Watching me get ready in the mornings
Three years ago I saw a video from Animal Planet about Ragdolls. I was fascinated by what I saw. I grew up having cats, then I married and had two boys, which meant puppies. Now that I am in my empty nest years I really wanted to get back to a cat. I got my wish for Christmas from my fiancé.
Once I got my wish I started searching the Internet and found a couple of breeders in my home state of Louisiana. I emailed them and when I didn’t hear back immediately I searched neighboring states and I found my baby in Jackson, Mississippi, over two hours away.
It took weeks for us to decide on a name and finally decided on Amos Moses. It is from a song by Jerry Reed about a boy raised in south Louisiana hunting alligators. Old, old song. Amos is now four months old and in very short order has taken full control of the house.
Amos every morning in the bathroom sink
Amos loves the bathroom. He plays in the tub and sink every morning while I get ready to go to work. He even sits on the side of the tub while I bathe or shower. He is with me every step of every day. He also enjoys going into the sunroom (dog’s room) and run the two old big dogs out of their houses and bite their legs. Luckily for him and me, they are old and forgiving with him.
I think I bought every toy recommended on and could find on Amazon. I bought the nice AlphaPooch bed that he flips over and lies on the bottom side, not in it. He really enjoys the Looney Loops from Amazon, because he is able to carry them in his mouth and play fetch with them. The one toy that has kept his attention is the Hagen Catit Play Circuit. Otherwise, he is playing
Amos playing in the tub
with every box and sack that come into the house, ice cubes and paper towel rolls. The one thing he hates and gets angry when I get it out is the red dot toy. It really angers him that he can’t catch the dot. His most favorite game is chase. I walk away and when he starts after me, I walk faster. When he catches me, I clap my hands and he jumps up for me to catch him and we love for a minute then do it again.
Amos is a celebrity at the vet’s office and has more company then we do. My favorite thing with him is bedtime. When he gets ready to go to sleep he will stand on my pillow and chirp till I pick up the covers. He will get underneath, turn around and lie down with his back against my stomach and his head on my arm.
In the short time I have had him, I cannot imagine a day without him. He is an amazing little fellow and I am so thankful I found Bentley’s Rag Miss Dottie in Mississippi. She refers to him as Amos, The Who Dat Cat, since we are huge Saints fans and of course, LSU.
My favorite – grabbed my mascara out of my hand one morning. Notice the black foot?Amos on his Saints blanketWatching me leave in the mornings. Breaks my heartAmos drinking from the sink
Thank you for reading! Submissions like these – the “Cat of the Week” and “Kitten of the Month”- are provided by their owners and reflect their individual experiences and practices. The information these submissions share does not necessarily reflect Floppycats’ recommendation or endorsement regarding cat nutrition or care. Always consult a qualified feline nutritionist or veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat’s dietary and health needs. If you want to learn more about species-appropriate nutrition, please visit our cat food page.
Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,
I’m glad to know your name. We love watching Milo and look forward to seeing his pictures every day. Obviously, we missed seeing him when you were busy. I hate driving off with him watching but he is there watching when I get home too. They are neat little cats. I am finding that dog people really like these cats too. My friend Joyce (above comment) sent me a video of her little Ocean chasing their dog. It is really hysterical!
Thanks for reading about us and I truly have enjoy getting to know you & Milo.
Me and my boyfriend just moved in new flat and decided to get a cat. We did a research on cat breeds and their characters and characteristics and we decided to get a ragdoll. We already chose kitten we’re getting, boy named Julliard and we’re really excited to become their “parents” in a month. We already bought cat tree and some stuff for him 🙂 I’m sure we’ll be happy with him as much you’re with your little fella Amos. Great story and pictures.
Thank you for reading about my Amos. You will not be sorry for choosing a Rag and within 5 minutes your heart will belong to him. They are so smart and have a way of letting you know what they want. I too hope you are as captive with your new baby as we are. I will go on and say you will be as happy. Amos rules the house!
