Bluestar – Ragdoll of the Week

Hi Miss Jenny, I heard that you need more “Ragdoll of the Week” submissions so I would like to send you information about me! My name is Bluestar, (named after a noble leader in the Warriors cat book series) and I would like to tell you about life with my human family. I was born October 5th, 2018 in Creedmoor, NC, at the Velvet Rags Cattery. Miss Angela, the cattery owner, was very nice. She treats all her cats and kitties with kindness and love. My Dad was Cappuccino, a mitted seal point grand champion, and my Mom was Ella, a bicolor. I am a blue mitted female and my 4 siblings were all bicolored just like my Mom. They told me I looked like my great grandmother! Miss Angela always takes beautiful photos of her kittens before they leave the cattery to give to the new owners who adopt us. I am so proud that I was chosen as Miss February for her 2019 kitty calendar! Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week Bluestar Outside I really love my human family. My Mommy is Laura and my Daddy is Earl. They are older and retired and have had many cats over the years (so they told me) but never a ragdoll. They learned about me from the friend of a friend who has two of my half siblings. My human parents started inquiring about us floppy cats and were very interested in meeting some of them. I should tell you that my Mommy and Daddy were not planning to have another kitty after they lost their Persian, Misty, 15 years ago, but their grandchildren (my favorite playmates) begged and pleaded for a pet.
Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week Bluestar in Trash Basket
Bluestar in Trash Basket
Their parents have a small house and work shifts at a hospital so they did not really want a pet but hoped that my Mommy & Daddy (Gma & Gpa since my playmates were born) would consider getting another pet! Raine & Carter, my favorite playmates, really put pressure on Gma & Gpa and finally, after two years, they gave in and started looking for me!! Yay! They even came and visited me at the cattery and played with my siblings and me until they could take me home at 12 weeks. Miss Angela always encourages socialization for her kitties! I have even returned to the cattery (45 minutes from home) to stay a week or two when my Mommy and Daddy went on special trips abroad! I have the run of Miss Angela’s house, which is great because I don’t think I would like to be in a small cage in a kennel. Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week Bluestar on Dresser I’m a big girl, 12+ pounds, but try to exercise and keep my girlish figure! But sometimes it takes me a little while to get used to the new surroundings at Miss Angela’s and the other ragdoll cats that might be visiting. With the Covid pandemic, however, we have all been safely at home, which I really enjoy! You see, I am an only cat and an only pet, which is okay with me! I am told that I am very spoiled but I think it is just fine. I get lots of attention from all my humans who can’t seem to get enough of me! Meow! My Mommy & Daddy tell me that I have lots of items that Miss Jenny recommended: toys, scratching posts, kitty litter boxes, combs, etc.! Thank goodness for Miss Jenny’s advice! She has so many great things/ideas, which I love to try. Some day I would like to meet Charlie & Trigg, although I am not always friendly toward other animals. Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week I especially love people and greet anyone who comes to our door! When my playmates, Raine & Carter arrive, I have so much fun. Raine, who is 12, pets and strokes me and gives me wonderful massages! Carter, 8 years old, likes to play hide and seek/tag with me and we run around the house together. I am usually the seeker and will look or chase him and even jump up on him when I find him (soft paws of course)! Sometimes I am allowed to visit their house, which is only a few miles away! It is so much fun to explore their home (which is kind of messy compared to my human parents) and I always find lots of new stuff to play with there. They all seem to enjoy my company!
Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week Bluestar & Raine
Bluestar & Raine
Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week Bluestar & Carter
Bluestar & Carter
My Mommy is always trying ways to keep me active with cat puzzles for treats, fishing poles, cardboard boxes, balls, strings, etc. She also is the one who combs me (using warm water on her fingertips to moisten my fur and then lays me down while I wash myself and she combs me), which I thoroughly enjoy! Don’t try to use a brush on me or I will bunny kick you! My Mommy also brushes my teeth almost daily and trims my nails every couple of weeks (not so enjoyable)! My Daddy feeds me – yummy! I love to eat so I purr, rub up against him, and head-butt him while he is preparing my food. Sometimes I lick his legs (he’s always wearing shorts) and have even tried to attack his legs (with soft paws, of course). He doesn’t seem very happy with that but he is very patient with me. Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week 3 I feel that most of the time I am a very well behaved ragdoll but occasionally, in the past mostly, I have gotten a spray with a bottle of water (when I attacked the furniture). Now they just show me the bottle and I run! I am still learning proper behavior from my humans but sometimes I can’t help myself and run around the house like a wildcat. I am called many names besides Bluestar. These include “Blue”, “Boo Boo”, “Miss Priss”, and “Lady Bluestar”! I answer to all of them, especially when food is involved! I am not a lap cat but always remain close to my humans. I love a good belly rub and don’t mind being held upside down – I can get pretty floppy then! Bluestar - Ragdoll of the Week 2 I know my human family loves me very much. They keep telling me. Often at night my Mommy picks me up wherever I am sleeping in their bedroom and takes me to bed with her and I snuggle up in her arms, purr loudly, and make biscuits. Most times I fall asleep in her arms, which is just purrfect! My humans keep saying that they hope I live a long, healthy, and happy life and I hope they do, too. They’re pretty special and I feel lucky to have found them. Thank you, Jenny, for letting me talk about my life in your newsletter. Please say “Hello and Meow” from me to Charlie and Trigg! Sincerely, Bluestar
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines Read more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.

Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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