Happy 3rd Birthday, Chiggy!!

I can’t believe my little Chiggy is 3 years old today!  He is the quirkiest, funniest cat I have ever known and he can ALWAYS make me laugh out loud.  He HATES his birthday hat shots and meows with his mouth close while we do it – completely opposite from Caymus.  So enjoy these photos because Chiggy DID NOT!!

Chiggy I hate birthday hats
Chiggy: “I hate birthday hats!”

Chiggy I hate birthday hats

Chiggy I hate birthday hats

Chiggy I am going to kill you later
Chiggy: “I am going to kill you later.”
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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Happy Birthday and hopes for a full year before the hat comes out again 🙂 I am sure the treats and extras all outweighed the momentary hat photo session.

  2. Poor Chiggy. I hope you spoiled him the rest of the day. The pictures are great – he leaves no doubt about his feelings. Happy Birthday and many happy returns!

  3. Happy birthday, Chiggy! I always refused to wear silly hats at New Year’s and I totally sympathize… I am showing solidarity by meowing with you, poor insulted boy 🙂

  4. It’s as if Chiggy’s saying “I’ll be darned if I let you see I’m having a good time!” Isn’t that just like a three year old. 😉

  5. Happy Birthday Chiggy! Those birthday hat shots are priceless, lol. That last photo caption truly captures the moment. Hope the rest of his day was better!

  6. Teresa Reid says:

    Happy birthday Chiggy!!!!! He is the cutest thing even if he is mad – think that makes him even more precious. Hope he has a happy day! T.

  7. Happy birthday Chiggy!

    P.S., he looks adorable with that hat on >:D

  8. happy bday to chiggy 🙂 he’s one of the most beautiful ragdolls i’ve ever seen <3

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