Chiggins – Ragdoll of the Week

Meet Gus Chiggins! He’s a fluffy and handsome Cream Point Ragdoll with indigo eyes! “Chiggins” came to me via Okanagan Rags and they couldn’t sell him as “perfect” because he had weepy eyes. I saw this as an opportunity to “rescue” him and jumped on the chance to adopt and give him a forever loving home. Chiggins was 3 months old when I adopted him, and I had to drive 6 hours that day to get him…but it was TOTALLY worth it, and he laid across my lap the whole ride home… just staring up at me…it was definitely love at first sight!
Chiggins @ 8 weeks
Chiggins @ 8 weeks
Chiggins was born the day before Valentine’s day in 2010 (Feb 13th) and was pure white as a baby. He now has a fluffy cream tail and cream ears and points. He definitely is a handsome boy! Like all Ragdolls, Chiggins’ personality is very laid back and he loves to snuggle with his mom. Following her into the bathroom in the morning, or watching her from the side of the tub as she bathes, sometimes he even hops in the tub! Chiggins has
Kelli and Chiggins
Kelli and Chiggins
a strange love for water, and last summer, he did quite a bit of swimming in the pool, and also in the lake with his mom! Chiggins loves all other animals especially dogs! He has no fear and would welcome opportunity to play with anyone at anytime. His favorite toys are his little mouse, and his rubber band ball! Chiggins has some funny qwerks about him as well, such as drinking from his water dish with his paw in it,
then sucking his paw to get the water…usually followed up by snuggling and sharing his wet paws on his moms face!
His form of snuggling is trying to bury his nose as deep into his mom’s neck as possible and “kneading the dough” at the same time – he’d make and excellent bread maker one day! Chiggins has the HIGHEST meow I have ever heard.  It’s very femme.  He is usually quiet
Kelli and Chiggins
Kelli and Chiggins
unless his mom leaves him alone ( which he hates). Chiggins loves to be with his mom at any cost.. .even car rides and walks on the leash…as long as he’s with her, he’s a happy camper! Coming up this year – summer promises camping trips, more swimming in lakes, drives and nature walks with Chiggies 🙂 He has his own Facebook profile (Gus Chiggins) and welcomes anyone to add him as a friend! Chiggins also has a rather large fan base on YouTube and Twitter! Here’s a video of Chiggins being put in a pool for the first time: [youtube][/youtube]

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. What a beautiful, precious boy! He’s lucky to have such a loving mommy– who takes him swimming. So cute.

  2. Poor Chiggins was so embarrassed and he refused to swim, bless his cute little heart! He’s adorable! I’ve always had kitties who like playing in water and drinking with their paws but NOT swimming or bathes. Give Chiggins a hug from me and my babies, please 🙂

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