Ha! It’s mine too. It was a shock to me and I don’t think he ever knew what happened. I know we had a mess, every where but the expression on his face was great!
Ah Amos Amos Amos
I love this little guy
my kitten, Yuki and I enjoy catching his
daily antics – just ŵīsh could give him a hug
but alas I’m too far away! 🙁
I am currently sat reading this on my phone – now
replying and Yuki, my silver Bengal is sat on my
shoulder watching everything I do and doing her
best parrot impression!!
Ah Amos you little star and thanks for introducing
me into your wonderful world – and your ma too
Thanks Klare! We spend much time chatting through Yuki and Amos. I love watching both of them grow up through pictures even if we are continents apart. Do you Bengal people have a wonderful website like this? If not, you should start one since you don’t have enough hobbies and interests. Ha!
Thanks for reading about my Amos! We love you and Yuki!
Mary – what an epic idea. I was thinking maybe a twitter account – Amos can be an honourary Bengal.
An yes, I love watching him grow up and chatting to you 🙂
K xx
Alas something has gone horribly wrong with instagram – my account for Yuki got deleted and so has my personal one and my photography one.
they are looking into why 🙁
I am gutted
So I will no longer able to see your sweet posts :'(
I will check back to see if you reply to this – other than that, it was fun while lasted and enjoyed our lovely chats
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for sharing Amos with us! It is impossible not to be smitten with him!
I heard of a woman quitting her job as CEO to spend more time with her three ragdolls, and seeing Amos
at the window, now I know why! What a gorgeous and sweet little boy….. I forwarded your story to my husband because I know he’ll love Amos too!
Thank you for reading about my Amos. He really is a treat and keeps this house rocking! Do you have a Rag? They truly are great creatures and super smart. Hope your husband enjoys Amos too!
Thank you so much for featuring Amos this month. Since this was submitted he has grown quite a bit. We still play our games and he now goes outside with a harness and leash. We were quite the sight at Pet Smart a couple of weeks ago. There is nothing like the Ragdoll breed. Very thankful I found them. This website is great too. Amos has a new friend in Ocean Blue who was Miss March. Thanks Jenny for all the work you put into this website for all of us.
Hi Mary & Amos,
Love love loved your sweet story about how Amos got his little sweet name, he is so much
Like Ocean, she is in the bathroom sink all the time & loves to play in the bathtub, she also
Turns on the bathtub faucets & drinks from them, she also loves to open the shower door & go
In & snoop around!!! The pictures of Amos are a delight!!! I just love this little Ragdoll kitten of yours!!
I talk about him to my twin girls all the time!! It has been so much fun corresponding with you, Mary,
& I can’t get enough of his precious photos. Soon Ocean will get her Kitty Holster & I will take some
Photos of her in it for you & Amos to see!!!
Joyce and Ocean! I have so enjoyed getting to know you two since March. Ocean has little girl written all over her! Can’t wait to see her in her new holster. I plan on getting Amos a nice one when he finishes filling out. Thanks for reading Amos’ little story. Have a safe trip and we will talk soon after your return home!
Such a great story about Amos! Myself and Milo love it! It’s so cute how he watches you out the window when you go to work! Bless him!
From your buddy Milo (and his owner Nicole!)
I’m glad to know your name. We love watching Milo and look forward to seeing his pictures every day. Obviously, we missed seeing him when you were busy. I hate driving off with him watching but he is there watching when I get home too. They are neat little cats. I am finding that dog people really like these cats too. My friend Joyce (above comment) sent me a video of her little Ocean chasing their dog. It is really hysterical!
Thanks for reading about us and I truly have enjoy getting to know you & Milo.
Here is my email in case you need/want it:
So little, so cute, so precious 🙂
Thank you Beth! So little for such a little time.
