Average Lifespan of a Ragdoll Cat
This is a common question among Ragdoll owners and people looking to get their own Raggie. Knowing how long your cat will live is essential information, even if this is an approximation. So, how long does a Ragdoll cat live?
The lifespan of a Ragdoll Cat – The average lifespan of a Ragdoll cat is 9-15 years. They can certainly live longer. Some readers have had Ragdolls live as long as 26 years.
When my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, was around 14 years old, I remember Googling how long a Ragdoll cat lived. I found out that the average lifespan of a Ragdoll is 9-15 years. But, of course, with Rags being 14, I wasn’t crazy about reading that!
Of course, Rags died at 19.5 years old, so he helped that average grow a little bit. So how do they come up with those averages anyway?
Something to remember about averages is that they are taken from a large crop of numbers. In other words, you have cats that die before 9 years of age and cats that die when they are older than 15 years old.
How Long Does a Ragdoll Cat Live?
In short, the average lifespan of a Ragdoll cat is 9-15 years, but averages are just that – averages. They can certainly live longer. My Rags passed at 19.5 years old. My parents’ Caymus passed at 16 years old and their Murphy at 16.5. And some readers have had Ragdolls live as long as 26 years.
Regardless, I would always estimate around 15 years old if you consider adopting a kitten. That kitty will be with you for a long time, and if you don’t see stability in your life, then it might not be the right time to adopt a cat.
Of course, you can never predict the future, so you might think your life will be stable, and something can happen that alters everything. There’s no exact to anything in life. Still, it is essential to consider a kitty’s life expectancy when adopting one.
No one wants to think about their kitty passing on, but it is a part of life and a sad part that every responsible pet owner must face.
As your cat ages, you may be considering what you will do when they pass – how will you handle it? How will you commemorate their life? You might want to check out different pet burial options if you don’t already have something in mind – that way it might be easier to deal with when the time comes.
Research now could save you from making a spontaneous decision later in a moment of grief.
Why is it Important to Know the Lifespan of Your Cat?
Knowing how long your cat is expected to live is crucial information for pet owners and people looking to become pet parents. Here are the main reasons why:
- You must know that you can take care of your domestic cat for its entire life. Ask yourself if you can support your cat emotionally and financially now and in 10 or 15 years.
- Knowing your cat’s lifespan can help you map out crucial developmental moments in its such as its time as a kitten, passing into adulthood, and reaching seniority. Kittens, adults, and geriatric cats require extra care and different lifestyles.
- You should also know how long your cat is expected to live for emotional reasons. Losing your cat will be an excruciating experience, so you should be prepared to know when it might happen.
Important Numbers about a Cat’s Age
Yes, the average lifespan of a Ragdoll cat is 9-15 years, but there’s more to think about than just those numbers.
It’s essential to remember that the age of 10 is a significant hump in a cat’s life and that most Ragdolls do get past it and live longer. Most of them reach the age of 15. But some live well past that, like my Rags, who made it all the way to 19.5.
Unfortunately, my parents’ Ragdoll cat Caymus passed at 16.
You’ll be happy to know that Ragdoll cats have even made it to 25. That is nothing short of impressive, but there are a lot of factors that influence the longevity of a cat’s life. Let’s go through the most important ones because this should give you a better idea of a Ragdoll cat’s lifespan.
Factors that Influence Longevity in Ragdoll Cats
When you hear a lifespan of up to 15 years, and even more, this means how long your cat could live if all goes well. But, unfortunately, plenty of things can leave a significant mark on a cat’s body and either expand its life or shorten it.
The good news is that you can actually control many of these. So as long as you take proper care of your cat, which you indeed have every intention of, you can give it an excellent chance at a long life. Here are the main factors you should be aware of:
The lifespan average for the Ragdoll breed maybe 9-15, but you need to narrow that down to the individual, your Ragdoll cat. You might get more accurate information than the breed average can provide by asking how long your cat’s parents have lived. Look into the lifespan of its grandparents as well. This should offer more precise information.
