Boston – Ragdoll of the Week

Boston – Ragdoll of the Week

Boston - Ragdoll of the WeekMy parents had been in love with my Salem since we got him in 2006. I decided as a Christmas gift in 2007, I would get them a ragdoll cat. I contacted my breeder Leona DeMartino of Cats Cradle Ragdolls Capecod Cats on Cape Cod MA. She had just had a singleton (only one kitten) born who was a blue mitted male. I of course said yes immediately. We picked him up when he was 12 weeks old and brought him up to them,when we visited them at Thanksgiving as an early Christmas present. They live in upstate NY and we live in Boston MA. See the pic of Boston in the Christmas stocking. My parents instantly fell in love with this little boy. They decided to name him Boston after where he came from and to follow suit with my cat’s name Salem. He is also a step brother of my cat Salem. Same dad the Great Catsby but different mom’s at the same breeder. Boston’s mom is Sassy Lassy of Cats Cradle Ragdolls Capecod Cats

Boston - Ragdoll of the WeekBoston has grown into a gorgeous boy , he has a brother tabby cat Rascal who he spends his days with. They love to lay in the sun on my parents bed and play with all their toys.They also love looking out the window into my parents back yard and watching the birds and squirrels. The cats also have a cat tree downstairs to look out the window into the backyard. Boston’s favorite toy is a stuffed squirrel , named Squirrely.

My parents travel to Arizona every winter to a warmer climate. Last year they asked if Boston could stay with me while they were in AZ as they weren’t quite sure about having him travel that far. Boston came to stay with me and my 3 Ragdolls, brother Salem (9), Logan (6) and Bruin (3). I was hoping for the perfect ideal situation. They got along ok, but not the greatest.  It was Boston - Ragdoll of the Weekvery stressful for me, my cats and Boston. Boston became the dominate cat and would slap at the other cats if they came near any toy he was playing with. Also sometimes just batting at the other cats as they walked by. His brother, Salem picked up on this habit and now often will bat at his brothers as they walk by. I loved having him but, Mom and Dad were so happy to get their boy back when they returned from Arizona. (see pic).

Well Boston is now going to take the cross country trip with Mom and Dad and his dog sister Isabelle as my parents know he was a good traveler to and from Boston last year. Rascal will be staying with an Uncle as he does not travel well. It will be very interesting trip for them. My husband and I are traveling out to see them for Christmas so we will be able to snuggle and shower Boston with our love, while our babies are at home.

Boston is truly loved and is surely a typical Ragdoll, He loves to be brushed and flops all the time especially anytime my mom sits down to show his love for her.

Boston - Ragdoll of the Week

Boston - Ragdoll of the Week

Boston - Ragdoll of the Week

Boston - Ragdoll of the Week

Salem, Boston's brother
Salem, Boston’s brother

Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines

Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Emily Menard says:

    Earlier this week was the third anniversary of adopting my current fur baby, Finn (not a Ragdoll, but the absolute sweetest boy). My mom and I got to talking about the other cats we’ve had over the years. Our love for Ragdolls began when my grandparents adopted Booty from a friend who passed away. Booty was a chocolate Ragdoll and he was originally from Leona DeMartino’s Cats Cradle Ragdolls in Cape Cod! In 2007, my mom adopted our little girl, Rosie from Leona.

    My mom said she looked for Leona’s website but couldn’t find it, so I decided to search the internet myself. That’s when I came across your website and the article about Boston. I had no idea what I would go on to read. My baby girl, Sassy, is Boston’s mom!

    I adopted Sassy in January of 2015. I saw her on Leona’s website and knew she was meant to be mine. Leona was retiring her as a breeder because she only had one litter with one kitten. When I read “Boston’s mom is Sassy Lassy of Cats Cradle Ragdolls” I burst into tears!

    Sadly, Sassy passed away in December 2018 after a battle with cancer. Leona put her through multiple exploratory surgeries because she was not producing as she wanted her too. Ultimately she was spayed, but the surgery was botched and led to her developing cancer.

    I was elated to see that Sassy’s baby is living a wonderful life with a loving family. She may be gone, but her legacy and beautiful personality live on with Boston. I would love to share some photos of Sassy and Rosie with you. Boston actually resembles Rosie more so than Sassy because they share the same dad, Great Catsby!

  2. Boston is beautiful and quite the little gypsy! 🙂 (I can’t imagine traveling with my kitties which is a good excuse to stay home.)

    Please share pictures of Boston’s Ragdoll brothers soon!

  3. Babyruffy says:

    I have two ragdoll boys. I relocate three times per year for my work. They are actually quite adaptable. They do get a bit nervous when I pack and on the trip in the car but once I set up my room they get over it quickly.

  4. Patti Johnson says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story about Boston! He is GORGEOUS and AWESOME!!! Your parents are very lucky to have him and obviously lurve him so very much (from the photo I saw of them)! Boston is one lucky boy to have so much love and so many furry pals!!!!

    Absolutely adore the pics, too! He’s a looker and a charmer! Lurve his eyes so much!!!!

    Wishing your parents may years of good health and happiness with Boston!!!!

    Big hugs!!!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3

  5. Oh my gosh- the picture of Boston’s head poking outside the cat cave made me LOL! Too adorable. Boston sounds like he’s adored and lives a very nice life. Your boy, Salem, is equally gorgeous! Great toe tufts! Thanks for sharing them!

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