Confession: I Like the Smell of Cat Breath

Rags Yawning when he was 18 years old
Rags Yawning when he was 18 years old

Originally published Dec 9, 2011

Yup.  It’s true.  When I was in high school, my older brother, Marsh, and I were talking about Rags. And he said, “Jen, I know this is kind of gross, but I sorta like the smell of Rags’ breath!”

And I then said, “So do I!”

Later on, when Rags was older, I took him to the vet and Dr. Gloor stuck her nose into his mouth, and I asked what she did that for.  She said that certain mouths of cats that are sick smell differently and you can tell sometimes through that method.

She then mentioned that if you end up knowing the smell of your cat’s breath, then if they are sick you will be able to tell pretty quickly if something is going on.

So smell that cat breath, good people, smell away!

Do you smell your cat’s breath!?!

I smell Charlie and Trigg’s cat breath daily and also smell Caymus and Murphy’s when I go to my parents’ house.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Why not? Human memory and smells are deeply interconnected, especially with the things we hold both romantic and platonic affection for. With our romantic human partners, we often find a preference for similar body odors and this extends to one’s breath. In a somewhat similar way, those of us who spend enough time caring for our animals find their natural odors pleasing, as they remind us of them and the joy they bring us. Of course, one should pay attention if these smells become unpleasant… as you mention, it could be due to illness.

  2. Anonymous says:

    My oldest cat was an orphan I rescued and bottle fed. When she was still sucking kitten milk she also began suckling my lower lip whenever we were close. She would suckle me for up to 10, 15 min. Maybe more, sometimes fall asleep on my pillow with my lip in her mouth. She kept doing this for several years. I wish she had never stopped. At least she still licks my nose and mouth so I can smell her heavenly kitty breath, the fishier the better. The best odor is when she has just awakened after closed mouth. While she is licking my nose and mouth if her tongue slithers in my lips i let it. I lick her lips back a little bit. Its wonderful.

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Confession: I Like the Smell of Cat Breath

Rags Yawning when he was 18 years old
Rags Yawning when he was 18 years old

Originally published Dec 9, 2011

Yup.  It’s true.  When I was in high school, my older brother, Marsh, and I were talking about Rags. And he said, “Jen, I know this is kind of gross, but I sorta like the smell of Rags’ breath!”

And I then said, “So do I!”

Later on, when Rags was older, I took him to the vet and Dr. Gloor stuck her nose into his mouth, and I asked what she did that for.  She said that certain mouths of cats that are sick smell differently and you can tell sometimes through that method.

She then mentioned that if you end up knowing the smell of your cat’s breath, then if they are sick you will be able to tell pretty quickly if something is going on.

So smell that cat breath, good people, smell away!

Do you smell your cat’s breath!?!

I smell Charlie and Trigg’s cat breath daily and also smell Caymus and Murphy’s when I go to my parents’ house.

Website | + posts

Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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