My name is Blu! I was born on April 26, 2019, on a beautiful ranch next to the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. My parents are Palacedolls Sir Finn of RanchinRagz and Palacedolls Miss Emma Jane of RanchinRagz.
I came to live at my forever home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in September 2019. I have an older sister, her name is Jasmine. She is a beautiful Maine Coon. At first she didn’t like me very much, but I kept at it and now we are friends and have lots of fun together.
I also have a little brother. His name is Echo, he is a Ragdoll just like me. We were friends instantly. My forever home parents called me Blu! because I am a Blue Mitted Ragdoll with a white blaze that looks like an exclamation mark. My favorite thing is being upside down…….Life is just better upside down.
My forever home parents are lots of fun. They have an exercise wheel for me to play on, an indoor tent with a tube (great for chasing and ambushing), a 7 foot cat tree in a big window so we can watch birds, an outdoor Catio (outdoor enclosed patio for cats so we can spend time safely outside), and a pet stroller to take my brother and I for walks in parks and to visit pet friendly shops.
I like going to the shops, the people in the shops always make a fuss and give us yummy treats. Best of all we all go to our lake house in the Rocky Mountains every couple of weeks. We get to watch Cat TV when we are out there. Echo and I love that. We also spend time outside on the big deck. We watch the deer, the elk, eagles, osprey and bugs. We love chasing the bugs.
In February 2020, just before my first birthday, I got really sick. Mom took me to our Vet who sent us directly to the emergency hospital. Mom stayed with me while they did all kinds of tests.
A special Doctor was called in to do an Ultra-Sound. She said that I had pancreatitis and that I would have to be admitted to the intensive care unit for several days. The Doctors and Intensive Care Nurses took very good care of me. My Mom and Dad came to visit everyday.
I missed my home, my big sister and little brother. I kept wondering what they were doing and if they missed me. Everyday Mom and Dad would visit me. They would tell me that they loved me and to be brave. Mom always had tears in her eyes, so I knew so really missed me.
Five days later I was back home. I still didn’t feel very good, but I was really glad to be back home. Echo stayed close to me while I recovered. He would even clean me and purr for me.
Within a couple of weeks I felt better and could start being a fun loving kitten again. I still have to be careful with my diet, but that is easy compared to being sick.
We all celebrated together on my birthday. We had special treats that day, lots of new toys and something called Catnip. It was a really nice day so Echo and I had a long Stroller ride to the pond so we could watch the ducks and geese…….they are really noisy… to watch, but noisy. It always seems to be somebodies birthday here so there is lots of celebrating.
My Dad and Mom stay home and work now. I like having them home everyday. I like working with them. I help out by napping next to the computers, tossing pens on the floor, and making sure I always meow and walk in front of the computer camera when my Dad is doing something called a Zoom meeting.
I have a very happy life, I hope you do too.
Bye for now,
Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat? Consider submitting your kitty! Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelinesRead more Ragdoll of the Week submissions.
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
What a beautiful story and beautiful cat. I’ve had several breeds of cats over the years and loved them all. They are so funny and aloof but also so sweet and snuggly…as long as it’s on their terms. 🙂
Thanks for sharing a great story! Love your kitties, beautiful!! Glad they are all well.
Note: My Maine Coon lived until 24 years old..she was special for sure!
What a beautiful story and beautiful cat. I’ve had several breeds of cats over the years and loved them all. They are so funny and aloof but also so sweet and snuggly…as long as it’s on their terms. 🙂
We just brought home our new Ragdoll baby from RanchinRagz 2 weeks ago! He’s such a joy! Thanks for sharing your story about Blu!
Thanks for sharing a great story! Love your kitties, beautiful!! Glad they are all well.
Note: My Maine Coon lived until 24 years old..she was special for sure!