Please accept our condolences for your loss.) <3

    Big hugs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

    P.S. The story about the flies had me scratching my head. I've never even heard of such a thing being provided as a toy. Definitely a first! So glad Kerby had fun and you released them back into "the wild." 🙂 <3

  3. Kerby is so cute and your pictures are amazing! We’re still laughing like crazy about the “fly toy”! 🙂 Reminds me of the magazine ads when I was a kid – “Guaranteed to kill any and all bugs.” For a dollar or two, the buyer would get two little blocks of wood… “Place bug on Block 2, squash with Block 1.” Thanks for sharing your story, photos and great sense of humor with all of us! 🙂

  4. Teresa Reid says:

    Awe, Kirby is a true heartbreaker! Those beautiful blue eyes! He is just gorgeous!!! Wishing you all a long and happy life together!♥♥♥

  5. You do realize that your cat’s eyes are turquoise, right?! Turquoise! They are incredibly beautiful!!

    I was laughing so hard at the thought of Kerby wanting to be pushed around IN the house…
    then I got to the part with the arrival of the birthday flies and now, I’m crying!!

    1. Jill Weller says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed his adventures. My husband thought I was crazy for pushing him around the house but I would do anything for him so we walk!

      I’ve wanted a blue eyed cat for as long as I can remember. I couldn’t ask for better than his! Thanks for the compliments!

  6. Wow- Kerby’s eyes are something to behold! Love his kerchiefs, too. Thanks so much for sharing his story and the fabulous photos. You really captured his personality in the shots. And, I can’t believe someone sold flies on Amazon! I get Ladybugs to release in my garden, but flies??? My kitties would love that gift, too, though. Forget all those expensive toys- flies are their favorite thing.

  7. ABarletta says:

    Thank you for sharing Kirby with us. He is exquisite. Not sure whether his fabulous blue eyes are turquoise like the Caribbean or the Mediterranean. Anyway, I can see why you are so in love with him. Enjoy your special furry fellow.

    1. Jill Weller says:

      Thanks for your lovely comments. His eyes are something else. He probably gets tired of me staring at him!

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