However, don’t forget to ask about the conditions of the parents’ and grandparents’ deaths. It’s essential to get a bit of medical history because that could point you to the genetic diseases that they might have passed on to your cat. By being aware of these, you can inform your veterinarian and work more thoroughly on preventing them.
It is difficult to pinpoint whether tomcats or female cats (mollies) live longer because each gender is exposed to certain factors that might influence their lifespan. For example, male cats are territorial, and when they are in heat, they often fight other males to get to the females.
This can be a significant risk factor if your male cat lives outdoors and has the chance to leave home in pursuit of females and, naturally, if the male cat has not been neutered.
However, most Ragdoll cats that come from catteries are already altered (neutered or spayed) when they get to their families. So running off after cats is an out-of-the-ordinary situation.
On the other hand, female cats are exposed to some critical risk factors. Even if spayed, there is still some risk that they might develop breast cancer. While spaying minimizes the risk, it cannot remove it altogether.
On regular checkups, the veterinarian will always examine the cat’s breasts because prevention is the best policy when dealing with this issue. As for female cats that are not neutered, that will produce kittens, they are exposed to the risks brought on by complications when giving birth.
Acute diseases
Acute diseases have a rapid onset and development. Yet, most of the time, they appear out of nowhere, and acting fast is crucial.
To make sure you can do that, you should do some research into emergency veterinary care options. If the time ever comes for you to need urgent care for your cat, it’s best to know where to turn to. Talk to your veterinarian about this next time to have it all cleared out.
Aside from that, you must be able to recognize the symptoms that your cat might be displaying. Some are pretty subtle – life apathy, loss of appetite, not drinking enough water, not peeing enough, etc. So you always need to pay attention to your cat. As for the prevention of acute diseases, it all goes into general preventative measures.
Chronic diseases
Due to genetic factors, Ragdoll cats are prone to developing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. But just because they are prone to it as a breed does not mean they are sure to get it.
However, you can use this information to prevent heart disease in your cat. In fact, when it comes to chronic disease, that is the very best you can do – work on prevention. But, first, take your cat to the vet at least two times a year for checkups.
This ensures that any disease your cat might suffer from is caught in the early stages, not the advanced ones. In some chronic diseases, the symptoms are challenging to notice, if any. For example, it’s tough to spot if a cat has chronic kidney disease, but it would come up in a regular blood work checkup.
Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases are pretty violent and difficult to treat. The good news is that vaccination covers a great deal of the very dangerous ones.
This starts when your cat is just a kitten, and when it gets the vaccines, it needs to build a strong immunity to infectious diseases. But this has to be maintained throughout life, so make sure you attend vaccination appointments with your vet! It can help your cat live a while longer. Please note that both outdoor and indoor cats have to be vaccinated.
In most cases, you can’t foresee trauma, and when it comes, it can have dire consequences. After it happens, nothing is left to do except call that emergency number and take your cat to the hospital. But while you can’t prevent everything, there are some serious situations that you can make sure your cat is never in.
For instance, you can install a catio for your balcony and safety for your windows to ensure your house is catproof. Another thing you can do is supervise your cat when it is outside if that is the case.
Flea and parasite control
Fleas and macroparasites are a considerable threat to your cat, even if it lives indoors. However, it is one that you can eliminate with parasitic control.
Your vet can offer the best medication options for your cat. This can help prevent diseases that drastically reduce your cat’s life expectancy.
This is an immensely important role in your cat’s development and quality of life. Providing your cat with a balanced diet and high-quality food will help its body stay healthy. Regardless of your preference for cat food, aim for products that do not use additives, artificial taste enhancers, and other chemicals.
The best diet for a cat is a raw food diet – this mirrors the food they would eat in the wild and ensures you aren’t feeding your cat any ‘fillers’ like grains. Unfortunately, switching to a raw food diet from a wet or dry food diet can take some time and persistence. Still, the benefits, including potentially extending your cat’s lifespan, are worth it.
