5 Ways to Spice Up Ragdoll Cat Food

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**If your kitty has stopped eating or has become disinterested in food, it is always best to have your vet check them out. This article targets healthy kitties who are not eating – but I did use some of these tricks on my old man, Rags, when he was dying of renal disease and not wanting to eat as much.**

It can take a long time to get a cat’s diet right. First, you must see what the cat likes best from the recommended dietary options; based on that, you must provide a complete and balanced diet.

One of the most significant difficulties owners face when setting up their Ragdoll cat food plan is feeding the cat the same food over a more extended period.

Ragdoll Cat Trigg Eating Canned Wet Food Out of PawNosh Glass Pet Bowls on WooPet Pet Food Mat P1010452

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Even if the food is of excellent quality and even if the cat loves the food, after having it a few times, your kitty could stop eating it or lose interest in it. Some cats even refuse to eat it all together.

If this sounds familiar to you, you’ll be glad to find out that there are still a few things you can try to spark your cat’s interest in the food. In addition, there can add a few products to your Ragdoll cat food to make it more delicious.

1. Add Nutritional Yeast Powder

Bragg Premium Nutritional Yeast Seasoning Shaker Top

Sprinkle a small amount (less than a tablespoon) of nutritional yeast on top of your Ragdoll’s cat food to give it a unique aroma. This powder (more like a fish food flake consistency) has a very appealing taste, so it is bound to put a new spin on food your cat is bored with.

Nutritional yeast powder is a particular type of yeast that is grown in special conditions and then prepared thermally so that it is no longer active. Please note that active yeast, used for baking, is not a good cat food supplement because it can be toxic to them.

Nutritional yeast powder is a nutritional supplement often used by vegetarians in their diets. It has a pleasant taste with a cheesy and nutty flavor. People use it in their food and even as a topping for popcorn precisely because it is so delicious.

Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of B vitamins and protein. Including it in your cat’s diet will make its coat look healthier, smoother, and shinier.

2. Sprinkle with Whole Life Pet Treat Powder/Dust

Whole Life Pet Products New Packaging 2018

As you finish your bag of Whole Life Pet Treats, you’re always left with a bit of powder and small bits of food at the bottom. So instead of throwing it out, store it, and use it to spark up your Ragdoll cat’s food.

You can combine various flavors like chicken, beef, and salmon into one bag and mix it up to get a tasty topping for your cat’s food.

Whole Life Pet Treats Just One’s or their new realFoodie’s are freeze-dried, so you can add some extra water to the food bowl when you add the powder. For example, add warm water to the cat food, add the Whole Life sprinkles, and mix or leave it on the top.

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It will make the bits easier to chew and turn the water into a tasty soup that your cat is bound to be curious about. Please look at our video about using the powder at the bottom of the Whole Life Pet Treat bag to see every step of the process!

3. Move the Bowl to an Odd Location

If your cat is no longer interested in its food, make the meal more fun to get your cat’s attention. For example, Ragdoll cats love to play, so move the bowl to an odd location when you want to make a meal special.

First, your cat will go to the regular place where you keep the bowl and notice no food waiting. Then, it will search the area, and when there is nothing to find, it will have to use its tracking skills to get its meal.

It will smell the food and will have a great time finding it. Place the bowl somewhere in the house where the cat will have to work a bit to get it and climb.

This way, the food in the bowl is a reward. Even if the cat had the same food the day before, it would taste better after working on getting to it.

5 Ways to Spice Up Ragdoll Cat Food IMG_3185
Charlie is eating food I brought to the bathroom for him.

I have a hard time getting Charlie to eat in the summer. He likes to sleep in the guest bath sink. So late at night, when I am headed to bed, I will prepare food for him, bring it upstairs, and set it down on the floor in the bathroom where Charlie sleeps. 100% of the time, he will get out of the sink and eat.

4. Warm Up the Food

Another simple way to spice up your Ragdoll cat’s food is warming it up. This changes the flavor, texture, and smell of the food enough to make it very interesting to your cat.

Ziwi Peak Canned Cat Food - Rabbit and Lamb Ragdoll Cat Charlie Eating

Here are a few simple ways to properly warm up cat food:

  • Add warm water – Add a few tablespoons (up to half a cup) of warm water to get the cat’s food. Mix in the water to level up the temperature. Please note that the water should be warm, not hot. Adding hot water to the food may change the texture of the food too much and give it an odd taste. Moreover, hot water might overheat the food, and your cat might burn its tongue or mouth eating it. And then they will forever associate pain with that food and won’t want it again. So be careful!
  • Add low-sodium chicken broth – If you want to make your Ragdoll cat food a success, then chicken broth is bound to do that because it will add a lot of flavors. Adding warm broth will also change the texture and the smell of the food, making it even more appealing to your cat, so it is worth trying out. Remember that the broth should be low in sodium, so don’t add salt if you make it yourself. Avoid chicken broths with onions, chives, or garlic because these are not good for your cat.
  • DO NOT Microwave the Food – You might be tempted to think that a simple way to warm up your cat’s food is by popping it in the microwave for a few seconds. However, this is very dangerous, and you should avoid it. When you put food in the microwave, the temperature of the food is not leveled. Some areas might be cold, while others can be extremely hot. To avoid accidents, you shouldn’t microwave your cat’s food to warm it up. Using warm water is a more straightforward solution, adding some extra moisture to the food, which is a bonus.
Seal Mitted Ragdoll Cat Murphy eating Weruva Cats in the Kitchen Pumpkin Lickin Chicken with dry food on top IMG_0140

5. Sprinkle with Grated Parmesan Cheese

An excellent hack to make homemade cat food extra tasty is sprinkling a bit of Parmesan cheese on top of it. Use less than a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and sprinkle it on your cat’s food.

This will make it creamier and tastier, and your cat will spot the difference. You can also sprinkle the cheese on top of warmed-up cat food to get an even more powerful smell and aroma.

You can only use this once in a while with your cat food, but it can be an instant success.

6. Sprinkle Some Bonito Tuna Flakes on Top

Trigg eating Eden Foods Bonito Flakes

Long ago, someone suggested this to me when I was having trouble with my Rags eating his food. It is also a great treat – but as with any fish (because of mercury levels in our oceans), it should be used sparingly.

My two love Bonito Tuna Flakes, and I prefer the ones from Eden Foods. Bonito Tuna Flakes are steamed mackerel that is smoked, aged, and dried to wood-like hardness; it’s then shaved into delicate flakes. Many Asian countries use these flakes in noodle broth and soup stock.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to spice up Ragdoll cat food. From sprinkling some nutritional yeast powder, bonito tuna flakes, or some cheese on top of it to warming it up with water or chicken broth and to coating it with that delicious powder at the bottom of the Whole Life bags, you can make each meal a real treat for your cat!

Do you have any tips to add to these six ways to spice up your Ragdoll cat food?

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Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other Ragdoll cat lovers around the world,

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  1. Really great ideas and thank you so much!

  2. SUPER PAWESOME & FABULOUS POST, Jenny honey! What great ideas! TYSVM for this amazing info! I don’t have any other ideas to suggest. I think you got it covered with great tasty ways to entice our kittehs to chow down when they are being finicky! YAY!! 🙂 <3

    Big hugs & lots of love & purrs!

    Patti & Miss Pink Sugarbelle 🙂 <3 <3 <3

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