Cat Whisperer
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Cat Whisperer
Indeed, you’ve heard about the dog whisperer Cesar Milan. Well, a cat whisperer is someone who is very familiar with cat behavior and relates well to them. They can also be known as a cat therapist since they understand a kitty’s way of thinking and work well with them to achieve the desired results. Why would one need the services of a cat whisperer? Cats that are abandoned or abused develop a certain behavioral pattern, which could be either very aggressive or submissive and withdrawn. They also stop trusting human beings. A cat whisperer will help the cat overcome its fears and connect well with its owner. If you have trouble understanding the needs of your cat, you can always approach a pet talker forum, which will be able to put things in proper perspective so that you can relate well to the cat.
- Cat Talk: The Secrets of Communicating with Your Cat
- The Complete Guide to Understanding & Caring for Your Cat
- What Is My Cat Thinking?: The Essential Guide to Understanding Pet Behavior
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
Great post and awesome information and links. Thanks, Jenny! Our Miss Pink Sugarbelle has her own way to communicate with us from her slow loving blinks when she’s content to her loud meows when we are sleeping (and she thinks we should be awake!) to “the look” when she wants to either play with her wand toy (she sits patiently by the closet where her wand toys are kept and just waits for us to open the door to get the wand to play) or when she wants to watch her nature videos (she jumps in our chair and stares out our computer screen with her tail swishing back and forth). It’s really amazing how she lets us know what she truly wants one way or another. She won’t give up either. She’s persistent. We lurve that about her! Of course when you try to explain this to non-cat folk they just give you that look that says “Oh, okay. Sure. Yeah. Mmmmm. That’s nice.” lol 🙂
Big hugs!
Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3
I can certainly believe that cats make 81 different noises, from demanding, obnoxious “it’s all about me, why are you doing something that doesn’t involve giving me your full attention” (eg chopping stuff with a REALLY sharp knife) , through chirps, chatters and best of all a long deep purr accompanied by head bumps.
The tail is certainly the hardest read for non cat people (and for my poor dog). My parents freeze at the smallest hint of a tail swish, and are slowly learning to check out her eyes and ears too.
I’m happy to say that my kitten generally walks about with her head held high, her body and tail relaxed. I do receive giant eyes and upright tail but only when she proudly presents me with prey in the form of one of her toy mice or balls when we play “fetch”