It is also imperative that your cat has a diet that is appropriate for its age. Young cats need a different diet than adult cats and an entirely different one than senior cats. Another element to keep in mind is whether your cat is neutered. If your cat has been neutered, then it must receive a diet for neutered cats for the rest of its life to avoid obesity.
Aside from the diet, there are some nutritional supplements that you can give your cats, such as Omega-3 or vitamins. However, it is best to consult your veterinarian before your start giving your cat supplements, especially when it comes to vitamins.
Where and how the cat lives will significantly influence its lifespan. Here are a few things that might have an essential role in the cat’s lifestyle:
Indoor or outdoor
Whether a cat lives indoors, in an apartment or a house, or if it lives outdoors will undoubtedly influence how long it will live. Cats that live only outdoors get much more exercise and breathe fresh air all day, which is very healthy and can make them live longer.
On the other hand, they are also exposed to meteorological factors such as rain, snow, and extreme cold. This can have a negative influence on their health in the long run. They are also exposed to trauma if they only live outside.
As for indoor cats, they are sheltered from cold and dangers, but they are at risk of living a sedentary life, which is abnormal for cats and can shorten their lifespan.
However, you can quickly correct this by playing with your cat. Overall, living indoors is better for your cat. An even better option for an indoor cat is being taken outside in the garden. Or, you can take your cat to the park (with the proper protection of course) and have it under supervision at all times.
If your cat is stressed in its day-to-day life, this can negatively influence its health and lifespan. Cats can be stressed by other cats, family members, noises, inability to sleep, dogs or other animals that can scare them, and many other things. The only thing you can do is observe your cat and make sure that it is calm and relaxed. If not, try to identify the stress factors and work on removing them.
A sedentary lifestyle will actively shorten a cat’s life because it predisposes it to certain chronic diseases and diminishes its ability to fight disease. This is why playing daily with your cat is very important. Choose cat toys that exercise their body and mind, and your cat will be healthier.
Cats are independent animals, of course, but they still need a great deal of affection.
Affection and involvement
Cats are independent animals, of course, but they still need a great deal of affection. If their owners are affectionate with them, cats are more engaged and happier, which also helps them live longer. A state of happiness means a cascade of “positive” hormones in the body, which definitely provide a longer life to the cat. So, spend time with your cat daily, and it will live longer!
Do you have a Ragdoll cat? Or have you owned one that has passed? How old was your Ragdoll kitty when they passed?
How old is your cat now? Tell us all about it in the comments section below.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
My sweet boy Gandalf the Grey passed last June at 15.8 YO. Oh the heartbreak is like none other. New kittens arrive in a few months…Frodo Baggins & Aragorn Stryder…the story must continue !
So sorry for your loss! It is a terrible loss, I know it well! Yay on the new kittens – bet you can’t wait – love their names!!
My Hadley was 3 years and 5 months when he passed exactly 5 years ago this Saturday. Chronic kidney disease that progressed into failure. These days I have a raggie/Siamese mix who is 2 1/2 years old. Great kitties.
Also I love seeing so many Rag doll lovers and responsible owners helping their cats love long, healthy lives. My heart goes out to everyone else who has lost a pet as well. Terrible
experience, but they are worth the pain ❤
Oh my goodness – chronic kidney disease at that age is really rare!
Jenny–Thanks so much for all your hard work on this site, and reviewing this important information; it’s always helpful. I’m very sorry to everyone who has lost beloved Ragdolls, specially those who left us before their time, and share their grief and extend my condolences. Hope they find comfort in knowing that they gave their furpersons a much loved and cared for life.
