Hobart joined our family in May 2006. He was born February 22, 2006 and passed away January 17, 2017. He was a big, beautiful, blue mitted, boy with a cute little white blaze between his eyes; Weighing over 14 lbs. most of his life.
He did not start out so big, in fact when we brought him home, he was tiny. Everyone in my family knew we were bringing home a ragdoll kitten. I thought we were just going to go out to the breeder and pick him up, but my husband kept insisting we had to go to brunch first. I couldn’t figure out why and he was insistent. So I gave in, and we went to brunch.
I should have known there was something afoot. When we came home, there were lots of cars parked outside – not all that unusual as we did have lots of parties at the house, but I had not planned anything; that I remembered…
Waiting at our home were 15 or so of our family and close friends to throw me a “Kitty Shower” to welcome home Hobart! There were presents, food, cake, and silly shower games like: Name the Poop – you might not want to try this one at home – you had to identify the type of candy that was realistically nestled in kitty litter – eewww; How many Words can you make from the phrase “Hobart the Cat” – (The answer in case you are a nerd = 148); there was a Hobart Word Search and a Hobart’s Word Jumble; and one of my favorites was a tray with all kinds of cat toys, treats and other accessories – you got to view for 15 seconds, then write down as many of them as you could remember. I failed miserably – I don’t know why! My sister, the party planner is devious.
What a wonderful way to welcome our new baby home!
Hobart 1-25-09 009
Unfortunately Hobart never grew to like crowds. He preferred just HIS people. We were quiet and crowds were noisy. Whenever we had parties, Hobart was sentenced to “Kitty Jail”. He was sent to our bedroom and the door was closed. He didn’t like to be left there, but it was better to leave him there than to lose him if he ran outside because he was scared. He was always happy to see us when all of the guests left.
He loved HIS Christmas tree. He would protect it and nap under it from the day I put it up to the day I took it down. If the grandkids came over, he would hide under the tree and charge them if they got too close. He had his own ornaments – unbreakable blue felt mittens. I always hung them on a bottom branch so he could see them. If he played with them it was ok because they were not going to break.
Something else Hobart loved was toys. His preference were plastic springs or those little furry mice with rattles inside. He would chase them all over the house, usually losing them under our couch or china hutch, sometimes under the piano. We even fashioned a “toy getter” out of a wire clothes hanger to dig the lost toys out from behind the china hutch. It was amazing how many lost toys were located back there.
One of the best things our Hobart did was purr. He was a cuddler. He would sleep next to me, usually nuzzled up against my chest, purring softly in my ear. He wanted to be near his people, even if that meant lying right in the middle of your desk while you were working – typical ragdoll! We even gave him his own stool in the kitchen so he would be up high and not under foot, but still be with us when we were cooking.
Hobart Helps in the Kitchen 12-17-2007
The hardest part was trying to keep him off the counters. You always knew when he got down because the thud when he hit the floor would give him away. I could not scold him, who could do that to such a pretty boy?
He has been gone nearly one year, I miss him every day.
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
What a beautiful story and a beautiful cat! He sounds like such a loving sweetheart. I love how your family gave you a kitty shower! It looks like Hobart had a wonderful life and was loved tremendously. I am so sorry for your loss. I believe he’ll be with you always in spirit.
Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful story about your sweet Hobart’s life. Love the kitty shower that your family had for you. This was the very first time I’ve ever heard someone having a shower like that and think it is a marvelous idea! Your family sounds so loving and funny! Hobart was truly beautiful inside and out. Know that he is waiting on you over the Rainbow Bridge and he will run to meet you when he sees you coming! ♥♥♥
Hobart was a beautiful ragdoll and added so much to your family. I loved reading your story. Our ragdolls have changed our life, we got 2 sisters 5 years ago ago and once you’ve had a ragdoll, it’s hard to go back to another type of cat. I loved your “kitty shower” when he came home – that beats me as “the crazy cat lady”.
what a wonderful story about a beautiful boy. you can be sure that you will meet again at another time and his energy and spirit are always with you. i feel all of my cats that have passed on and i know i will see them again and we will have a fantastic party!
Thank you sooo very much for sharing your lovely Hobart’s story!! Please accept my heartfelt and sincere condolences on the loss of your Sweet Boy. *GREAT BIG HUGS* I know how much you miss him. <3
What a wonderful life you gave Hobart! He was TRULY A SUPER GORGEOUS boy!! Lurve his blaze! He sounds like such a lovebug and cuddlebug and was so happy to just be with HIS people. The pics are so very beautiful!! My fave is Hobart under his tree with his blue felt mitten ornaments dangling nearby. So very sweet!!! 🙂 <3
I am so happy to have read your lovely story and wish you all the best with carrying on without your dear boy. <3
Your story touched my heart, I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our 9 year old kitty to cancer a year ago, so sadly know what you mean when you say you miss Hobart every day. Luckily we will always have the memories of the years spent with our special kitties – those never leave! ❤️
What a beautiful story and a beautiful cat! He sounds like such a loving sweetheart. I love how your family gave you a kitty shower! It looks like Hobart had a wonderful life and was loved tremendously. I am so sorry for your loss. I believe he’ll be with you always in spirit.
Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful story about your sweet Hobart’s life. Love the kitty shower that your family had for you. This was the very first time I’ve ever heard someone having a shower like that and think it is a marvelous idea! Your family sounds so loving and funny! Hobart was truly beautiful inside and out. Know that he is waiting on you over the Rainbow Bridge and he will run to meet you when he sees you coming! ♥♥♥
Hobart was a beautiful ragdoll and added so much to your family. I loved reading your story. Our ragdolls have changed our life, we got 2 sisters 5 years ago ago and once you’ve had a ragdoll, it’s hard to go back to another type of cat. I loved your “kitty shower” when he came home – that beats me as “the crazy cat lady”.
what a wonderful story about a beautiful boy. you can be sure that you will meet again at another time and his energy and spirit are always with you. i feel all of my cats that have passed on and i know i will see them again and we will have a fantastic party!
Thank you sooo very much for sharing your lovely Hobart’s story!! Please accept my heartfelt and sincere condolences on the loss of your Sweet Boy. *GREAT BIG HUGS* I know how much you miss him. <3
What a wonderful life you gave Hobart! He was TRULY A SUPER GORGEOUS boy!! Lurve his blaze! He sounds like such a lovebug and cuddlebug and was so happy to just be with HIS people. The pics are so very beautiful!! My fave is Hobart under his tree with his blue felt mitten ornaments dangling nearby. So very sweet!!! 🙂 <3
I am so happy to have read your lovely story and wish you all the best with carrying on without your dear boy. <3
Big hugs & lots of love!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
Your story touched my heart, I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our 9 year old kitty to cancer a year ago, so sadly know what you mean when you say you miss Hobart every day. Luckily we will always have the memories of the years spent with our special kitties – those never leave! ❤️