Me and my boyfriend just moved in new flat and decided to get a cat. We did a research on cat breeds and their characters and characteristics and we decided to get a ragdoll. We already chose kitten we’re getting, boy named Julliard and we’re really excited to become their “parents” in a month. We already bought cat tree and some stuff for him 🙂 I’m sure we’ll be happy with him as much you’re with your little fella Amos. Great story and pictures.
Thank you for reading about my Amos. You will not be sorry for choosing a Rag and within 5 minutes your heart will belong to him. They are so smart and have a way of letting you know what they want. I too hope you are as captive with your new baby as we are. I will go on and say you will be as happy. Amos rules the house!
Thanks again!
He is such a little doll! I love the mascara picture.
Ha! It’s mine too. It was a shock to me and I don’t think he ever knew what happened. I know we had a mess, every where but the expression on his face was great!
Ah Amos Amos Amos
I love this little guy
my kitten, Yuki and I enjoy catching his
daily antics – just ŵīsh could give him a hug
but alas I’m too far away! 🙁
I am currently sat reading this on my phone – now
replying and Yuki, my silver Bengal is sat on my
shoulder watching everything I do and doing her
best parrot impression!!
Ah Amos you little star and thanks for introducing
me into your wonderful world – and your ma too
Hugs to all
Klare x
Thanks Klare! We spend much time chatting through Yuki and Amos. I love watching both of them grow up through pictures even if we are continents apart. Do you Bengal people have a wonderful website like this? If not, you should start one since you don’t have enough hobbies and interests. Ha!
Thanks for reading about my Amos! We love you and Yuki!
Mary – what an epic idea. I was thinking maybe a twitter account – Amos can be an honourary Bengal.
An yes, I love watching him grow up and chatting to you 🙂
K xx
Dearest Mary and Amos
Alas something has gone horribly wrong with instagram – my account for Yuki got deleted and so has my personal one and my photography one.
they are looking into why 🙁
I am gutted
So I will no longer able to see your sweet posts :'(
I will check back to see if you reply to this – other than that, it was fun while lasted and enjoyed our lovely chats
Klare & Yuki
They will get it corrected. Someone else experienced that yesterday. You can always email me:
We can’t do without Klare and Yuki!
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for sharing Amos with us! It is impossible not to be smitten with him!
I heard of a woman quitting her job as CEO to spend more time with her three ragdolls, and seeing Amos
at the window, now I know why! What a gorgeous and sweet little boy….. I forwarded your story to my husband because I know he’ll love Amos too!
Thank you for reading about my Amos. He really is a treat and keeps this house rocking! Do you have a Rag? They truly are great creatures and super smart. Hope your husband enjoys Amos too!
Again, thank you.
Thank you so much for featuring Amos this month. Since this was submitted he has grown quite a bit. We still play our games and he now goes outside with a harness and leash. We were quite the sight at Pet Smart a couple of weeks ago. There is nothing like the Ragdoll breed. Very thankful I found them. This website is great too. Amos has a new friend in Ocean Blue who was Miss March. Thanks Jenny for all the work you put into this website for all of us.
Hi Mary & Amos,
Love love loved your sweet story about how Amos got his little sweet name, he is so much
Like Ocean, she is in the bathroom sink all the time & loves to play in the bathtub, she also
Turns on the bathtub faucets & drinks from them, she also loves to open the shower door & go
In & snoop around!!! The pictures of Amos are a delight!!! I just love this little Ragdoll kitten of yours!!
I talk about him to my twin girls all the time!! It has been so much fun corresponding with you, Mary,
& I can’t get enough of his precious photos. Soon Ocean will get her Kitty Holster & I will take some
Photos of her in it for you & Amos to see!!!
Talk soon my friends!!
Joyce & Ocean
Joyce and Ocean! I have so enjoyed getting to know you two since March. Ocean has little girl written all over her! Can’t wait to see her in her new holster. I plan on getting Amos a nice one when he finishes filling out. Thanks for reading Amos’ little story. Have a safe trip and we will talk soon after your return home!