My Gorgeous and sweet girl Annie (Ragdoll of the week — https://www.floppycats.com/annie-ragdoll-of-the-week.html ) passed away just about a year ago from HCM. We tried so very hard to make her life better, and both her internist and her kitty cardiologist were careful to regulate medications and procedures to make sure that she had quality as well as quantity from her life. She was just 8 years old when she went to kitty heaven. Our other beloved Ragdoll George is now almost 10, and doing fine, and we are hoping for a very long and healthy life for him. I’ve had kitties who’ve lived as short as 7 years, and one that lived to 20. It’s heartbreaking to lose a member of your family, and of course we do all we can to make their life as comfortable as possible, but I’ve come to realize that–just like humans–genetics plays an important role in their longevity. But most of all, good care, lots of love, and a safe environment help a great deal in insuring a long and healthy life for our furchildren.
Thank you for sharing – and I hope George lives a long life too – btw, my next Ragdoll will be named, “George.” Love that name.
My sweet Fluffer is a blue colorpoint mitted ragdoll. She will be 17 this coming February. All my cats have lived very long lives, as long as 21 years! She is in excellent health. I take her to the vet for a checkup every year and she has no health problems whatsoever. I feed her Wellness wet food twice a day, and try not to feed too much dry food. She sleeps in bed next to me on her own pillow, she is a princess, and I spoil her like crazy. Take good care of your cats and they can live a very long time and give you years and years of joy and happiness!
Follow up to my 2012 post… I’m sorry to say we haven’t had another Ragdoll but still hope for one someday. I don’t think breed is a really big issue in cats’ lifespans, any more than race would determine human lives. An article I read not long ago claimed 15 is a reasonable age expectation (as Jenny mentioned somewhere above). I agree with that estimate, although we’ve been and are lucky. Our oldest were Kidlet (19 1/2) and Holy Tara (18 1/2). Baby Mew will be 17 in July. We’ve never had a boy reach age 13, as far as we know, although in most cases we aren’t sure how old they are when we get them. Our girls seem to live longer, maybe because they don’t fight or try to roam.
Ideopathic Chylothorax in cats or dogs and sometimes humans,a strange desaease,where fluid builds around the lungs in the chest cavity.MY Murphy Bo was diagnosed just aug 5 2016 at41/2years old,he had a strong heart and no cancer or infectious desease.Im devastated he passed on 9/27/16,he as so healthy 16lbs.The Surgery here in Calif,is 10to 15thousand with a very guarded survival rate .We tried to see if meds would work,and spent about 5000on 2 months of treatment his lungs were becoming damaged from the fluid and neededto be put down,this ia a really strange desease in cats that the vets don’t understand,nor do I,poor thing had fluid drained about 12 times it was sad.to learn more of this rare cat desease just google.I HAD NEVER HEARD OF THIS IN MY LIFE IT IS NOT CONTAGIOUS,but in 50%of cases they have no idea why it occurs as in my Sweet Boys case,My poor intelligent Bo gone much too soon.Sincerly Lisa Brown
My mix Ragdoll, Bella, is 10, she has had zero health problems except an allergy to food, she devoloped a year ago. She can only eat rabbit, venison and duck. She was a litter of 4 mixed, her one brother dies at a year old of a heart problem. Bella is large boned and 14lbs. She has been on hip supplements since the age of 8 because of her weight, and crashing into things while trying to jump, now she is fine. She travels in the car with me in her car carrier, but at the vet is evil! She gets cat Xanax to not be so crazy. She follows me everywhere, if I’m sick, she stays in bed with me and won’t move until I do. We have parties at the house and she is right in the middle of the mix. Never knew I had a mix Ragdoll until I did research, my brother’s 4 kids carried her around as a kitty, she never protested, just hung out. I know UC Davis does DNA cat testing for $150, but they said it is hard for them to process cats since, well we all know, they love each other. They send you a kit to do the DNA. I’ll be doing it this December. She has green eyes, but the most mellow cat I’ve had, and loves everyone!
