Desperate to End Carpet Scratching?
As every cat owner knows, cats scratching furniture, carpets, or any other available surface is a persistent problem. If you are one such frustrated owner who has been looking through different products for a solution to the issue of frustrated cats scratching up the carpet around doorways when the doors are closed, then a unique cat furniture item known as the CarPET Scratch Stopper may be perfect for your needs. How does the CarPET Scratch Stopper work?
The CarPET Scratch Stopper is a plastic product that is designed to fit perfectly inside the doorway, and it even wraps around corners for maximum protection. Simply position the device inside the doorway, making sure that it is covering the carpet that you wish to protect. The underside of the product has grippers that prevent it from moving around under pressure, and the top of the product has a non-slippery surface. The result is that your cat or cats will be unable to gain a clawhold on the surface and will simply slide off if/when they attempt to scratch the CarPET Scratch Stopper.
The product comes in a variety of sizes to fit your needs – there are models fitting 28”, 30”, and 32” interior U.S. doors. Please be aware that for successful installation, you will need a 1/8” space separating your carpet from your door. At $24.95 (plus shipping and handling), this product is practically a steal, especially if you consider the hundreds or even thousands of dollars in repair costs that it will end up saving you. At this time, there is a promotion for 50% off an additional CarPET Scratch Stopper after you purchase one of these cat products.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
I actually use my own carpet protector for my doorways that I made out of heavy duty cardboard. I cut to fit in pretty much the same shape, except that the length is longer in front and behind the door. After a few months it gets kinda ratty looking and I just replace it with a new piece of cardboard. They get put away when company is coming.
Nice! I am glad you created your own solution.
Thanks for this awesome information! Boy, I wish we’d had some of these when our beautiful Sweet Sora (Desert Lynx kitty) was still with us. She DID NOT like us going behind a closed door and totally ruined the carpeted area in front of our bedroom door at our old home (this was years ago). Luckily, Pink Sugar hasn’t displayed this behavior yet. 🙂 <3
Best wishes for a wonderful weekend!
Patti & Pink Sugar 🙂 <3
Thanks, Patti – you too!