Acupuncture for Cats – How Feline Acupuncture Can Provide Holistic Pain Management and Aid in Resolving Health Challenges

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, has indeed been recognized as a potential treatment option for cats, offering a range of health benefits when administered appropriately. While the concept of using acupuncture on animals might seem unconventional, many cat owners and veterinarians have reported positive outcomes and improved well-being in feline patients.

This gentle and non-invasive therapy has gained popularity due to its ability to complement conventional veterinary care, promoting overall wellness and relief from various conditions in our feline companions.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture for Cats IMG_3475 blue lynx mitted Ragdoll cat Trigg
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Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment that uses very fine needles inserted at strategic points to release endorphins and improve blood flow. It can help with several conditions.

Acupuncture as Pain Relief

acupuncture for cats caymus dr linda faris dvm full body
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While acupuncture doesn’t hurt, when done correctly, it still releases the endorphins that can relieve pain. So, the treatment can minimize the need for your cat to use pain relief medication following injury or illness.

Immune System Boost

acupuncture for cats caymus dr linda faris dvm
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Acupuncture can help to stimulate the immune system, triggering a reaction that can help fight off diseases.

Stimulate Healing

acupuncture for cats ragdoll cat caymus dr linda faris dvm
Photo credit: Used with permission for Floppycats.

If your kitty has been injured, acupuncture can help stimulate the body’s healing processes to recover quickly.

Treat Skin Conditions

Seal mitted ragdoll cat charlie laying down on a patio outside
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Certain skin conditions can be helped through acupuncture, which can help reduce the pain and any itchiness your cat is suffering.

A Complementary Treatment

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While acupuncture can help many conditions, it is not a miracle cure. It should be considered a complementary treatment, not something to be relied on solely.

How Cats Respond

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Cats tend to respond very well to acupuncture. Because it doesn’t cause pain, many kitties will relax once treatment has started and can be pretty docile throughout – but of course, every cat is different.

Professionals Only

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Acupuncture should only be carried out on cats by veterinary acupuncturists – professional veterinarians trained in the procedure. It’s not something that any amateur can do!

Length of Session

Caymus receiving acupuncture
Photo credit: Used with permission for Floppycats.

Sessions vary and can be as short as a minute and as long as a half hour. Your kitty’s acupuncturist would be able to explain the treatment plan.

How Many Treatments?

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Most acupuncture treatments will involve multiple sessions so your cat can enjoy the full benefit. Still, it will vary on a case-by-case basis.


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A more modern version of the treatment is laser acupuncture or acupressure. This uses tiny lasers instead of needles but is not widely available.

Insurance Coverage

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If you’re considering acupuncture for your cat, check your pet insurance policy; some cover alternative treatments, including acupuncture.

Alarming Moments: Cats Caught in Embarrassing and Compromising Situations

Crazy cat look
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Sometimes you’ll catch your kitty in a compromising pose – as these cats prove.

Read More – Feline Fiascos: Cats Caught in Embarrassing and Compromising Situations

Does Your Cat Twitch When Being Pet?

Grumpy cat looking at the camera
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome – sometimes called rippling skin syndrome – is a condition that can affect some cats. It gives them extremely sensitive skin, which can cause them distress, particularly if they are petted in that area.

Unfairly Labeled: Cat Lovers Speak Out Against the Harmful Stereotypes and Unjust Treatment of Orange Cats

Orange cat starring intently at the camera
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Orange cats are more likely to be males than females, but are they the airheaded species of the feline world? Many hilarious videos of cat antics can be credited to fuzzy, ginger kitties, but can the urban legends be true? Can their sweet, affectionate, and simple nature be attributed to genes? 

Read More – Cat Lovers Speak Out Against the Harmful Stereotypes and Unjust Treatment of Orange Cats

The Hidden Triggers: Identifying Common but Unnoticed Allergens Affecting Your Cat’s Health

Grumply cat with gold eyes
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

If your cat is constantly licking, biting, and itching a lot, it could be a sign they’re suffering from allergies. But you might not realize what they’re allergic to – and it could be something you’d never even considered.

Read More – Uncovering Hidden Allergies for Cats

Two Largest Cat Breeds – 17 Pound Cats?!

A Maine Coon cat and kitten
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Maine Coon cats and Ragdoll cats are the two most popular large cat breeds in the world. They both have long, beautiful coats and imposing figures, and they are both outstanding cats, but there are some key differences between these two gorgeous cats. 

Read More – 18 Differences in Ragdoll Cats Vs Maine Coon Cats

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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