Not sure how to attach a picture but my baby Tiny Bubbles is 23 years old and somedays runs and plays like a normal crazy kitten
WOW! Love it – tell us more – what has he eaten during his life? Did you adopt him as a kitten? You can’t upload a photo – only I can – so if you want to send me one at info@floppycats.com – I can load it here for you.
I am very disappointed, I first bought a ragdoll 2 years ago, he was the most amazing cat I have ever owned, I couldn’t believe how amazing he was, I named him Figaro, he always was by my side and played fetch a lot. He turned out to be stunning, when I went to get him spayed, the vet said he couldn’t do it as he seemed to have a heart murmur, so I took him to a specialist cardiologist, I left him with him to do tests, as we were driving away, my phone rang and the vet told me, he was very sorry but as he took him out of the cage he had a heart attack and died, there was 3 cardiologists there as he died, they made the heart work but he was brain dead. So he died age 10 months. I was so devastated. Thinking it was just bad luck and I loved ragdolls so much I eventually got another one, I chose a different colour so it would be a complete new cat. the breeder was fine and she showed me certificates for years gone back from this new kitten he was Theodore, she told me it was fine to let them out when they were older, my back garden is quite secure, he cant get to any roads. When he was 10 months, he went three gardens up, I never knew this but the lady who lives there had 5 Staffordshire bull terriers, she never took them out. I got a call from a vet telling me they had Theo, we went to the vet with his carrier expecting him to come home but he never did, three days later after loads of tests I made the terrible decision to have him put down, he was undergoing all these stupid tests and nothing ever helped. He was getting worse. I decided I had to get another, I eventually got Berlioz, he looked and acted like Figaro, so I was so so happy, he was my baby, a picture of health, loved food, always by my side, he had a face saying “I love you” I work from home, so I was with him all the time, he was the most beautiful cat, I never let him out unless I was with him, but he wanted to be with me all the time anyway. He was HCM tested and his breeder was amazing and showed cats for years.
One day he got a bit ill, I decided to take him to the vets even though I knew there was nothing wrong, I couldn’t believe what the vet now told me, he probably has FIP and will die, he kept him in for three days, I couldn’t bear it, finally I opted for euthanasia again. I went to be with him for that, it was the worse time, he really reacted badly to the injection and the vet, you see, he was so human like. I don’t like to think about it too much its too sad. But it was horrendous.
I had a break down after this, and it took me ages to get over it, Im a lot better now but still so sad.
Why why why, three young cats in 18 months. I cant do this anymore. Is it just me, how could I pick three cats that wouldn’t make it past 14 months. Unbelievable. From what I can gather it is rare. So how come. I just don’t get it.
I have had 2 rags. I got them within one year apart. . I lost my first one Oscar at 10 years old and my 2nd one…well let’s just say Maddie is a trooper and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. He will be turning 18 this June!!
Last October he had his teeth cleaned, so of corse he had to have the full panel of tests. The dr. was amazed as she was the year before with his results. Stating Maddie apparently never received the memo he was 17 and should be slowing down.
He now only has 6 teeth left and is no where near the 18lbs he was at his prime. But when the toys come out, he is the first one to play before the 6 or the11 year old alley cats even pick their heads up. His hearing and eye sight are perfect. He wakes me up at 6:00 am for breakfast every day. I can’t imagine life without him.
Wow so many great comments happy and sad,scary,My Ragdolls are young not even 3.I look at my Murphy Bo Dee straight into his bright eyes and tell him don’t ever get sick and leave Mom,and he looks deep into my eyes as if he knows what Im saying an feeling,like don’t worry Mom I know how much u love me,and my younger boy who is still totally a baby and likes to be carried ,cuddled and kissed still so I don’t communicate deep feelings with our eyes as much as Murphy.But anyhow after what I have read tonight ,they will certainly be getting a yearly real soon,and immunizations that are mabey a month over due.I feel like a bad Mom cause they need a bath and their flea meds applied that are a few weeks over due.My prayers go out to all of the strong Ragdoll Moms out there who have been through so much with their feline children.ALL THESE POSTS ARE A WAKE UP CALL TO ME,NOT TO IGNORE CHECK UPS AN STUFF JUST CAUSE THEY SEEM WELL.Thanks LISA
Thanks for revisiting this great info, Jenny! I found all of this information and everyone’s comments VERY HELPFUL!
