Glacier Point Perfect Pet Fountain for Cats Review Not Happening

Glacier Point Perfect Pet Fountain for Cats Review Not Happening

Glacier Point for Cats Perfect Pet FountainWe received the Glacier Point Perfect Pet Fountain for review in August. When I was on the phone with Glacier Point, before they sent the fountain, I addressed my concern about not really being able to review it. Why? Because Charlie and Trigg are on wet food only and don’t drink water – I add 2-3 tablespoons of water to their canned food every meal. So, their desire to drink water just isn’t there to be able to properly review the fountain.  But the fountain provides fresh, ice cold water – so I wondered if maybe they would start drinking water rather than solely getting it from their meals.  It certainly wasn’t a harmful thing to try out with them.  I did see Charlie drink out of the fountain 1 time after he ate – about 5 laps of the tongue.  This doesn’t mean that he didn’t do it more often than I saw him – it just means that I would not have been able to get video footage for a review.  It also means I can’t properly talk about whether or not the cats used it, how much it helped them be hydrated, etc.

Here is our arrival video of the cat fountain:


So, I took the fountain to my sister’s house because she recently adopted two Ragdoll cats, Addie and Ash, who were on dry food and wet food.  They also came to her (she rehomed them) with a plastic Drinkwell fountain.  However, my sister was in the process of transitioning them to wet food only.  She did see Addie drink out of the fountain a few times, but that was it.


It is important to me to do a thorough review on any product.  I think this fountain is fabulous – the science and common sense behind it is just awesome – not something you’ll find in the more commercially produced cat water fountains.  The customer service of Glacier Point for Cats is incredible – you can talk to the inventor, Barry, on the phone or through email if you have questions before, during and after the sale.

I think we could have done a more thorough review, if my cats had:

  • hyperthyroidism (makes the kitty thirsty)
  • diabetes (makes the kitty thirsty)
  • renal failure (they drink more water)
  • if they ate dry food only

I am grateful that my cats are healthy and don’t experience these issues – but wanted to mention health conditions or diet conditions that would probably work well with a cat fountain.

The Perfect Fountain includes an electronic Ice Probe Chiller which automatically maintains the water temperature at 60 degrees F.

The Perfect Pet Fountain has a ceramic basin measuring 13” long x 6” wide x 3 ½” tall (13” tall with refill water bottle) with a capacity of 3 quarts. There is an additional refill capacity of up to 3/4 gallon (3- 32 oz glass bottles). One 32 oz bottle is included with fountain purchase.  It comes with a Perfect Pet Fountain warranty, a pump warranty and a chiller warranty. This is a well-thought out, well-researched, designed cat water fountain.

Buy the Glacier Point Perfect Pet Fountain for Cats

We received the Perfect Pet Fountain for review from the manufacturer.  Receiving the free product did not influence this post.

Check out our cat product reviews.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Patti Johnson says:

    As always, Jenny, I certainly appreciate your honesty and candor. Thanks for trying to review this awesome fountain!

    Big hugs & Happy Holidays!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

  2. dlsnaples says:

    This is why I trust your reviews. They are through. You are honest. Thank you for that. I would like to try this fountain for my boys. One is rather skittish though. How loud, intrusive is the fan? Thanks again for all that you do to promote our beloved breed. Merry Christmas!

    1. you can hear how loud it is here – – i don’t think it’s too bad and you could always introduce it off first so he’s not scared to approach and then turn it on after he’s used to drinking from it.

  3. Teresa Reid says:

    Thanks so much for the nice video Jenny and Amy, Addie and Ash! Had the same problem and have 3 videos sitting here unused because I add 1 can of water to their food every meal to hopefully prevent them from having kidney failure later on in life. This is an extremely well-made fountain and would have loved to get it, but don’t think it would be used here either. For anyone whose cats maybe are still on dry food, they would love this and would be very helpful in preventing further kidney problems.♥♥♥

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