Interview With Animal Communicator Linda Wahlund

Linda Wahlund
Linda Wahlund asked Linda Wahlund, an Animal Communicator, to answer some questions we had about animal communication as well as questions about her services.  Thank you, Linda, for the interview.  Linda can be reached through her website:

Answers are copyright of Linda Wahlund

1. How long have you been communicating with animals?  

I have been professionally communicating with animals for close to 10 years.  

2. How does one communicate with animals?  

Personally, I use the telepathic method which is a connection between the minds. I connect energetically through my heart to the animals and then send and receive information through my mind to their’s and vice versa. I also use what is known as Universal Guidance which then picks up even more information. Not all animals are forthcoming with the answers to their owners questions so at times I ask for clarification from Guidance.      

3. Can you share with us, one of your favorite animal communication stories?  How it impacted the owner or the animal or both?  

Some of my most profound stories involve animals near or beyond death. The healing that can be done during end of life illness. This is a time of letting go both for the animal and the human, a time to say goodbye and thank you.  I have been present at euthanasias for several animals including a horse. Being a Reiki Master gave me the tools to help ‘set up’ a beautiful venue for both the people saying goodbye and the horse that was leaving. This was on a clear, starlit night in an arena surrounded by beautiful redwood trees and the feeling was akin to being in a cathedral. The horse’s soul left his body in the instant before physical death. His face relaxed, the struggle for life ended and I was able to share that moment with his owner, a beautiful and sensitive woman, her family and the other friends of the horse that were present.  

Another story was helping a young American woman living in Pakistan find her dog. We worked together over the Internet for about 2 weeks with me pinpointing areas for her to hunt in and being able to reassure the woman that the dog was still alive and well. Her dedication to hunting for her dog and her belief in the information that I was able to give her led to the successful reuniting of the two of them on the woman’s birthday.  

4. Do you prefer to communicate with younger or older animals?  

Many times the older animals are much more clear with their communication. They have lived their lives with their people and understand the weird things that people do at times. Young animals are fresh, to the point and then finished!  

 5. Do you prefer to communicate with a certain type of animal?  I mean, do you do better with cats, dogs, horses?  Do you even talk to reptiles?  

I am a horsewoman so I do love to communicate with horses. I talk with many dogs, fewer cats (so self sufficient you know!) and have talked with turtles, snakes, birds (very knowing), cavies, cattle, fish, rats, whales and even have had very moving communications with jelly fish. All interspecies communications work well when the channels are open and the ego is put aside.  

6. How do your services work?  Do you come to my home?  Do I bring my pet to you?  Do you communicate LIVE?

 When a person decides to use my services they generally contact me either through an e-mail or over the telephone. If the person lives within an hour of me I offer them several options which include me coming to their home, doing a telephone conversation or an e-mail reading. Usually with an e-mail reading we still set up a long distance phone call to go over the results and see if the conversation with the animal brings up more questions for the owner. I never need the live animal in front of me – just a good physical description from the owner. We are talking about energetic communication – similar to connecting to the Web! It’s really quite simple but takes practice and discernment.  

7. What do you charge for your services?  Do you have a package deal?  

This is a highly skilled service that I chose to make affordable for many people. My hourly rate is $80 although I will bill in 15 minute increments. Most first time conversations take 30 minutes to one hour depending on the complexity of the case AND how many animals I will be talking to in this time slot. I do have multiple sessions discounts and senior discounts. Since I also work with Reiki for animals and talk with them at the same time the rates can be combined for a discount. I do have a small travel charge.  

8. Why do you think animal communication is valuable?

Animal communication is so important in that it gives an animal a voice. I can ask about their past when looking at rescued animals, look at health issues, behavior issues, let them know of changes in their families and home situations. With wild animals we can impart our appreciation for their being here on the Earth with us. Letting animals know about upcoming events works well as is using this skill to help reunite owners and animals when the animal has been lost. Helping people connect with their animals on a higher level through my skills is one of my goals and is a great gift to the humans.   I think this skill is so important and helpful that I teach group and private classes on a regular basis. Absolutely everyone can learn this skill at some level.  

9. Do you think if a vet would incorporate animal communication into their practice it would be helpful?  

I have had multiple clients that were directed to my through vets in two different states. These vets happen to work holistically and recognize that not all physical afflictions come from physical causes. I can look at the animals issues and help determine if they come from a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. Then treatment can come to the animal on multiple levels for a better chance of healing. I have clients from all walks of life and that does include the animal medical community.  

10. Are you able to communicate with an animal in the after life?  How does that work?  

Talking with animals in spirit is as easily done as talking to them face to face. I do this all the time. In fact, many times when having a conversation with an animal in the physical the owners passed on pets will do a ‘drive by’ and zoom right down to add to the conversation. This is sometimes very surprising to the client, bringing up old emotions and sometimes closure pertaining to that beloved pet. Animals in spirit come in at a higher vibration which is easily recognized as being different than the vibration of those in body. Those animals can also act as guides with surprisingly helpful information for their past owners.   Being an animal communicator came as a surprise to me after years of metaphysical study. It is the joy of my life, being connected to so many animals and their people. Every day is different and it is rewarding to be involved in such an intimate part of people’s lives. But the very most profound messages come from those animals in nature – they are more pure and come from a spiritual place of source energy.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Shadie Kaye's Mom says:

    I would love to know Shadie Kaye’s thoughts … so kewl!

  2. Wonderful and insightful interview – the well-thought-out questions evoked fascinating answers. I’ve had the pleasure of taking animal communication workshops with Linda Wahlund. It’s so surprising to discover “impossible” information from the animals around us… but Linda does just that, and makes it easy for the rest of us too.

    1. Thanks, yes, I am doing a whole series of Interviews throughout the rest of the year with Animal Communicators and almost every interview has brought me to tears with the impossible information they learn.

      On another note, I love your wire sculpture. Do you do animals?

        1. Those are simply wonderful. I have passed them onto Kate at – she features some wonderful cat-related products. I do have a product of the week, if you would like to do a Ragdoll…but that requires you sending it to me for free. So it might be better to feature it with Kate first!

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