Big hugs!
Patti & Pink Sugar 🙂 <3
I’m looking for a blue eyed female ragdoll to adopt
My boy, Bandit was 17+ 1 month when he passed on Oct. 29, 2014…He had CRF, but that morning, he had a stroke. Bandit was my buddy..I loved that boy with all my heart…a true puppy cat from the get-go. He never met a stranger. Always woke me up at 6:30 am,… my little alarm clock. I miss him, and think about him every day. He was our 3rd Ragdoll. Our other 2, Roxie and Ricky passed at 15 and 16 yrs. We have 3 other non-Ragdoll cats now, but one day, I will be getting another Ragdoll…they are the best!
Hi, Jenny. Happy to see there’s a site for us Ragdoll lovers. My Ragdoll, Sassy, adopted us while we lived in Michigan’s. U.P. from 2002-2005. She appeared to have been around two years old and very skittish when she came to us, as she had lived out of doors. We checked for evidence of former ownership but got no replies and there was no chip. I believe she was not fully anesthetized during her tendonectomy, probably ran away the first chance she got, and then happened upon us. How lucky was that!? She wouldn’t let anyone near her paws for about six months, poor thing. Sassy chooses her favorite peeps carefully, as do most cats; but she will not tolerate anyone (except me) petting her on the stomach or fooling around with her tail. Other than that, she’s very affectionate..and very smart! Sassy looks much like your cat in the photo. She is now around 14, within her normal weight limit for her size (smaller than many), and has no health issues to date except her teeth, which I have cleaned every other year. She also gets regular checkups and vaccinations. Sassy is the first cat that’s lived with us who turns up her nose at most people food, which is actually a good thing. When we brought her into the house she walked past wet food and soft food, heading straight for the dry food. Her only people food must-haves are the juice from canned tuna packed in water (I dilute juice three times, freeze it in an ice cube tray, put it in a Ziploc bag, then dole out one ounce per night as a treat)and an occasional nibble of peanut butter. When I was eating more junk food, Sassy would also lick all the cheese off a Cheetos corn curl or a Dorito. I fed her Purina Cat Chow for about nine years without incident; but then she developed a skin problem, which I attributed to a change in the formula or her just developing a reaction to the formula. I moved up to any which has no animal byproducts; but her absolute favorite food now is Spot’s Stew in either salmon or mixed seafood. She is not a chicken, beef, pork, or turkey cat…just seafood, thank you very much! I get such a kick out of her behavior, true to her breed, more like a dog than a cat. She follows me around like a little puppy, greets me when I come in by displaying a submissive position on the floor to be petted; she sleeps with me, of course, and oh boy is she ever vocal!!! She lets me know when she feels ignored or when she wants to play. She also runs up and down the stairs frequently, playing with her imaginary friend. When my husband passed two years ago, Sassy would sit in her favorite chair next to the door leading to the garage, softly and pitifully meowing, waiting for my husband to walk through the door. She did that almost every night for the better part of a year. It’s been better since we moved to another home. Sassy tolerates small dogs that don’t yap all the time, but is NOT good with other cats. She is still a very important part of my life and seems quite happy to be the Queen of her castle here. The vet was surprised to learn her age. Sassy has been strictly an indoor cat since joining our family. I’m hoping Sassy will be with me for many, many years to come. All we need to do for our pets is provide them with a safe home, food, good medical care and affection. In return, they provide us with hours on end of hilarious entertainment; cat purrs, hugs, licks on the hand or cheek, and those head butts (the supreme sign of affection); an understanding of human emotions many people fail to grasp; and most importantly, unconditional love. What would we do without these adorable creatures who ask for and need so little and give us so much?? 😀
Thanks, Joyce – I hope you have her for many years to come as well! Hope you’ll consider submitting her as Ragdoll of the Week! here are the guidelines: https://www.floppycats.com/ragdoll-of-the-week.html
I agree with Jena. Your boy needs complete geriatric labs, and I’d throw in a chest x-ray and/or ultrasounds as well. Has he had baseline senior labs done in the last few years?
Some problems show up in urine before they ever show up in blood. By the time they show up in blood, a lot of damage has been done.
Some problems can be determined by a complete blood count, chemistry panel, and a few add-ons which your vet will suggest, such as a free T4. (No, it isn’t free.) To paraphrase Shakespeare, one of the dudes after whom my William was named, blood doesn’t lie.
One of my vets said that anything over 14 was borrowed time. I’ve done a lot of borrowing =)
Have a 13yr old Ragdoll(mot purebreed)-his dad was a mixed stray) but he looks JUST LIKE A PURE!
He seems very very healthy- leaps high and runs like a leopard in the house
Hearing these age span numbers scares me now abt how long my guys may live- he is indoor only and loves chicken every night with me when i have dinner! :))
He is so so lovable
I agree I would get a vet check up done plus gave a complete blood panel run as it can check for thyroid, and other problems. Older cats can have pain from arthritis and may need medication to help with inflammation. My older boy Neko who is 10 gas some arthritis in his back and is sleeping more but still plays a great deal. He is on fish oil, glucosamine, and DGP at times. Bladder problems can also cause pain so if everything else is normal you could run a urine panel on him as well.
I hope there’s some wisdom here for me.
My Izzy (17 pound neutered male) will be 10 on July 30. I’ve noticed some behavior changes in the past month. Most notably, he is slowing down and sleeps more, rather like I do, at 70. He has always met me at the door when I come home from work, and for the past month, he hasn’t done that… when I get in the house, I find him asleep in one of his favorite spots. His diet is strictly Iams weight controlfor mature cats with hairball issues. He’s never been really interested in food unless he can see the bottom of his kibble bowl. He’s an inside cat, although he’s allowed out on the patio if I’m there with him… never roams or socializes with other critters. Until Izzy came into my life, I’d never had a cat that wasn’t just a garden variety 8 to 12 pound alley cat, and I’m wondering if this is normal aging or if it is something I need to be concerned about.
I’d take Izzy in for a checkup, with a particular focus on his heart health. My Rosalind slowed down a lot in her last six months; her heart attack came after surgery, but I’m thinking that her heart was weakening for a while before that. She slept a lot even by ragdoll standards, and I noticed that her breathing was getting more audible as well.
Yes I agree with the other two posts. Get Izzy to the vet and discuss these behavior changes. This could be part of the aging process. Your Izzy sounds a lot like my parents cat who is 10 years old as well. He goes outdoors but he doesn’t play or run around. Rather just sort of sits, etc. Don’t go to crazy with getting all the blood work done to stress Izzy out but just enough to see if there is a problem. If Izzy is peeing and pooing regulary and eating then it is probably normal. My ragdoll who is 2.5 has never been interested in food…Good luck!
My pure breed Regdoll buddy died from kidney failure. He was just about 9 years old. Problems with kidney were found one year ago. Diet, medication and IV did not help. In 6 month he lost weight. Last months it was a battle for his life, but nothing worked. It is just like some part of me died with him. I have one more cat. She is 7. I am glad she is not a pure breed. Maybe she has a chance to live longer life.
Dylan and Déjà just turned 11 in February. They are brother and sister (alpha and runt of their litter). So far, the only health issues we have experienced have been teeth abscess (2 removed) and a recent respiratory infection – both Dylan. I can’t even comprehend our home without either of these guys…. It is so nice to read all of your stories about Ragdolls that have lived such long lives and heartbreaking to hear the stories of those who haven’t. They are truly the best cats on the planet! :).